Women Everywhere Are Agreeing This Ick Is A Dealbreaker During A Marriage Proposal

A woman named Jordan Hardman has recently made millions of women realize they have one very particular ick when it comes to marriage proposals:

"I know this is a niche ick, but if my man proposes and doesn't do this, I'm pissed. I'm fucking pissed," she starts her TikTok.

Closeup of Jordan Hardman
@jordyyhard/video / tiktok.com

"And I've seen this, and I clock it, I notice it," she continues as she gets ready to show the ick.

Closeup of Jordan Hardman
@jordyyhard/video / tiktok.com

Explaining, she says that when some men get down on their knees, they start to look like the Hunchback of Notre Dame...

A closeup of Jordan Hardman demonstrating a person getting down on their knee to propose
@jordyyhard/video / tiktok.com

Because they are so slouched over, looking like they are holding a catcher's mitt honestly.

Closeup of Jordan Hardman
@jordyyhard/video / tiktok.com

And posture changes are WARRANTED. (Especially for pics.)

Closeup of Jordan hardman showing how a person should straighten your back when proposing
@jordyyhard/video / tiktok.com

She shows the proper posture with a 90-degree angle on the leg and a straight back.

Closeup of Jordan Hardman
@jordyyhard/video / tiktok.com

Once again, NOT THIS:

Closeup of Jordan Hardman
@jordyyhard/video / tiktok.com


Closeup of Jordan Hardman
@jordyyhard/video / tiktok.com

Well, it turns out proper posture isn't a "niche" ick at all — it is pretty universal.

Comments on a post discussing sudden exhaustion, one mentioning resting elbows on leg, other agrees on feeling out of breath
@jordyyhard/video / tiktok.com

If you're going to get down on one knee, do it right!

Text: "Right like put your back into it!"
@jordyyhard/video / tiktok.com


Comment on a proposal, questioning the proposer's strength in marriage due to difficulty during the proposal
@jordyyhard/video / tiktok.com

Even if it wasn't an ick for some women before, it is now.

The image shows a humorous statement: "Ok well it wasn't an 'ick' before, but it is now!"
@jordyyhard/video / tiktok.com

And married women are frightened to go back and look at their proposal photos now.

Text in image: A person relieved their proposal wasn't like someone else's after checking
@jordyyhard/video / tiktok.com

So, practice is key.

Text from an individual discussing their engagement, noting their fiancé's perfect proposal practice
@jordyyhard/video / tiktok.com

BuzzFeed spoke to Jordan who said it became an ick years ago when she saw a random proposal where the guy was extremely hunched over. "It threw me off guard, and ever since then, it's something I've always noticed in proposals (although I still cry at every single one)," she said.

Jordan Hardman
Jordan Hardman

"The girlies knew exactly what I meant, and most people were thankful for the tip or had a hilarious, relatable story," she added.

The image contains text that says "it's giving 'master please let dobby free'"
@jordyyhard/video / tiktok.com

Jordan said her final advice for men is always remember the 90º angle — and "give a little speech on how obsessed with us you are while you're down there."

Person proposing in a lavender field, partner standing, surprised; both dressed in semi-formal attire
Westend61 / Getty Images/Westend61

Do you agree with Jordan? Let us know in the comments!