Fight the winter blues with these tips that actually work

The big freeze may be coming to an end but spring is still weeks away, and because the winter blues is an actual thing often referred to as seasonal affective disorder, try these tips to get over those winter blues.

While there is less sun during the winter months, you don't have to lose out on your vitamin D. Taking a supplement during the cold months can boost your immune system. You can also up your vitamin d game with foods like fish milk and eggs.

Spending your day indoors? Make a book or movie list! Check off those classic books you've never read but always wanted too, or, grab some popcorn and settle down to any exciting movie. It'll be sure to keep your mind preoccupied from those harsh winter winds.

While you're stuck inside try something like organising your bedroom or repainting the house. Not only will it keep you distracted but it will also make you feel like you accomplished something.

If you're lucky enough have a fireplace, use it! For those without a fireplace, heading to a warm coffee shop or even lighting a few candles can give you the same comforting feeling that you desire during these cold months.

And finally - embrace the cold temperatures. Whether you have kids or not - get a sledge, invite some friends and warm up with some hot chocolate after.