10 Magnesium-Rich Foods to Enhance Performance and Speed Up Recovery

products rich of potassium and magnesium
10 Magnesium-Rich Foods to Enhance Performancesamael334 - Getty Images

Vital for muscle function, nerve health and energy production, magnesium is one of the most important nutrients that'll directly benefit health.

Magnesium is a frequently overlooked mineral which you could be losing on a daily basis through your hard graft in the gym. In fact, it's estimated that you could lose around 120-200mg of magnesium per hour of intense physical activity. With the RDA sitting at roughly 400mg for men, intense sweating could be depleting your stores, fast.

Luckily Men's Health have listed the very best foods high in magnesium to help restock your stores. But what about magnesium supps, we hear you say. Yes, they are very effective, but a 'food first' approach is a far better place to start. Not only will you consume a wider variety of vitamins and minerals through real food, you'll save money too.

assortment of healthy high magnesium sources food
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What Are the Benefits of Magnesium?

Muscular Strength and Bone Density

Magnesium is crucial for muscle and nerve function as it helps regulate neuromuscular signals. According to sports nutritionist Rudy Mawer, 'Magnesium’s functions in the body are very diverse, ranging from regulating muscle contractions, oxygen delivery and even initiating protein synthesis.'

It's also a key component in the structure of bones and teeth, contributing to their strength and density.

Energy Production

Magnesium is involved in the production of ATP, the primary energy currency of cells. This mineral is vital if you want to hit your performance goals in the gym.

Cardiovascular Health

In terms of cardiovascular health, magnesium helps maintain a steady heartbeat and supports blood vessel function. It also plays a role in regulating blood pressure.

Improved Sleep

According to Mawer, 'Magnesium supplementation may also aid in sleep quality and help you relax, which makes it a popular nighttime supplement.' While more research is needed, some studies suggest that magnesium may have a positive impact on sleep. Research published in Biological Trace Element Research revealed an association between magnesium status and sleep quality.

Blood Sugar Control

Magnesium is involved in glucose metabolism, potentially aiding in the management of blood sugar levels. 'Magnesium may also play a role in insulin sensitivity. It has been previously shown that low magnesium levels may decrease your body’s ability to mediate blood sugar uptake into the cells,' says Mawer.

Stress Management

Evidence published in Nutrients mentioned that past studies have shown that there could be a link between magnesium deficiency and increased susceptibility to stress disorders. Some science has further suggested that stress itself can lead to magnesium depletion.

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What Are the Signs of Magnesium Deficiency?

While magnesium deficiency is rare, it can occur. If you suspect you have any deficiencies, it's important to contact your GP for proper guidance. Here are some of the signs:

  • Muscle cramps or spasms

  • Fatigue

  • Nausea or vomiting

  • Loss of appetite

  • Abnormal heart rhythms

  • Tingling or numbness

  • Personality changes

  • Seizures

10 Best Foods High in Magnesium

spinach testosterone food
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1/ Leafy Greens

Per 100 grams, spinach has 79 mg of magnesium, and kale has 57 mg. With their low calorie content, they are ideal high in magnesium foods for those on a calorie controlled diet. Incorporate them into your diet by adding spinach to smoothies, making a nutrient packed salad with kale or sautéing your greens for a side dish.

food, superfood, plant, bean, frijoles negros, ingredient, produce, seed, spoon, fruit,
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2/ Beans & Pulses

Beans and pulses such as chickpeas and lentils are excellent sources of magnesium. These legumes support muscle and nerve function while providing fibre and protein.

  • Per 100 grams, black beans have 171 mg of magnesium

  • Kidney beans, 140 mg

  • Pinto beans, 176 mg

  • Lentils, 36 mg

  • Chickpeas, 115 mg

  • Heinz baked beans, 43 mg.

Include them in your diet by making hearty soups, using them to top your salads or as the main attraction in curries.

muscle building foods
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3/ Soy

Perfect for smoothies, per 100 grams, soy milk has 25 mg of magnesium. Edamame has 64 mg, making it a perfect high in magnesium food to add to salads or as a standalone high protein snack.

Brown Basmati Rice , selective focus
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4/ Grains

Whole grains like quinoa, brown rice and oats are magnesium powerhouses. Opting for these whole grain options like brown rice can deliver 43 mg of magnesium per 100 grams. For a simple sandwich upgrade, choosing wholemeal or brown bread options contains 59mg of magnesium per 100 grams.

pumpkin seeds
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5/ Seeds

Per 100 grams, seeds pack an impressive amount of magnesium. However, be mindful of the calorie content – smaller portions would be more suitable.

  • Per 100g, pumpkin seeds contain 592 mg of magnesium

  • Sunflower seeds, 325 mg

  • Sesame seeds, 351 mg

  • Chia seeds, 335 mg.

Perfect for sprinkling on salads and yoghurt.

mixed nuts in bowl
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6/ Nuts

Almonds contain 268 mg of magnesium per 100 grams, cashews 251 mg and peanuts 168 mg. Great for packing on-the go. A suitable portion size is a small handful.

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Hearst Owned

7/ Fish

Seafood such as salmon, mackerel and halibut are great sources of magnesium. Salmon packs 27 mg per 100 grams and can be baked or grilled. Tuna contains 44mg grams and is an easy contribution to your protein intake by adding to salads or pasta.

greek yoghurt with fruit
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8/ Dairy

Milk, cheese and yoghurt contain magnesium and are great additions to your diet. Per 100 grams, yoghurt has 11 mg of magnesium and milk has 10 mg. Include milk in your protein shakes, or start the day with yoghurt with nuts and seeds as a high magnesium breakfast.

dish, food, cuisine, ingredient, produce, rillettes, vegetarian food, plant, goat cheese
Hearst Owned

9/ Avocado

Super versatile and a favourite amongst the health conscious, avocados deliver many benefits along with their magnesium content. Perfect for salads or on whole grain toast, avocados have 29 mg of magnesium per 100 grams.

Rustic homemade dark chocolate
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10/ Dark Chocolate

As high in magnesium foods go, it's no surprise that dark chocolate is perhaps one of the more calorific options. However, you'll find 176 mg of magnesium per 100 grams. A couple of squares is an ideal portion delivering 35 mg and great for topping for porridge or yoghurt.

Foods High in Magnesium: The Best Recipes

  1. Chicken and Spinach Curry

  2. Teriyaki Salmon Traybake

  3. Turkish Eggs

  4. Cashew, Carrot and Sesame Quinoa

  5. Chickpea, Walnut and Green Bean Salad

The Best Magnesium Supplements

While it's best to include lots of high in magnesium foods, here are some supplements to include alongside your diet:

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