11 Wellness Essentials Actress Sarah Hyland Swears By

Photo credit: Images courtesy of Amazon/Sourse/Ouai/Sephora
Photo credit: Images courtesy of Amazon/Sourse/Ouai/Sephora

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Welcome to Take the Edge Off, a series that breaks down the beauty and self-care routines of influencers, CEOs, experts, and celebrities. Find out how they unwind and decompress, while taking a closer look at the holy grail essentials they're currently raving about.

If you're a fan of hit TV series Modern Family's 11 seasons, chances are you're also a fan of actress Sarah Hyland, who counts herself not only as one of the show's stars, but also a health and wellness advocate. "Health is of the utmost importance to me because of my background with it," she tells BAZAAR.com of her journey, which includes two kidney transplants starting at the age of 21. In an effort to further her knowledge and experience in the space, Hyland decided to join forces with wellness company Sourse, where she currently serves as creative director.

"I'm just super excited to be a part of the Sourse team," Hyland continues. "It's been so fun to get on phone calls, come up with new product ideas, and see those actually come to life. I'm proud to create an easy and delicious way for everyone to consume their daily supplements."

After testing the brand's array of vitamin options, Hyland knew almost instantly she wanted to be part of the overall development process. "I take a lot of vitamins and dietary supplements anyway, and run everything by my doctors just in case. And it's so nice to be able to cut down my pill volume and give myself a little treat with chocolate at the same time. I instantly had ideas for new products, because I know so much about the health space and what women need. It's nice to contribute to something that's been such a massive theme in my life."

Learn more about Hyland's favorite ways to de-stress—including essential oil aromatherapy, soothing Epsom salt baths, and of course, chocolate—along with some of her holy-grail beauty and wellness picks, ahead.

What are you reading these days?

The last book I read before leaving for a trip overseas was In Five Years by Rebecca Seerle, and I'm currently in the midst of reading The Body Keeps the Score, which is about mind and body trauma, and how trauma and stress can manifest within your body. And all of that is super interesting, and kind of in line with this health-themed interview we're doing right now. But I'm feeling so much better going about my days and changing my perspective on things, so I'm really excited to finish it.

What are some of your go-to bath and/or shower products?

I just really love bath salts; Epsom salt baths are just so amazing. And depending on what my mood is, I'll add corresponding essential oils to my baths. If I want to relax and feel peace and calm, I'll add lavender oil. If I'm looking to feel energized, maybe I'll add some orange or peppermint essential oil. And after every shower, before I dry off, I put coconut oil all over my body to lock in moisture.

What beauty or self-care products do you use on a regular basis to help combat Zoom fatigue?

We actually have a new product from Sourse called Energy Bites. It's made with matcha green tea, and it gives your body energy without the side effects or jitters from drinking coffee or an energy drink. And the bites also keep your attention and memory on track because of the green tea caffeine, which is naturally sourced—get it? But those are really great for when you're on Zoom meetings all day long and you feel your eyes start to disassociate.

Do you have a favorite hand sanitizer, soap, and/or cream right now?

I love OUAI's hand wash and lotion—they smell so good, and feel amazing on your skin.

Do you ever light a candle or stick of incense to decompress? If so, what are some of your favorites?

You're talking to a witch here. But yes, I love sandalwood and dragon's blood incense, those are my go-tos—I also really love the scent of cedar as well. I used to light sage all the time but I don't anymore. Now if I want to cleanse a space or my aura or something, I'll use either incense or Palo Santo.

What was the last beauty product you put on today?

Does deodorant count? Oh actually, I have a better answer. The last beauty product I put on was the Peter Thomas Roth 24-karat gold under-eye patches, and the last beauty product I put in were our Glow Bites.

Are you into bold makeup, no makeup, or 'no-makeup makeup' right now, and why?

I've never been super into wearing a ton of makeup, purely because I can't do it—I'm actually horrific at it. So I just try to keep everything as simple as possible: I'm a big brows, mascara, lip liner girl. If I'm seeing people, I'm definitely into no-makeup makeup. If I'm not seeing people, then absolutely nothing at all.

What's the last fitness class you streamed or attended in person?

I just got back from being in Berlin for almost three months, and I just took my second Forma Pilates class—it kicked my arse. I'm trying to get back in shape to really just feel strong at the end of the day; I haven't been able to work out in such a long time. I'm back on the bandwagon of Pilates and strength training. I think it's really important for women specifically to diversify their workout routines and not be scared of lifting weights. I always feel really empowered when I'm leg pressing 150 pounds and all the men at the gym are looking over like, 'What the fuck?!'

What's one piece of self-care advice you'd recommend to our readers?

I think self-care is really about listening to your body: when you need to rest, when you need to push yourself. It's all about how you feel, and what is going to make you feel good—for me, that's eating chocolate. And I also think self-care is feeling strong and empowered within yourself, and at the end of the day. just giving gratitude for what your body does for you.

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