Windsor residents to pay as King Charles scraps centuries-old free admission tradition

King Charles III during the official handover in which he passes the role of Colonel-in-Chief of the Army air corps to Prince William,
-Credit: (Image: Getty Images)

King Charles has decided to shake things up at Windsor Castle, ending a nearly 200 year old perk for locals by axing the free entry to the historic site. Since 1825, residents in the Windsor area have enjoyed complimentary visits to the Royal residence, but from June 1, 2024, this privilege will be replaced with a discounted entry fee of £16.

According to the BBC, the Royal Collection Trust is introducing a half-price admission for those holding a Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead Advantage Card. This card, which locals can apply for online at no cost, provides access to over 200 special offers and discounts for various local attractions and activities, reports the Mirror.

But not everyone's thrilled about the change; with several Windsor residents and some political figures voicing their discontent. Liberal Democrat parliamentary candidate Julian Tisi expressed the sentiment of many when he said: "During the season, residents gladly welcome tourists to their shops and restaurants, they drive them around in taxis and are happy to give directions in the street."

"In return, we get to live and work near one of the most iconic buildings in the world and visit when we choose."

The grand 1000 year old fortress, nestled in Berkshire, is among the numerous regal homes maintained by the Royal family. Even though it's a functional palace, the estate opens its majestic doors to the public all year round.

The locals, who consider Windsor Castle their neighbour, affectionately refer to it as the "Big House on the Hill". Therefore, the idea of potentially making it too costly for some individuals to visit has sparked debate.

Nevertheless, a spokesperson from the Royal Collection Trust has sought to ease residents' fears. They assured that they "regularly" review their pricing strategy and are committed to ensuring no under-represented groups are barred from visiting this iconic landmark.

They stated: "We are continuing to explore ways to make the Castle as accessible as possible to visitors from the local area, with current initiatives, including free visits for community organisations working with under-represented groups, and a travel subsidy and access scheme for schools working with children from economically disadvantaged backgrounds."

Balmoral Castle is due to launch tours for the public this Summer
Balmoral Castle is due to launch tours for the public this Summer

The most recent move to shake up free entry is just one of many refurbishments spearheaded by the King since his coronation last May.

In addition to the new admission fees at Windsor, the monarch also plans to open Balmoral Castle for public tours during the summer. These tours, scheduled from 1 July to 4 August, will offer visitors a unique glimpse into history, showcasing rooms as they were used by Queen Victoria and Prince Albert in the 19th century, and how Charles and Camilla utilise them today.