The world's top 50 most DANGEROUS cities, ranked

Tough towns

<p>Tolu Owoeye/Shutterstock</p>

Tolu Owoeye/Shutterstock

When planning travel, it's important to be aware of destinations where crime is a serious concern. From the troubled streets of San Pedro Sula in Honduras to Detroit in the United States, some cities around the world have gained notoriety for their high crime rates. The 2024 Crime Index by Numbeo gives each city a score out of 100, with figures above 80 indicating extremely high crime levels.

Read on for a countdown of the world's top 50 most dangerous places...

50: Santiago, Chile



The capital of Chile is a major travel hub in South America, with a Crime Index score of 62.6, indicating a moderate level of crime. This vibrant city is known for its charming colonial architecture and stunning views of the Andes mountains, as well as its excellent reputation for food and wine. However, visitors should remain vigilant, as incidents of armed muggings have been reported in tourist areas, and taxi scams are becoming more frequent. Pickpocketing and theft from vehicles are common issues throughout the city too.

49: Dhaka, Bangladesh



The 2024 Crime Index gave Dhaka a score of 62.7, indicating significant safety concerns at the time of the report. However, since the index was published, the situation in the Bangladeshi capital has worsened significantly. Political protests and unrest which began escalating in 2023 have continued to intensify throughout 2024, creating a volatile and unpredictable environment. As a result, by August 2024, several countries, including the UK, Australia and Singapore, issued strong advisories against all but essential travel to Bangladesh.

48: Quito, Ecuador



Once regarded as a relatively peaceful city, Quito has seen a sharp increase in crime as drug cartels extend their influence over the streets of Ecuador's capital. The city scored 62.9 on the 2024 Crime Index, reflecting the escalating violence. Nationwide, murder rates have surged dramatically and kidnappings have become more common. In some areas, residents are fleeing their neighbourhoods due to threats and extortion by criminal gangs. In response to the growing crisis, the Ecuadorian government has declared a state of emergency, identifying 22 criminal organisations as terrorist groups and deploying the military to combat them.

47: Belo Horizonte, Brazil



Belo Horizonte, while often perceived as safer than more well-known Brazilian cities like Rio de Janeiro, still faces significant crime challenges. The city has a Crime Index score of 63.1, reflecting growing concerns over safety in recent years. Residents and visitors alike are particularly worried about corruption and the prevalence of crimes such as petty theft, street muggings and armed robberies. As a result, it is generally advised to avoid walking around at night, especially in less crowded areas.

46: Houston, USA

<p>Sean Pavone/Shutterstock</p>

Sean Pavone/Shutterstock

Houston has a problem, and it’s nothing to do with outer space. The Texan city, known for its NASA Space Center, is one of 12 American cities to appear in these rankings, with a Crime Index of 63.3. While the city has struggled with issues related to violent crime, recent trends have shown some improvement. Official FBI figures indicate that violent crime in Houston dropped by 12% in 2023, including a significant 27% decrease in homicide rates. Overall, the city's crime rate has decreased by 6%, although specific crimes like car theft and burglaries have seen an uptick across the city.

45: Buenos Aires, Argentina

<p>Diego Grandi/Shutterstock</p>

Diego Grandi/Shutterstock

Often referred to as the 'Paris of South America' for its striking architecture and cosmopolitan culture, Buenos Aires is significantly more dangerous than the French capital, with a Crime Index rating of 63.5 compared to Paris' 57.9. Buenos Aires has seen a rise in robberies and petty thefts recently, with residents particularly concerned about burglaries and mobile phone snatches. Car parts, such as wheels and stereos, are frequently stolen too, contributing to the city's overall crime concerns.

44: Birmingham, UK



Birmingham, one of the UK's major cities and a historic centre of industry, has long been known for its functional urban landscape, exemplified by the famous Spaghetti Junction. Despite ongoing urban regeneration efforts, crime remains a significant challenge for the city, with a Crime Index rating of 63.6. Birmingham experiences higher-than-average levels of violent crime and robbery compared to the national figures, and shoplifting has seen an uptick, likely influenced by the broader cost-of-living crisis affecting the country.

43: Atlanta, USA



Let's start with the positive: crime in Atlanta has been on the decline since 2017 and reached historic lows in 2023, with violent crime rates now below the national average. Despite this, the city continues to face some safety concerns – with aggravated assault, theft and the ongoing problem of drug-related activities in certain areas still an issue.

42: Manila, Philippines



Manila, a sprawling urban area that forms part of the greater Metro Manila region, is home to around 14 million people, with the larger metropolitan area reaching nearly 24 million. With such a densely packed population crime is a significant concern, reflected in the city's Crime Index rating of 64.7. Drugs, theft and violence are among the main issues facing the city, but corruption and bribery are the biggest concerns for residents. In the traffic-choked centre, street crime and occasional armed robberies are common, so visitors are advised to stay vigilant.

41: Coventry, UK



With a Crime Index score of 65, Coventry ranks among the most dangerous cities in the UK. Coventry's crime rates are higher than the national average, with significant concerns around violent crime and anti-social behaviour. This elevated crime rate is particularly noticeable in suburbs like Willenhall and Hillfields, which have significantly contributed to the city's overall safety challenges. Despite Coventry's rich history and cultural attractions, these crime issues remain a significant concern for residents and visitors alike.

40: Marseille, France

<p>Boris Stroujko/Shutterstock</p>

Boris Stroujko/Shutterstock

Marseille is a captivating blend of old-world charm and urban grit, standing as France's third-largest city and a key gateway to the Mediterranean. Its rich heritage and coastal beauty continue to attract visitors, though the city faces challenges, particularly with crime linked to its role as a major entry point for drug trafficking. Gang-related violence, mainly in the northern districts, remains a significant issue, but much of the city is still safe and welcoming for tourists. Those exploring its sun-soaked streets and vibrant culture should stay aware of their surroundings, especially at night.

39: Philadelphia, USA

<p>Joaquin Ossorio Castillo/Shutterstock</p>

Joaquin Ossorio Castillo/Shutterstock

Gun violence has long been a major driver of Philadelphia's high crime rate, with the city consistently ranking among the most violent in the United States. Although the past decade has seen some improvements in safety, particularly with reductions in murder rates and shootings during certain periods, recent years have been challenging. In 2021, Philadelphia experienced one of its deadliest years on record, with a significant surge in homicides. Despite this, the city currently scores 65.8 on the Crime Index and is perceived as less dangerous than other US cities such as Chicago and St. Louis.

38: Campinas, Brazil

<p>Nykolas Feltrin Sevdalis/Shutterstock</p>

Nykolas Feltrin Sevdalis/Shutterstock

With a Crime Index score of 66, Campinas faces similar issues with violent crime, car theft and street robbery as other Brazilian cities, albeit on a smaller scale. Located in the historic coffee region of Brazil’s southeast, the city of just over a million people has a particular concern with corruption and bribery, which residents often see as more pressing than burglary or physical attacks. Although Campinas has a fraction of the population of nearby Sao Paulo, making serious crime somewhat easier to control, caution is still advised at night.

37: Chicago, USA



In some areas of America’s Windy City, violent crime rates are significantly higher than the national average. Located on the shores of Lake Michigan in Illinois, Chicago has a Crime Index score of 66.3, but crime rates vary widely across the city. Neighbourhoods like Little Italy are relatively safe, while areas such as Englewood rank among the most dangerous in the United States, with shootings and gun crime far above average.

36: Bogota, Colombia

<p>Jon Chica/Shutterstock</p>

Jon Chica/Shutterstock

Since the 2016 peace agreement between the Colombian government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), civil unrest and armed conflict in Colombia have significantly diminished, paving the way for tourism to flourish in the country’s lush coffee regions, beautiful beaches and UNESCO-listed heritage sites. But the capital city Bogota still faces considerable safety challenges, with a Crime Index rating of 66.7. Bag snatching, pickpocketing and phone theft are the most common crimes in tourist areas, and there have also been reports of robberies at upmarket restaurants.

35: New Orleans, USA

<p>GTS Productions/Shutterstock</p>

GTS Productions/Shutterstock

New Orleans, with its rich southern culture, iconic French Quarter and world-famous Mardi Gras celebrations, remains high on many travellers' wish-lists. However, the city is not as safe as it might appear. In fact, in 2022, New Orleans had the highest murder rate in the country –surpassing cities like St. Louis and Baltimore – although recent efforts through increased policing and government initiatives have led to a reduction in homicides. Most violent crime occurs in areas like New Orleans East and Central City, while popular tourist spots such as the French Quarter and Uptown (including the Garden District) are relatively safer.

34: Windhoek, Namibia

<p>Speedshutter Photography/Shutterstock</p>

Speedshutter Photography/Shutterstock

Famous for its stunning giant dunes and the eerie Skeleton Coast, Namibia is a destination of choice for nature lovers. However, travellers may not be fully aware of the safety risks in the capital, Windhoek, which has a Crime Index score of 67.6 due to a high incidence of burglary and theft. Visitors should remain vigilant as muggings can occur at any time, day or night. Gang-related carjackings at intersections and theft from vehicles are also significant concerns in the city.

33: Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

<p>Nick N A/Shutterstock</p>

Nick N A/Shutterstock

The Dominican Republic, particularly its capital Santo Domingo, has a higher crime rate compared to many other Caribbean islands. The city has a Crime Index rating of 67.7, reflecting concerns about petty crimes such as scams, bag-snatching and theft from rental cars, especially in busy areas. While less frequent, violent crimes like armed robberies, carjackings and assaults also occur, particularly in residential neighbourhoods. Travellers are advised to stay within well-established tourist areas to reduce risk.

32: Mexico City, Mexico

<p>Brester Irina/Shutterstock</p>

Brester Irina/Shutterstock

Organised crime remains an issue in sprawling Mexico City, with cartels exerting control in some fringe areas, but increased government security patrols have made it safer for tourists over the past decade. Residents continue to be concerned about corruption and violent crime, contributing to the city’s Crime Index of 67.8. For visitors, street crime such as mugging and pickpocketing is a concern in the city centre, but it is generally safe to walk around during the day in the well-policed tourist districts.

31: Lagos, Nigeria

<p>Tolu Owoeye/Shutterstock</p>

Tolu Owoeye/Shutterstock

In Lagos, concerns about safety are heightened by the presence of street gangs known as 'Area Boys', who engage in activities such as theft, drug dealing and extortion in certain parts of the city. 'One-chance' crimes, where individuals accepting rides from vehicles posing as taxis are robbed have also become more common. Corruption, bribery and violent crime are ongoing issues, contributing to Lagos' Crime Index rating of 68.

30: Milwaukee, USA

<p>Sean Pavone/Shutterstock</p>

Sean Pavone/Shutterstock

Milwaukee might not be widely recognised as one of America's more dangerous cities, but it has faced serious challenges with crime in recent years. The city has experienced high levels of murder and gun crime, however, local police department figures indicate that 2024 has seen a significant drop in homicide and violent assault rates, along with a reported 25% reduction in car theft and robbery.

29: San Juan, Puerto Rico

<p>Martin Wheeler III/Shutterstock</p>

Martin Wheeler III/Shutterstock

Violent gangs involved in drug trafficking and armed violence have made the streets of some neighbourhoods in the metropolitan area of San Juan particularly dangerous, contributing to the city’s high Crime Index score of 68.4. The FBI is actively working to address this crisis, targeting criminal organisations to improve safety. Despite these challenges, the capital of Puerto Rico, renowned for the colonial architecture of Old San Juan and its UNESCO-listed fortifications, remains generally safe for tourists. In the central areas, the main concerns revolve around petty crime and street theft, rather than violent incidents.

28: Oakland, USA


Oakland has witnessed a troubling rise in shootings and violent crime, even as crime rates in neighbouring cities have declined. Residents have grown increasingly concerned about street violence and robbery, leading to business closures and a high Crime Index score of 68.9. Additional police patrols have been deployed in an effort to bring violent crime and vehicle theft under control.

27: St Louis, USA

<p>Sean Pavone/Shutterstock</p>

Sean Pavone/Shutterstock

The major Missouri city of St Louis is in a challenging state, according to law enforcement statistics and as indicated by its Crime Index rating of 69.7. Although violent crime had reduced over the last decade, there was an increase during the pandemic, and homicide rates remain high. The police have also struggled to manage an epidemic of car theft, exacerbated by social media videos that demonstrate how to break into and start certain vehicles.

26: Alice Springs, Australia

<p>Benny Marty/Shutterstock</p>

Benny Marty/Shutterstock

In Australia’s remarkable Red Centre, the town of Alice Springs continues to grapple with the legacy of its complex past, particularly the treatment of its Aboriginal communities. Despite being a gateway to some of the country’s most iconic outback adventures, this remote town has a Crime Index score of 70.2 reflecting issues often linked to poverty and social disadvantage. The recent surge in violence has prompted government intervention, including temporary measures to curb the unrest. While Alice Springs remains a must-visit for those exploring the heart of Australia, tourists are advised to stay within the central district, where safety is more assured.

25: Sao Paulo, Brazil

<p>ESB Professional/Shutterstock</p>

ESB Professional/Shutterstock

In the vast urban landscape of Sao Paulo, where skyscrapers gradually give way to sprawling favelas, crime remains a constant undercurrent. Although considered safer than some other Brazilian cities with a Crime Index score of 70.4, assault, robbery and theft are common. For tourists, it’s wise to stay within central areas, remain aware of your surroundings and avoid walking alone at night.

24: Damascus, Syria



Syria has become synonymous with conflict in recent years, but the ancient city of Damascus is slowly beginning to function again. Despite the relative calm in some areas, Damascus earned a Crime Index score of 70.6 with issues such as corruption and a weakened rule of law contributing to the city's challenges, and residents concerned about the risks of armed assaults, robberies and property theft.

23: Porto Alegre, Brazil

<p>Maila Facchini/Shutterstock</p>

Maila Facchini/Shutterstock

The lagoon-side port city of Porto Alegre is the largest metropolis in southern Brazil, and like many large cities in the country, it faces a range of urban challenges. Violent crime can be an issue in both central and peripheral neighbourhoods, while petty theft, such as mugging and bag-snatching, is the primary concern in tourist areas and poorly-lit streets at night. Walking at night is considered risky, with residents and visitors alike aware of the potential dangers, contributing to the city's Crime Index rating of 70.9.

22: Lima, Peru



Crime is particularly prevalent in some of Lima’s lower-income neighbourhoods, contributing to the Peruvian capital’s high Crime Index rating of 71.1 and local concerns about violence. As a tourist destination, the city has experienced a spate of muggings and street robberies targeting foreign nationals, necessitating caution for visitors. Recent reports include incidents of tourists being robbed at gunpoint in popular districts like Miraflores and Barranco. Additionally, cars can be attacked at traffic lights, and visitors are advised to be cautious when withdrawing cash from ATMs or walking alone in quiet areas.

21: Cali, Colombia

<p>Sergei Mugashev/Shutterstock</p>

Sergei Mugashev/Shutterstock

Colombia's third-largest city was once the stronghold of the infamous Cali Cartel, and although the cartel's power has diminished, various criminal groups still operate in the area. The city has a Crime Index score of 71.2, reflecting these issues, but while gang-related violence remains a concern, it is important to note that most of this is linked to conflicts between rival groups. Although tourists are generally not the primary targets, armed robbery does occur across the city, and visitors are advised to remain cautious and aware of their surroundings.

20: Albuquerque, USA

<p>Sean Pavone/Shutterstock</p>

Sean Pavone/Shutterstock

Albuquerque, New Mexico, is ranked among the top 20 most dangerous cities in the world, with a Crime Index score of 71.7. The city has faced persistent challenges with high rates of gang violence and shootings, and violent crimes like homicide have been on the rise, with the homicide rate increasing by approximately 19% over the past five years.

19: Tijuana, Mexico



In the Baja California town of Tijuana, the border wall between Mexico and the United States extends into the Pacific Ocean, marking a stark physical divide. Known for its high levels of organised crime, Tijuana has a Crime Index rating of 72, placing it among the more dangerous cities in the world. Tourists are advised to avoid travelling through the city after dark, as they can be targets for violent robberies or become caught up in gang conflicts.

18: Cape Town, South Africa

<p>40mm Photographer/Shutterstock</p>

40mm Photographer/Shutterstock

Cape Town, ever popular with travellers for its scenic Table Mountain and bustling V&A Waterfront at the tip of the African continent, also carries a reputation for violence. While it may not be South Africa’s most dangerous city overall, it does have one of the highest homicide rates in the country, largely due to gang violence, contributing to its Crime Index rating of 73.6. Robberies and petty theft are not uncommon either, leading to a fortified city centre with private security and a strong police presence. Even the paths up Table Mountain are protected by 24-hour security following a spate of muggings in recent years.

17: Detroit, USA

<p>Agnieszka Gaul/Shutterstock</p>

Agnieszka Gaul/Shutterstock

Detroit, long known for its gritty reputation, is now a less dangerous place to visit than it once was. According to local government figures, the city recorded its lowest murder rate in over 50 years in 2023, highlighting its steady progress towards becoming a safer urban environment. There have also been significant reductions in shootings and carjackings thanks to increased police efforts and strengthened community partnerships. However, with a Crime Index rating of 74.2, visitors are still advised to stick to the safer neighbourhoods around Downtown and Midtown.

16: Guayaquil, Ecuador

<p>Marek Poplawski/Shutterstock</p>

Marek Poplawski/Shutterstock

Residents of Guayaquil have expressed concerns about issues like violent crime, corruption, drug dealing and armed robberies, contributing to the city’s Crime Index score of 74.3. Organised crime remains a serious problem, with recent reports of small explosions and fake bomb threats in certain areas. While gang-related violence, including murders, continues to be a concern, there have been efforts to improve safety in some parts of the city. Notably, the area of Las Penas, once considered dangerous, has been revitalised into a creative and safer neighbourhood.

15: Baltimore, USA



Baltimore continues to grapple with serious crime issues, with some neighbourhoods experiencing worrying increases in offences. The city has a Crime Index score of 74.5, placing it among the most dangerous in the United States, with residents particularly concerned about violent crime, drug trafficking and theft. The likelihood of falling victim to violent crime is around one in 64, while property crime affects about one in 30 residents. Despite these challenges, Baltimore’s Inner Harbor remains a safer area for tourists, benefiting from a strong police presence and numerous attractions.

14: Rosario, Argentina

<p>Osvaldo Mussi/Shutterstock</p>

Osvaldo Mussi/Shutterstock

Rosario’s reputation for drug-related violence has worsened in recent years, with residents increasingly aware of rising crime on the city streets and growing fears of being mugged or assaulted. As Argentina’s most dangerous city, Rosario's murder rates were five times the national average in 2023, according to official public safety statistics, and the city’s Crime Index score is 75.7. The high crime rate has been exacerbated by police corruption and ongoing feuds between drug gangs competing for control of the illicit trade.

13: Recife, Brazil

<p>Vitoriano Junior/Shutterstock</p>

Vitoriano Junior/Shutterstock

The high rates of violent crime and murder in Recife's more neglected slums contribute to its reputation as one of Brazil's most dangerous cities, with a Crime Index rating of 75.9. For visitors, the primary risks are muggings and bag-snatching in busy tourist areas, while venturing into favelas is strongly discouraged due to safety concerns. Recife's beaches, though popular during the day, are best avoided after dark due to the risk of crime. Additionally, 'express kidnappings,' where victims are forced to withdraw money from ATMs under threat, have become a concerning issue in the city.

12: Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago



The Caribbean’s most dangerous city, gang violence, armed robbery, carjacking, kidnapping, burglary and sexual assault are all concerns, contributing to the city’s Crime Index score of 76.3. During the annual Carnival, tourists should be particularly mindful of pickpockets, who may target foreigners in the crowds. General advice for visitors often includes avoiding walking the streets at night, sticking to well-populated areas instead, and using registered taxis.

11: Memphis, USA

<p>Sean Pavone/Shutterstock</p>

Sean Pavone/Shutterstock

Memphis, Tennessee, known for its deep ties to Elvis Presley and the iconic blues scene on Beale Street, also scores higher than any other American city on the Crime Index, with a rating of 76.7. While the city draws many visitors for its rich musical heritage, incidents of violent crime are high, making caution essential. Neighbourhoods like Smokey City and Klondike are particularly troubled, with crime rates far exceeding the city average. Tourists are advised to stay within well-populated and well-patrolled areas to enjoy the city's attractions safely.

10: Salvador, Brazil

<p>lazy llama/Shutterstock</p>

lazy llama/Shutterstock

The striking contrast between Salvador’s stacked-up outer slums and its picturesque UNESCO-listed centre underscores the significant wealth divide in this vibrant Bahia city. With a Crime Index score of 76.8, gang violence has become a serious issue, particularly in the suburbs. Despite these challenges, Salvador remains a popular destination for its beautiful beaches, samba and cultural heritage. Most visitors stay in the Barra district at the tip of the peninsula, which is well-patrolled by police. As crime tends to spike at night, local authorities advise staying in busy, well-lit areas and avoiding solitary travel after dark.

9: Fortaleza, Brazil

<p>Sputnik 360/Shutterstock</p>

Sputnik 360/Shutterstock

Like other Brazilian cities on this list, Fortaleza struggles with severe gang violence, particularly in its favelas, where conflicts between rival groups drive up the city’s crime rate. Shootings in the suburbs are unfortunately common, often putting local residents at risk and contributing to the city’s high Crime Index score of 76.8. Fortaleza, located in northeast Brazil, also has the highest youth murder rate in the country, a troubling statistic largely linked to gang-related violence. While much of the violence is concentrated in certain areas, travellers should be cautious, as muggings in the city centre are a frequent concern.

8. Port Elizabeth, South Africa

<p>Anke van Wyk/Shutterstock</p>

Anke van Wyk/Shutterstock

Port Elizabeth, now known as Gqeberha, faces ongoing issues with crime, particularly related to muggings, burglaries and roadside robberies. With a Crime Index score of 77, residents are understandably cautious, especially after dark. As a key location in South Africa’s motoring industry, car thefts are a notable problem, with stolen vehicle parts often finding their way onto the black market. Cash-in-transit heists have also been on the rise, although these crimes are more commonly associated with larger cities.

7: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil



Beyond its vibrant carnival, stunning Sugar Loaf mountain and the famous Copacabana beach, the beautiful city of Rio de Janeiro faces serious challenges with crime, reflected in its high Crime Index rating of 77.4. Violent crime remains a significant issue in the city's favelas, where rival gangs frequently clash over territory and drug trade, leading to numerous fatalities. While it's clearly advisable to avoid the favelas, visitors should also be aware that street robberies are common throughout the city.

6: San Pedro Sula, Honduras

<p>Manuel Chinchilla/Shutterstock</p>

Manuel Chinchilla/Shutterstock

With a high Crime Index of 80.2, San Pedro Sula remains a city with massive safety challenges. A legacy of corruption and the presence of cartels involved in the drug trade have plagued this Central American city for decades. Once dubbed the ‘murder capital of the world’ due to its staggering homicide rates, crime has gradually decreased in some areas as Honduras intensifies its efforts to tackle organised crime. As one of the country’s major transport hubs, tourists passing through are advised to limit their time in the city and take precautions.

5: Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea



Many may never have heard of the coastal city of Port Moresby, but it’s Crime Index rating of 80.6 should be taken as a warning. The city has a troubling reputation for sexual violence and violence against women, making it one of the most challenging places for females in terms of safety. Estimates suggest that a significant proportion of women in the country have experienced sexual assault, and they are often targeted for robberies as well. Female travellers are strongly advised not to travel alone in Port Moresby and to take extra precautions.

4: Johannesburg, South Africa

<p>Finn stock/Shutterstock</p>

Finn stock/Shutterstock

Johannesburg is often regarded as one of the most dangerous major cities in South Africa, with hijackings, robberies and burglaries being common occurrences. With a Crime Index score of 80.7, the city faces high levels of violent crime, leading many residents to live in gated communities and employ private security services. The city streets are generally considered unsafe, particularly after dark, and visitors are advised to use private transport to get around safely.

3: Durban, South Africa



With a Crime Index rate of 81, Durban faces notable crime challenges, including muggings, cash-in-transit heists and taxi-related violence, which affect both locals and visitors. While these problems have led to warnings for tourists and some business disruptions, not all areas are equally impacted. Staying informed and following local advice can help ensure a safer experience in Durban, where many regions remain welcoming to visitors despite the overarching concerns about crime.

2: Pretoria, South Africa

<p>Wandel Guides/Shutterstock</p>

Wandel Guides/Shutterstock

Carjackings are a significant issue in Pretoria, a city where the stark contrast between affluent neighbourhoods and informal settlements highlights deep socio-economic divides. As South Africa's administrative capital, Pretoria attracts a range of criminal activities, including fraud and scams, contributing to a notably high crime rating of 81.8. Mobile phone theft and handbag snatching are frequent occurrences, while hijackings and kidnappings are also reported as common methods of extortion.

1: Caracas, Venezuela



Caracas, with the highest murder rate of any capital city, has faced severe economic hardship and political instability since 2010, including rampant inflation and frequent riots. The city's Crime Index, which stands at a troubling 82, underscores a pervasive sense of danger. Approximately 90% of murders go unresolved, contributing to a grim reality where encountering dead bodies on the streets is all too common. Carjackings and kidnappings are frequent, prompting many residents who can afford it to invest in armoured vehicles for enhanced safety.

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