We're about to have a three month heatwave, apparently

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From Good Housekeeping

This winter hasn't been quite as bad as the last (remember the Beast from the East?), but it's not exactly been pleasant, either. But if you're done with the dark days, and your wooly jumpers are desperate to head back into retirement, we've got just the news for you: we're about to have a spring heatwave and it could last up to three months. Yes!

The Sun reports the UK is set to sizzle as warm air from Africa will travel across and cause temperatures to rise to up to 26°C next month.

"There is an increased chance of a hot and settled summer due to the trend for more high pressure, which brings hot conditions in summer," a spokesperson from Weather Outlook said.

"For March-May, above-average temperatures are more likely than below-average," added a Met Office spokesperson.

Confirming the warmth might be here to stay, the Met Office noted: "Some long-range prediction systems indicate an increased chance of high pressure to the south of the UK."

If we do get hit with a heatwave, it'll follow the same pattern as last year. Last year's London Marathon, which took place on April 22, was the hottest on record, with temperatures averaging more than 24°C. The good weather then continued on throughout May and June, and into the summer.

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Photo credit: Getty Images

While we might have to wait a few weeks for the temperatures to spike, you can expect some slightly warmer weather than usual towards the end of this week. Temperatures are thought to be rising to around 17 or 18°C, which we'll happily take. Anything's better than frostbite, right?

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