Mat Fraser Shares Goals Picture of Training Alongside Heavily Pregnant Partner

mat fraser training advice
Mat Fraser Posts Pic of Pregnant Partner Pump Sesh@mathewfras

Couples who train together, stay together, right? Mat Fraser and Sammy Moniz certainly subscribe to that notion, with the pair recently sharing a photo to Fraser's Instagram of the pair getting in a couple's 'pump session'.

Being the GOATiest GOAT of all time, means that even in retirement we're not surprised to see Fraser putting in the work. More impressive though is Moniz's commitment to the pump, as she's still training despite her and Fraser's first child being due this month.

What exactly Fraser and Moniz are doing we're not entirely sure, but speaking to Men's Health previously CrossFit's 'Fittest Man in History' and five-time CrossFit Games champ Fraser shared some sage advice on getting a workout in when you have tight timeframe.

‘I've been in this situation a lot, where from getting to the gym to leaving, you have 30 minutes or 40 minutes,’ he said. ‘For those ones, I'd say the easiest suggestion is setting up an EMOM, a workout that's every minute, on the minute. Set up two stations, three stations, four stations — whatever you want — and the reason I suggest that, is that it's a defined period of time. If you get in the gym and think 'I need to be out the door in 30 minutes', set up a 24 or 25-minute EMOM. You have two minutes to set-up and you have two minutes to tear down.’

‘You can use the first round as a warm-up. I do a tonne of 40-minute EMOMs. It's a huge part of [my] training, I do them once, if not twice, a week. They are gruelling. When I'm tight on time, I'll do the first four stations — the first four minutes — slow, and not at my desired output. I'll get familiar with the movement, get my body warmed up and then the next 36 minutes, I'm hammering away. The big thing it's that it's a defined ending...I always set up the 40-minute EMOMs and try to aim for 40 seconds of work.’

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