Wendie Malick shares secret to blissful 28-year marriage

Wendie Malick has shared her secret to a long and happy marriage credit:Bang Showbiz
Wendie Malick has shared her secret to a long and happy marriage credit:Bang Showbiz

Wendie Malick says the secret to her successful marriage is the couple's very different personalities.

The 72-year-old 'Hot In Cleveland' star has been married to Richard Erickson for 28 years and she the secret to keeping the union happy and strong is because he is "quiet and introverted" while she is louder and more outgoing - and their different approaches compliment each other perfectly.

She told America's Closer magazine: "As he says, he tries to create a world from which I can do life. He's a builder and built our ranch. He creates beautiful spaces. He's a very quiet, more introverted man, and probably much smarter than me.

"When we're in a balanced, good place, I always say he makes me think and I make him laugh."

Wendie also revealed she stays happy and positive by carrying out a gratitude ritual every day while she's out walking her dog to make sure she's thankful for all the wonderful parts of her life.

She added: "If you use whatever gifts you've been given to the max, and have gratitude every day - that's kind of my secret sauce.

"I start every day with a morning gratitude ritual, often when I walk my dog first thing in the morning. It's about being grateful for what remains."

Wendie also explained she doesn't worry about getting older, adding: "So much of [ageing gracefully] is your attitude. I believe people who are comfortable in their own skin are really beautiful - and much less superficial.

"It's all going to sag as we get older. That's just part of life."