13 Secret Struggles Of A Neat Freak


[Photo: giphy]

Tidy freaks have it rough. People who don’t understand their need to clean label them insane or them “OCD”. They live in a world where mess makes them feel chaotic on the inside and super uneasy in their surroundings.?

Spare a thought for their distress next time you walk away from a sink full of dirty dishes.?

1. A friend pops by unannounced and suddenly every little thing out of place becomes overwhelmingly obvious.?

[Photo: tumblr]

2. You find it impossible to concentrate when there’s mess around you. ?


[Photo: Youtube]

3. Cupboards of doom are not okay.


[Photo: allsorts]

4. Scenes like this bring you deep joy:


[Photo: purewow]

mmm, lovely lovely order.


[Photo: uptodateinteriors]

5. Scenes like this are like pouring molten lava in your eyes:


[Photo: whiskeyjack]


[Photo: canitbesaturdaynow]

6. You make your bed every morning even if you’re in a hotel because that’s how sane people live.


[Photo: amazingr]

7. Messy housemates are a constant bone of contention.?


[Photo: tumblr]

8. The best part of throwing a house party is cleaning up after everyone’s gone.


[Photo: tumblr]

9. Other peoples mess secretly fills you with horror (and super judgy thoughts).


[Photo: reactiongifs]

10. A clean house makes the world feel like a safer place.


[Photo: makeameme]

11. Documentaries and?news stories about hoarders give you panic attacks.

[Photo: Linkedin]

12. You usually sit down to a cold dinner because you can’t cope in a messy kitchen and need to do the dishes before you can relax and eat.


13. Junk on the dining table makes you want to pull your hair out. It’s not a desk. Why are people using it as a desk?!

[Photo: mostlyfitmom]

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