The World's BIGGEST McDonald's Is Wild Inside

Have you ever wondered what the biggest McDonald's in the world looks like?

We have, and apparently most of TikTok has too, because a recent video posted by a UK-based influencer has sent the platform absolutely bonkers.

The video detailing the trip to the enormous Maccies, posted back in March, now has a whopping 4.2 million views!

Katie Ellison, a lifestyle influencer who posts travel and food videos on TikTok, paid the huge Orlando McDonald's (AKA Epic McD) a visit with her family, and what she discovered was absolutely WILD.

Let's start with the outside. The building housing the Maccies is pretty epic itself. There's a giant neon packet of McDonald's fries adorning the front, as well as a glass-fronted three tier section to the side. There's a huge car park too, obvs.

Inside, Katie shows viewers the 19,000 square feet interior, spanning over three floors. THREE FLOORS.

The first interior detail she shows is a huge fish tank. Casual. There's also a wood fired pizza oven, a dessert bar serving cake and ice cream, a 22ft play park that includes a slide and a big arcade with loads of retro-looking games.

You can order your usual McDonald's order if you like, or you can order other menu items like pasta or pizza that'll come on a proper plate with cutlery. Posh!

Kristi McKenna, another lifestyle influencer on TikTok, also posted a video of the famous McDonald's, showing her goodies stacked up on an afternoon tea-style stand.

According to Katie, the pizza was pretty good, but the pasta was a little watery, so although it's fun to try something novel, you might be better off sticking to a Big Mac.