Find out what's inside our first digital Sex special

red magazine digital sex special
Our digital Sex special is here Nick Golding - Getty Images

Sex, like anything else in life, is never constant. As our lives and bodies change, desire ebbs and flows. Some years are full of hot flings and meaningful physical connection, others might be defined by the absence of those things. There may be eras when you’re exploring finding pleasure with another person, and others when you’re more focused on the sexual relationship you have with yourself. Of course, we can’t know exactly how you feel about your sex life as you read this today, but whatever challenges or pleasures you’re experiencing right now, you’ll find something in our digital Sex special to guide you through.

From the most common problems a sex therapist sees in her clinic to a deep dive into erotic fantasies and one writer’s advice on escaping a sex drought, we hope this collection of some of our favourite Red articles will remind you to prioritise your own pleasure this month, even if it’s often the first thing that slips off your to do list…

Here's an overview of what's included in Red's digital Sex special...

  • 11 sex therapists share the one piece advice that will change your sex life

  • 12 ways to orgasm

  • How to get out of a sex drought

  • Why understanding your sexual blueprint is the key to better sex

  • The most common problems a sex therapist sees

  • Could erotic fantasies be the secret to a better sex life?

Red's digital Sex special launches on 1 August. Red digital subscribers can access it in the companion app. Or, you can subscribe now from as little as £1.


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