Why healing from your past is key to manifesting a brighter future

roxie nafousi manifest dive deeper
Roxie Nafousi on diving deeper into manifesting Alex Hutch

No doubt you’ve seen Roxie Nafousi's debut book Manifest all over your Instagram feed. When the self-development coach released that little orange book in January 2022 it was the start of a whirlwind year.

Manifest became an instant bestseller and went on to be published in five other countries. Roxie went global and travelled all over the world speaking about her tried-and-tested seven steps to manifesting. She's been deemed the "queen of manifesting" and it seems she really is the perfect poster girl for the practice, proving it does work.

"I couldn’t have imagined [the past 12 months]… But it’s funny, I looked at my vision board from 2022. I made it just before the book came out. I wrote on it 'Sunday Times bestseller', 'American publishing deal' and I even put 'American morning TV' which I did. I wrote that it would 'elevate my career to the next level', and that the book would be a 'self-help go-to'. And really, all of those things have happened."

Roxie's book put manifesting on the map. Of course, it's not the first time we've heard of the practice, which features in countless other non-fiction books including 2006 bestseller The Secret. But, it kickstarted a year of the trend taking over our social media feeds and going mainstream. It became a hot topic in the wellness space, as we all searched for more meaning, joy and hope in our lives after a turbulent few years - and it's a trend that shows no signs of slowing down.

Search #manifesting on Instagram and you’ll find over 3.1 million posts. Although, not all provide a true representation of the practice. While some users post content about manifesting objects into into their lives (a designer bag here, a beautiful home there), in reality manifesting is a self-development practice. It's about introspection, reflection, action and commitment - and not about wishing for material items.

roxie nafousi manifest dive deeper
Alex Hutch

"I feel like I am having to do damage control for manifesting. There are loads of misconceptions and I think it does give it a bad name," Roxie explains. But, the coach says you'd be forgiven for being skeptical about manifesting: "I understand though. If I hadn't delved into it, if I was on the outside and watching some of the videos on TikTok then I would probably be a sceptic, too.

"There are some people online that are claiming you can put something on a vision board and then it happens. I'm never going to suggest putting a specific body image or a beautiful sofa on a vision board is going to make it magically appear. But, I think when you understand my practice and steps, it makes so much sense that it's hard to be skeptical about it."

She adds: "I can only do what I can to spread my message and the people that want to hear it and are open to it will benefit from it and the people that don't won't. It's as simple as that. I'm not here to try and convince anyone of anything," Roxie adds.

For those who are open to the power of manifesting, Roxie's new book Manifest: Dive Deeper will support you in taking your self-development practice further.

A guide-workbook hybrid it delves deeper into each of the coach's seven steps. Encouraging you to reflect, explore your inner child and heal from your past so you can manifest a brighter future.

"When we look at the crux of manifesting, it really is about self worth and that's the hardest part to heal," Roxie explains. "We’ve all accumulated years and decades of this belief that for some reason, we are not enough.

"We’re almost all trying to escape from that in different ways. But, actually, we can’t escape from it, we have to really heal our emotional wounds and change our belief systems, and we have to be really vulnerable with ourselves."

Sounds scary and messy, right? But, Roxie puts it simply: "We have to commit to parenting ourselves and finding ways to work with that inner child."

Doing the work isn’t easy, and like with many self-development practices, it could bring difficult, unresolved emotions to the surface. "In those circumstances, you have to seek the help of a professional," Roxie adds.

roxie nafousi manifest dive deeper
roxie nafousi manifest dive deeper

"My books guide self-reflection, helping you to look at your behaviours, triggers, and change your perspective. For some people, that is enough. For others, it's not and you have to acknowledge you need extra support and really commit to that."

"We have to work on how we feel about ourselves at a core level, because that's really what's going to unlock the most abundant and powerful version of ourselves," Roxie adds.

"When we heal our self-worth and we love ourselves for who we are, we feel more confident, we are more likely to take risks and step out of our comfort zone and we can overcome those tests from the universe. It really all feeds into the other steps of manifesting."

If 2022 was the year of understanding manifesting and how to do it, 2023 is the year of diving deeper into self-reflection and expanding our self-awareness. "My hope for this book is that people really dive deep into their healing journey," Roxie explains. "I want them to take time to self-reflect, to truly learn to love themselves and in doing so they can unlock more abundance in their lives."

Manifest: Dive Deeper by Roxie Nafousi is out now. For more information about Roxie’s London workshops at Alexandra Palace, visit Roxie's website.

For mental health support visit the NHS website for information on the services available to you.

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