You've been eating snacks WRONG all this time

Hacks for your snacks

<p>Brent Hofacker/Shutterstock</p>

Brent Hofacker/Shutterstock

When you're chowing down on your favourite snack, the last thing you’re probably thinking is: ‘Am I eating this correctly?’ But you might be surprised how a few handy tips and tricks can make the eating experience even better – either by maximising flavour, cutting down on mess or saving time. After all, we’ve all bitten into a tasty taco only to have the filling completely fall out, or picked up a slice of pizza and the melted cheese has slid off into the box. Here are the genius snack and fast food hacks you really need to know.

Read on to discover 24 snack foods you've been eating wrong your entire life, from tacos to Toblerone – counting down to the most life-changing hack of the lot.

24. Candy floss



Eating candy floss without getting sticky can be tricky, but here are some hacks to help you enjoy this sweet treat mess-free. Instead of biting directly into the larger portion, use your dry fingertips to gently pull off small whisps and quickly place them in your mouth, taking care to avoid touching your lips. Keep the candy floss dry and you will be able to eat every bit of it while it’s still fluffy.

23. Crisps



There’s no ‘correct’ way to eat crisps, as such, but there’s certainly a quieter way. Have you ever found yourself snacking on crisps a bit too loudly in a quiet place? Save the embarrassment and avoid loud noises when munching at your desk or at the cinema by pressing the crisps against the roof of your mouth with your tongue to suppress the noise.

22. Popcorn

<p>Enjoy The Life/Shutterstock</p>

Enjoy The Life/Shutterstock

Popcorn is only good when it’s lovely and crunchy – as soon as it starts to go even slightly stale the texture goes dry and chewy, making it a pretty unpleasant snack. However, there’s an easy and speedy way to revive your popcorn to its former glory by using an air fryer. While it’s not recommended to cook raw corn kernels in an air fryer, you can blast popcorn for a few minutes on a medium to high heat. Alternatively, if you don’t have an air fryer, the same technique works in the oven. Just lay your popcorn out evenly on a baking tray and cook in a hot oven for about five minutes – this is also a great opportunity to add any extra seasonings too.

21. Burgers



Japanese researchers discovered the perfect way to eat a burger without spillage. Here is the method: place your thumbs and little fingers underneath the burger placing all other fingers on the top. Remember not to squeeze the bun too hard. You could also try eating your burger upside down so that the thickest part of the bun is at the bottom – the extra bread soaks up the juices and flavours, and prevents the bottom side (which is usually thinner) from becoming soggy.

20. Sub sandwich

<p>Brent Hofacker/Shutterstock</p>

Brent Hofacker/Shutterstock

It might seem silly to offer advice on how to eat a sandwich, but there are certainly ways to make it less of a messy affair. Part of the beauty of a sub is loading it with as many fillings as possible, but you run the risk of your meat and veggies falling out the bottom in a mayo-soaked pile. Cutting the sub into smaller portions makes it easier to handle and reduces the risk of ingredients spilling out. But if you like to keep your sandwich whole, use a napkin or paper towel to wrap around the bottom half of the sub – this provides a grip and catches any drips or falling ingredients.

19. Ice cream



When ice cream comes straight out of a freezer it’s solid so serving it can be a feat of strength. To make it easier simply place the tub in a bowl of hot water for half a minute to loosen the ice cream. Alternatively, you could place your scooper in hot water for a minute, then use it to cut through the ice cream with ease.

18. Fries and ketchup



If you love your chips totally smothered with ketchup, mayo or vinegar, this one might be controversial – but soaking them in sauce before you’ve started eating is technically ruining them. Any sauce turns crisp, crunchy fries into a soggy mess, so it's always best to keep your condiments on the side, ready for dipping. This will also keep your fingers cleaner too.

17. Burrito



Approach a burrito wrong and the filling will fall out the bottom. Here’s how to eat it right, according to the experts: unwrap it slowly, take it easy on the toppings and keep it upright at all times. If you're making the burrito yourself, make sure to wrap it tightly and fold in the sides before rolling. Use foil to keep it intact, especially if you're on the go.

16. Hot dogs

<p>jeffreyw/Flickr/CC BY 2.0</p>

jeffreyw/Flickr/CC BY 2.0

A fun way to ensure your hot dog sausage cooks evenly and fits perfectly inside your bun is by cutting it into a spiral. The crevices created also allow for condiments and garnishes to stay inside the roll and not fall out the sides. Start by inserting a skewer into the centre of your sausage – this helps maintain a straight cut and makes handling easier – and place it on a cutting board. Starting at one end of the sausage, hold the knife at an angle and begin to cut into the sausage. Rotate it as you cut, maintaining the angle of the knife to create a spiral.


15. Cupcakes

<p>Arina P Habich/Shutterstock</p>

Arina P Habich/Shutterstock

What’s more tempting than a cupcake topped with piles of delicious frosting? However, eating these delicate treats is a surprisingly messy business. Here’s how to avoid covering the tip of your nose in icing: cut a cupcake in half widthways, then turn the top piece over and sandwich the icing between the two sponge pieces. Voila, a mess-free cupcake sandwich.

14. Sushi



If your sushi lunch turns to mush it’s because you’re not following a certain order: first, only lightly dip the topping (such as shrimp or fish) into the soy sauce, not the rice. Then add a small scraping of wasabi. Slithers of ginger should be eaten in between bites as a palate cleanser. And fingers are perfectly acceptable – chopsticks aren’t obligatory.

13. Toffee apple



What’s a trip to the fun fair without one of these sticky treats? Toffee apples look great and taste even better, but they’re notoriously tricky to eat, especially on the go. Next time you get one, rather than biting into the top of the apple, treat it like a corn-on-the-cob and turn it on its side. Holding it in both hands gives you a firmer grip, allowing you to chomp through that hard outer coating with ease.

12. Soft shell tacos

<p>Brent Hofacker/Shutterstock</p>

Brent Hofacker/Shutterstock

When you’ve got a big spread of delicious taco toppings in front of you, it’s very easy to overstuff your shell with goodies. A top tip to keep your taco together is to use a fork as a kind of spear to keep it upright on your plate and, more importantly, keep those fillings inside. We also recommend starting your taco with a base layer of something soft like refried beans, guacamole or melted cheese to help catch and hold other ingredients together. Another idea is to double up your tortillas to make them more robust.

11. Toblerone



Eating a Toblerone bar can be a bit frustrating due to its unique triangular shape and chunky texture, but there's a simple technique to break off pieces without making a mess. It turns out that most of us have just been doing it the wrong way. Rather than grabbing the top of a triangle and pulling it outwards to break it off, try pressing the tip of each section inwards. You'll find it'll break off much more easily.

10. Crisps and dip



Crisps and dip is a longtime staple at parties and gatherings, and we’ve got a great hack for making this crowd-pleasing combo the star of the show. For this simple serving suggestion, which has proven wildly popular on TikTok, all you need is a wine glass and a big plate or platter. Spoon your dip into the wine glass, filling it about halfway, and place in the centre of your platter. Carefully pile the crisps up to the rim of the wine glass, leaning them against the glass and each other to create a sort of crown around the dip. Your guests can now grab a crisp and dip it straight into the glass.

9. Oreos

<p>MethodShop/Flickr/CC BY-SA 2.0</p>

MethodShop/Flickr/CC BY-SA 2.0

Cookies dipped in milk are a match made in heaven, but you do run the risk of getting wet fingers. Looking for a more elegant way to dunk your Oreos? Simple. Stick a fork into the creamy filling and use it to lower your cookie into the glass. This technique works for any stuffed cookie or biscuit.

8. Soup dumplings

<p>glen photo/Shutterstock</p>

glen photo/Shutterstock

Part of the joy of a good soup dumpling is that delicious burst of umami when you bite into them, but the hot liquid and filling can easily end up scalding the inside of your mouth. Leave the dumplings where they are when they come to the table. We repeat: do not remove the dumplings or stab them with a chopstick, as this will cause the liquid to seep out. Remove the paper gently from the dumpling and use your spoon to scoop it up with the knot facing upwards. Then take a small bite out of the side, or nip off the top – this will release the steam.

7. PB&J sandwiches



This no-frills favourite is an American creation but is enjoyed by children (and big kids) all over the world. To create the ultimate no-mess and top-tasting peanut butter and jam sandwich follow this order: spread peanut butter on the bread, add extra peanut butter around the edges of the bread as a kind of buffer, then spoon the jam into the middle.

6. Ramen



Slurping a steaming bowl of ramen is one of life’s greatest joys, and we’ve got a few hacks to help you enjoy your meal with minimal mess and fuss. Instead of just picking up your noodles and stuffing them in your face, a better way to eat ramen is to lift the noodles high above the bowl – this helps to cool the noodles down, so you don't burn your mouth. To avoid unnecessary mess, hold the noodles with chopsticks and support them with a spoon to prevent splashing. You could also use kitchen scissors to cut long noodles into shorter lengths, making them easier to manage.

5. Hard shell tacos



Filling hard shell tacos can be a bit of a challenge due to their tendency to crack, especially if they’re filled to the brim with tasty fillings. One ingenious way to stop any sauce leakages is to take a clean piece of lettuce and use it to line the inner side of the taco – this should block any sauce from seeping through the shell, causing drips and shell breakage, while also adding a nice crunch.

4. Ice lollies



There’s nothing more refreshing than a cold ice lolly on a hot day, but these fruity treats can get very sticky, especially for children. Happily, there’s an easy way to combat dripping ice lollies – place your popsicle in a cupcake case. Simply push the stick of the lolly through the centre of the case; it should sit at the base of the lolly, just above the handle. As you enjoy your treat, the cupcake case will catch any drips and melted ice, keeping your hands and clothes clean.

3. S'mores

<p>Marielen Cestari Baldino/Shutterstock</p>

Marielen Cestari Baldino/Shutterstock

Traditional s'mores are a fun American treat where gooey melted marshmallows, biscuit and chocolate are sandwiched together. They’re delightfully messy – which is part of the fun – but there is a way to enjoy the tasty flavour combination without getting sticky fingers. So-called ‘walking’ s'mores are a portable twist on the classic dish, which basically involves mashing up all the ingredients in a bag. To make them, take a bag of mini cookies or biscuits and add chocolate chips and toasted marshmallows. Crush it all up and eat with a spoon. Delicious!

2. Pizza

<p>Matyas Rehak/Shutterstock</p>

Matyas Rehak/Shutterstock

There’s nothing like a hot pizza fresh from the oven, loaded with mozzarella and all your favourite toppings. It's tempting to stuff a slice in your mouth as quickly as possible, but there is a better way. According to Italian pizza experts, the right way to eat a Neapolitan-style pizza is by folding it into a wallet shape (as pictured). It makes perfect sense, really; if you were to hold it by the crust, the slice would sag, and all that delicious cheese would start to slide off.

1. Chicken wings

<p>Jacek Chabraszewski/Shutterstock</p>

Jacek Chabraszewski/Shutterstock

The best way to eat chicken wings isn’t gnawing around the bone but taking the bone out altogether. To do this, pull off the cartilage at the wide end of the wing. Then identify the two bones: a flat chicken wing has two small ones running through it. Hold the wing at one end and gently twist or wiggle each bone to loosen it from the meat. Find the smaller of the two bones and pull it out completely. Once this is done, the larger bone can also be pulled out, leaving you with a tasty piece of chicken wing meat that can be eaten whole.

Now discover the foods you should NEVER store in the freezer