10 things you shouldn't store in the fridge

foods not stored in fridge
Foods you shouldn't store in the fridgebluecinema - Getty Images

When you get home from the supermarket with bags full of grocery shopping, you may want to cram it all in the fridge so that you can put your feet up. But this is a mistake! Overfilling your fridge makes it less efficient, and some of the food you're probably keeping in there would taste better – and last for longer – kept at room temperature.

Storing food correctly can help reduce food waste by making more room for the items that do need to be chilled. With the ongoing cost of living crisis putting the squeeze on our finances and the environmental impact of food waste to consider, reducing the 4.5 million tonnes of food that WRAP says we waste each year appeals on many fronts.

Here's our list of food that shouldn't be stored in the fridge.


You should never keep bread in the fridge. The starch molecules in bread crystallize very quickly at cool temperatures, which causes the bread to turn stale much faster when refrigerated.

Shop-bought loaves should be kept in an air-tight plastic bag at room temperature, rather than in the fridge. For bakery breads that are usually sold in a paper bag, remove them from the bag, wrap tightly in compostable cling film or a beeswax wrap, and store at room temperature.

Bread boxes and Lakeland bread bags are also great if you want to keep a loaf for a couple of days.

foods not stored in fridge
Daniel Day - Getty Images


You may think that because onions are a vegetable, they belong in the salad crisper drawer of your fridge. But actually, they'd be better off in dry, ventilated areas — plus, keeping them away from other foods stops them spreading their strong smell where it isn't wanted.

Make sure that you store them in a dark place, too, otherwise they'll sprout. It's also worth noting that if you only use half an onion, you can freeze the rest.


There's no problem with keeping garlic in the fridge per se, but if you're pushed for space, garlic will live happily in a dry, ventilated area.


Any avocado lover knows that there's only a short window between them being rock hard and turning to mush. Keeping them in the fridge is a sure fire way to get around the problem by slowing the rate at which they ripen.

Keep them in open brown bags and, when you do want to speed the ripening process up, cosy them up with a banana.

However, once cut, avocados are best stored in the fridge in a food container with a lid.


These taste better at room temperature and of very little if they are too cold, so whip them out and keep them on the kitchen countertop away from direct sunlight.

foods not stored in fridge
Mint Images - Getty Images


Honey is a natural preservative and doesn't require refrigeration. Plus, it becomes hard and difficult to spread when it's too cold. Put it back in the cupboard!


Unless your cake has a real cream or cream cheese filling or icing, it’s fine to store it in an airtight container for around three days (if it hangs around that long!).


If the melon is whole, keep it in the bowl! By that we mean the fruit bowl.

Once you’ve cut into it, wrap it tightly in cling film, a beeswax wrap or place it in a large food storage container, and store it in the fridge. The same goes for mangoes and peppers.


Whether it’s in bean or ground form, coffee should never be stored in the fridge, as it easily absorbs the smells of other foods. Keep it in an airtight container, instead.


You don’t buy them from the chilled aisle, and yet, most people rush home and put them straight in the fridge.

Storing UK eggs at room temperature is perfectly safe if you have a cool kitchen (ideally, eggs should be stored at less than 20°C, according to the official British Lion Eggs advice), Not to mention, you’ll get better results when baking or boiling with room temperature eggs!

GHI Tip: To help make the most of your fridge space, check the food packet instructions to ensure that foods that are suitable can go in the freezer.

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