10 Types Of People You’ll Find In Every Yoga Class

[Photo: Thoughtsshop]
Think a yoga class is a place to work on your body, mind and spirit? Think again my friend. It’s full of entertainment and it comes in the form of these classroom archetypes…
1. The exhibitionist
Racing their way through sequences, always one pose ahead of the teacher, the exhibitionist has got their chakras out and they want you to know. It’s like that episode of ‘Friends’ where Monica goes to a beginners cooking class and is well smug for getting all the questions right because she is a professional chef.

[Photo: photobucket]
2. The newbie
God bless the newbie. Their anxious head swivelling all about as they try to figure out their left from their right. Maybe they’ll stay till the end of class, maybe they won’t.

[Photo: giphy]
3. The queefer
Yeah, you heard me. The one who does fanny farts. American or English. They don’t care, they’re in a yoga class, man.

[Photo: HunterDoodles]
4. The silent weeper
On their back during end-of-class quiet time is where you’ll find the weeper; tears streaming into their hair in sweet sweet…release? Regret? Meniscal tear?

[Photo: nakedpastor]
5. The guy in the tight, tight shorts
He doesn’t care if you can see the exact outline of his willy. He’s not there for you, he’s there for yoga.

[Photo: giphy]
6. The latecomer
The latecomer has paid for this class and will show up whenever she damn chooses.

[Photo: giphy]
7. The competitive one
The competitive one wants to win the yoga class, forcing their inflexible body beyond it’s limit. They’re not prepared to work up to poses, they must do them now, now, now!

[Photo: giphy]
8. The ultimate mouth-breather
This person is doing Pranayama and wants you to know.

9. The giggler
The giggler is laughing at the queefer, that man’s willy, the mouth-breather, the exhibitionist and themselves all at once while simultaneously forgetting what they were laughing about in the first place. They’re not sure yoga is for them.

[Photo: giphy]
10.The one who lost touch with their body
This person has come to realise it’s been many many years since they attempted to touch their toes. The best they can manage is a 90 degree angle bent at the waist.