Zendaya and Timothée Chalamet's Cutest Friendship Moments

zendaya tom holland
Zendaya and Timmy Have the Cutest Friendship ❤️Getty Images

Never expected to stan a celebrity friendship (other than Snoop Dogg and Martha Stewart), but then Zendaya and Timothée Chalamet filmed Dune together and now some of us (not naming names) are out here following Zendaya x Timmy fan accounts.

And thanks to these two promoting Dune: Part Two, they're back on the carpet doing their thing ("their thing" = matching outfits) and being hilarious during press interviews.

Though mutual trolling side, these two have a very deep bond. As Zendaya told Glamour, "I think being able to communicate and talk to him about a specific experience in life a lot of people maybe haven't experienced, or don't quite understand, you need that. It makes you feel a little less alone, like you're not in this by yourself, you're not floating. There's other people you can grab onto and help you through it."

And as Timmy told Variety, “Zendaya has really become a sister. I’m so grateful to count her as a partner and a sister and a friend.”

Welp. Go ahead and take a quick break to 😭 and then dive into their cutest friendship moments!

The Time They Wore Matching Jumpsuits

You're not best friends if you haven't gone out in public wearing matching outfits at least once. Or twice. Or basically every time you go out in public.

the movie 'dune part two' press conference in seoul
The Chosunilbo JNS - Getty Images

When They Were Caught Practicing Greeting Fans

Honestly, the double peace signs would have made an amazing entrance so there's always next time.

When Timmy Lost All Chill Talking About Kissing Zendaya

He was basically unable to respond to the interviewer's question about their on-screen kiss and just burst into laughter.

When They Danced on the Red Carpet

Secret bff handshakes > secret bff dances. (See: Taylor Swift and Brittany Mahomes' much-trolled handshake.)

When Timmy Called Tom Holland Zendaya's Crush and She Lost It

Tom Holland and Zendaya: "Let's keep our relationship private."

Timothee Chalemet: No

When Zendaya Side-Eyed Timmy During His Musings on Dreams

We all have that one friend who likes to talk about the "weird dream they had last night." Turns out Timmy is that friend.

Their BTS Vibes Filming 'Dune'

Have never been more bitter that I wasn't part of the production crew of a movie. Like, WHAT DID I DO WRONG?

Not to Mention Their Mutual Trolling:

Once again, we all have that one friend who celebrates your birthday by posting a slightly deranged candid photo of you. And once again, Timmy is that friend.

When Timmy Spotted Zendaya on the Red Carpet

He fully interrupted his own interview to say hi to her. (Note to my friends: If you're not interrupting your own career moments to praise my outfit, what are you doing?)

When They Became a Meme

For obvious reasons:

Annnd there you have it! Also, Zendaya and Timothée are obviously promoting Dune: Part Two right now—but please note that before the movie had even been green-lit, Zendaya made it clear the main reason she wanted to sign on was working with Timmy.

"I also became wonderful friends with Timothée, who's now like my family I would say," she told Entertainment Weekly. "We talk all the time about how fun it's gonna be if we get to do it. Selfishly, I want to do [a second film] to have fun and spend time with my friend."

I could literally cry!

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