Why we should be more French about school holidays

Two children playing in the waves at the seaside
Children can enjoy trips to the seaside on school holidays - MOMENT RF

The news that the Nuffield Foundation will soon publish a report proposing a move to a four-week school summer holiday in the UK – with longer half-term breaks instead – got me thinking about how differently the French approach family holidays to the British.

When I moved to France in 2009 with my husband and two children aged four and six, one thing I hadn’t really considered – in spite of being a meticulous planner – was how we would adapt to the very different school holiday pattern after leaving the UK. A six-week summer had always seemed long with two children at home and childcare and children’s activities costing a fortune in London – how would we manage with a two-month summer holiday in a country where we had no family and knew no one?

As it turned out, France had it all in hand. When schools are closed, the local centres de loisirs – basically supervised holiday and after-school clubs – are open to entertain children during working hours, heavily subsidised and with further reductions available for those on a low income.

Provision no doubt varies around the country but the system is generally easily accessible and inexpensive. Our local centre has huge grounds, a fenced and life-guarded swimming pool, large, light rooms for each age group and a canteen serving organic food.

The children are looked after by trained animateurs and there are regular temps forts outings to the beach, theme parks, bowling and the cinema on offer, plus activities such as whitewater rafting and go-karting for the older ones. All for around £15 per day.

The centre de loisirs covered the time when we needed to work, but the long holiday also gave us a chance to reconnect as a family and spend proper time together and travel at a leisurely pace.

We would typically, like many French families do, load up the car and head to a self-catering apartment at the beach or in the mountains for a few weeks. Holidays don’t have to cost a fortune if you drive and take everything with you as the French do, as you can see from the lines of cars on the motorways with bikes strapped to the back, maybe a paddleboard on the roof and a bumper pack of loo rolls in the back window.

Family walking along a path by Lake Garda in Italy
Holidays give children the opportunity to explore new horizons - E+

Admittedly some will be heading off to stay with Granny for a few weeks or cramming into the tiny family beach apartment which they’ve owned for generations – instead we would Airbnb the house to help cover the cost.

As well as allowing us time to bond as a family, I feel the children benefited hugely from having time to explore and travel, getting out of their normal routine and being somewhere different.

In France, apart from summer, all the other holidays are usually two weeks long – which is ideal for a number of reasons. The children have enough time to properly decompress and if families want to take advantage of the cheaper holidays which are available than in the summer, they have the time to do so and don’t necessarily all have to leave on the same day, overwhelming airports as you often see in the UK. For the February/March holiday and the spring holiday, the country is divided into three zones and holidays are staggered, meaning that holiday locations (especially ski resorts) are less crowded than if everyone went on holiday at the same time, surely also helping to keep prices down. Friends who work in tourism say that this is also a boon for them as their clients arrive over several weeks rather than all at once.

Three family members going down a ski slope at high speed
Staggered holidays in France ensure that the ski slopes are not overcrowded - E+

And as for the proposed four-week summer holiday for Britain – can this really be long enough? A recent poll by the Teacher Tapp found teachers fairly evenly divided over whether they’d like it to remain at six weeks, have it cut down to five or shortened to four. A teacher friend told me she felt that as well as four weeks not being enough downtime for children, it certainly wasn’t enough for teachers, given that many spend the first few weeks mainly sleeping.

Holiday accommodation and transport in the UK school summer holidays is already extortionate – wouldn’t cutting the holiday further simply exacerbate this? And probably lead to more children being taken out of school during termtime for holidays. Another friend in France said that the long summer holiday worked well for her as a divorcee as the children had plenty of time to spend with both parents – with just four weeks, they’d barely have time to catch their breath.

It’s a well-worn cliché that in France people work to live rather than live to work, but when it comes to holidays and time off, it’s certainly true, and a decent holiday is seen as almost as right. French families on low incomes receive vouchers which can be used at campsites and holiday villages across France to help them take their families on holiday, and many companies also subsidise holidays for low-earning employees, or offer chèques-vacances, where money put in by the employee is topped up by the employer. A factory close to where I live even has its own campsite at the beach for employees’ use.

Admittedly French schools have longer days in part to compensate for the extended holidays, and while some feel they are too long for younger children, they also fit in much more easily with working hours, plus they have Wednesday afternoon off (all day Wednesday at some primaries), and typically a lunch break of up to two hours – during which they get to both eat a decent meal and have plenty of time to play.

I believe that people in the UK could benefit hugely from a French-style holiday pattern, but of course there would need to be the infrastructure to support it – accessible childcare for working parents, as well as affordable holidays for all. In France, proper holidays are part of the culture, whatever your income. The UK could learn a lot from this.


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