‘You need to talk to him:’ Internet comes to wife’s defense after she embarrassed her husband by singing at a wedding

Woman says she felt her husband was ‘embarrassed’ by her singing at his coworker’s wedding  (Getty Images/iStockphoto)
Woman says she felt her husband was ‘embarrassed’ by her singing at his coworker’s wedding (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

A wife is questioning her decision to sing at her husband’s coworker’s wedding after seemingly embarrassing him.

Taking to Reddit’s popular confession forum, Am I The A**hole, the 29-year-old woman asked anonymous users whether they thought she humiliated her partner in front of his colleagues.

The Redditor began by prefacing that she had only known three other people at the wedding aside from her 30-year-old husband. According to her, guests weren’t mingling much with other attendees they weren’t already familiar with. The event was outdoors with a DJ playing the typical track list for weddings.

“At a certain point, they started playing a song that is a typical white-people-karaoke-song but it’s one of my favorites so I went booking it to the dance floor,” the Reddit user admitted. “When I got there the DJ was asking people over and over again to sing the song... he was putting his microphone out towards the guests and no one wanted to do it.”

Without much thought, the wife reluctantly took the microphone. “There was no open bar so I’d had two beers at that point, I was not drunk or even tipsy. I got the mic and sang the song,” she confessed.

As she sang, more guests stormed the dance floor, singing along with her. When the Reddit user was finished, a few people clapped and complimented her on her performance – except her husband.

“On my way back the groomsmen and groom grabbed me to say I did a great job, they had me do a shot of whiskey with them, then I went to my original group. I was beaming and so excited but my husband... he just had this stink face.”

When one of her husband’s coworkers asked if he caught the Redditor’s impromptu performance, he just huffed: “Yeah... this isn’t the first time she’s pulled something like that.”

Wife questions whether she should have sang in front of her husband’s coworkers (Getty Images)
Wife questions whether she should have sang in front of her husband’s coworkers (Getty Images)

From the Redditor’s perspective, her husband seemed embarrassed by her actions. She quietly “deflated,” refusing to speak for the rest of the night. The subject was never brought up by him or her.

“I was too embarrassed because he made it seem like I just acted like a total idiot,” the original poster admitted. However, her fellow Reddit readers didn’t think she should feel like that at all.

An overwhelming flock of Redditors stormed the comments section, arguing her husband was at fault for making her feel bad about having fun.

“You were just having a good time and trying to get people hyped at the wedding,” a supporter said. “It sounds like your singing actually brought some energy to the party and even got props from the groom and his crew.”

Another wrote: “It’s natural to feel hurt by your husband’s reaction, especially when you were trying to have fun and bring energy to the wedding.”

“Yikes. Yikes again. Every party needs a pooper, that’s why they invited him,” another reader proclaimed. A fourth suggested: “I have no idea if/why your husband had a problem with this. You need to talk to him.”