Cameron Diaz swears by CrossFit workouts, so here are 13 for you to try

crossfit workouts
13 CrossFit workouts for every level of experiencemihailomilovanovic - Getty Images

If ever there was a time to give CrossFit workouts a go, it's now. With the CrossFit Open (the first round of Games season) kicking off at the end of February this year, it's the perfect time to start getting involved in the sport of fitness and share in the adrenaline and excitement, even if you're not competing yourself. Plus, Jessica Alba, Vanessa Hudgens and Cameron Diaz are believed to be big fans. From no-equipment home workouts to a CrossFit challenge for beginners, there are myriad avenues to make CrossFit workouts work for you. If gym workouts aren't your favourite, you could even make your living room your box (that's what CrossFit gyms are called). So, without further ado, here are 13 of our favourite YouTube CrossFit workouts for you to sweat, swear and muscle through. You. Are. Welcome.

Can you do CrossFit workouts at home?

Yes, absolutely. The beauty of CrossFit is that it's a mixture of strength training and conditioning work (cardio) that gets you fitter and stronger using functional exercises. So, whilst you may not have a fully kitted out rack at home, you're likely to have enough home gym equipment to modify the movements and make it work for you. Plus, a lot of the workouts can be done with kettlebells, dumbbells or no equipment at all.

How many days a week should you do CrossFit?

As with life, variety really is the spice of a balanced workout routine. So, whilst doing a CrossFit workout three to five times a week is perfectly safe, it may come at the cost of not having time to go for your favourite mid-week run or early morning Barre class. Create a schedule that works for your goals and feels sustainable. If that means doing CrossFit four times a week. and ringfencing one day to do a slow, restorative Yoga class then that's great. Do what works for you.

Is CrossFit good for weight loss?

Wondering how CrossFit workouts might change your body? Well, it's a real all-rounder. It gets you stronger by building muscle and using resistance to increase strength, but it also gets you fitter and improves your stamina. A report in the Journal of Ageing Research looked at 13 studies describing eight different cohorts, and revealed that regular physical activity is associated with an increased life expectancy by 0.4 to 6.9 years.

However, a big part of knowingexercise for weight loss how to lose weight well is understanding that exercise is just one element of it. Your nutrition, managing stress and looking after your sleep and hydration will also play a huge role. Doing CrossFit alone will not be the *thing* to get you 100% closer to your goal – but it can play an important part. Your overall health should always be the aim.

CrossFit workouts vs. gym workouts

Popular opinion is that CrossFit workouts are tons harder than gym workouts, but it really is what you make of it. One key difference, though, is that CrossFit workouts usually involve executing more reps of each exercise than typical strength training gym workouts. This may mean that you find CrossFit workouts more challenging.

CrossFit terminology

Before we get into the best CrossFit workouts, there are a few acronyms you'll need to get to grip(s) with.

AMRAP: As Many Reps As Possible. AMRAP workouts involve doing as many reps or rounds (of a pre-established circuit) as possible, within a set time. AMRAP CrossFit workouts don’t typically allow you to pause until the clock runs out.

EMOM: Every Minute On the Minute. 'An EMOM is a workout protocol used where you complete a predetermined number of reps of a particular exercise in 60 seconds,' explains celebrity PT, Sana Shirvani. 'The time that remains in the 60-second block when you finish will be your recovery time before you move onto the next set – which starts on the next minute. 'The quicker you complete the task the more rest you earn yourself before going again at the top of the next minute,' adds FIIT head of fitness, Gede Foster.

WOD: Workout Of the Day. A prescribed CrossFit workout on any given day. Historically these were one-off workouts published on Crossfit dot com. Now, they are cleverly programmed and tailored to help you achieve specific results within the sport of Crossfit

RFT: Rounds For Time. If this is part of your CrossFit workout, it involves completing the specified number of rounds of exercises in your workout, as fast as possible.

METCON: Metabolic Conditioning. If your CrossFit workout is a MetCon workout, it will be designed to target multiple 'energy systems' of the body, alongside some element of strength or gymnastics work. It could last for anything from 5-50 minutes, but they are most often saved until the end of your WOD, coming in at under the twenty minute mark.

OK, now we've got the admin out of the way, let's sweat.

13 best CrossFit workouts

4-minute Tabata CrossFit workout for beginners

A quick one to get started, this CrossFit-inspired Tabata workout - a HIIT-style workout involving intervals of 20 seconds, followed by 10 seconds of rest - is only four minutes. The moves are specifically designed for beginners which makes it great if you're just getting into the swing (literally) of things.

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9-minute CrossFit workout for your abs

One way ticket to a super-strong core? Yes, please! Add this to the end of your lower body workouts or when you've only got ten mins to spare.

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10-minute no-equipment CrossFit workout

No kit needed for this speedy CrossFit workout. Expect to work hard, the intervals are challenging – forty seconds of work, followed by twenty seconds rest, 10 times over.

Take this circuit training workout to the next level by putting it back to the start and going again. We believe in you!

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12-minute HIIT CrossFit workout

If you like to work out on your lunch break but hate the shower/cool down trade-off this twelve-minute workout gives you enough time to work out, stretch, shower and eat before getting back to your standing desk. Win.

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15-minute full-body AMRAP CrossFit workout

AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible) is a style of circuit training that works your cardio and muscular endurance. You'll be given a set number of reps per exercise and told to complete as many rounds within a set amount of time.

We recommend pacing yourself through it – go too hard and you risk dropping off heavily towards the end. Instead, pick a pace that allows you to keep slugging on right to the end.

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15-minute no-equipment CrossFit workout

Join trainer Anna for a quick CrossFit workout that doesn't require any equipment but a boatload of effort. Intense intervals of 45-seconds on, 15-seconds off will work your stamina and endurance, so do try to keep pressing on. Short, sharp, sweaty – we love.

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15-minute AMRAP CrossFit workout for beginners

Another AMRAP session, this workout isn't a follow along but it'll give you everything you need to get the session done at home. Free weights, needed.

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18-minute CrossFit workout for beginners

If you're a beginner, this CrossFit workout is for you. It's novice-friendly and perfect to ease into this style of exercise. You'll need a yoga mat, water bottle and twenty-mins spare.

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20-minute EMOM dumbbell CrossFit workout

A CrossFit EMOM workout (every minute on the minute), you'll get out what you put into this session. You'll do five exercises, four times through. Starting each one at the top of the minute. The faster you go, the more time you'll have to rest before the start of the next exercise.

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30-minute EMOM CrossFit workout

Or, if you've got slightly more time, join trainer Kat for a 30-minute EMOM CrossFit workout. You'll be starting with modified press-ups to activate and engage your upper body muscles before jumping into the rest of the workout.

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30-minute full-body CrossFit workout with dumbbells

A dumbbells only session, this CrossFit workout works your entire body, including building up your core strength. Watch your form and remember – technique always trumps speed.

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10 beginner-friendly CrossFit workout exercises

Looking for exercises instead of a workout? Carly Rowena's got you covered. These 10 exercises are brilliant for beginners and more experienced sweat-ers to get their eye back in on the bread and butter moves.

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Intense HIIT CrossFit-Inspired EMOM Workout - No Equipment Needed

Trainer Anna has a whole channel of CrossFit-inspired routines. This no-equipment sequence involves rounds of burpees, push ups and squat jumps.

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