Your Weekly Tarot Card Reading Is Telling You to Chase Your Dreams

Your Weekly Tarot Card Reading, by Zodiac SignHearst Owned

You don't need to know the difference between a three-card and a Celtic cross spread to get the most out of a tarot card reading. All you need: your Sun sign! Here's what I do: Shuffle my tarot deck and pull out the cards in order from Aries to Pisces, plus one general card for everyone so that you can get specific advice around your personality. Let’s go!


page of swords
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

The universe is giving us all a green light this week. Think about that project, career change, or hobby you've been daydreaming about, but haven't actually pursued. Put aside your doubts and second-guessing. Say "no" to imposter syndrome. If you don’t believe in yourself, then who will? Take the first step towards this goal. This is what you truly want, and no one is stopping you. Start something new this week!


6 of wands
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Aries, go ahead and offer people more of what they love about you. The Six of Wands is a reminder to know your strengths and play to them. Stick to that formula, and the sky’s the limit. You can make huge progress this week, and it all comes from building on the platform of achievements you’ve already got. Easy.


ace of cups
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Your week is going to revolve around a new love or friendship—have fun! The Ace of Cups is a love-at-first-sight vibe, or if you're already attached, a soulmate kind of friendship. The chemistry is immediate, powerful, and mutual. Be on the lookout for water signs (Pisces, Cancer, and especially your opposite sign, Scorpio) who put butterflies in your stomach.


5 of pentacles
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

No regrets, okay, Gemini? When you’ve been through something, lost something, or been hurt by something, you’ve got two choices about how you come out of the other side: Wounded or wise. You know which you’d rather be. Take your pain and talk about it. Seek people who can advise you. Together, you can extract a life lesson, process the emotions, and move to the next step. Look forward, not back.


3 of cups
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

It's time to party, Cancer! The Three of Cups brings fun, music, laughter, and good times. What is all of your hard work for if you can't allow yourself time and space to let loose sometimes? Look for the people who make you smile, bring good energy, and want to do new things. Schedule time to be social and time to explore. Put some effort into planning things that you know you will enjoy this week. Permission to party: Granted.


9 of wands
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

You have a big ego—everyone says so—but you're also very sensitive. When you’re hurt or insecure, you can withdraw and lick your wounds like a wounded lion. The Nine of Wands sweeps in to reassure you that there’s no need. You’ve got this, Leo! Ignore the haters and prove them wrong. Tackle the hardest, or most dreaded, thing on your to-do list first, and then the rest of the week will feel like a total breeze. You can do it!


ace of wands
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

The tarot is giving you permission to start something new, Virgo. It could be a hobby, a trip, a class, or a new lifestyle routine. Something that pleases you and feels inspiring, healthy, happy, and rewarding. Maybe this is something you tried ages ago but didn’t get chance to pursue fully. Well, now you can. This will be just the booster you’re looking for.


5 of wands
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Notice where there is discord and disharmony in your relationships. Where are people falling out, feuding, or bringing negative energy? It might not even be directly related to you, but somehow, it’s having an impact. Is this situation something you can change? If so, the Five of Wands asks you to do so. If not, the Five of Wands suggests keeping your distance. You don’t need this negativity around you.


knight of wands
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Chances are you’re going to meet an amazing new friend, or even lover, this week. It could potentially be a fire sign (Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius), someone around the same age, and/or someone who is impossible to ignore from the get-go. They are charismatic, loud, and attract a lot of attention. You might be slightly put off at first, but don’t walk away! Talk a bit, get to know each other, and see how the chemistry happens. This person is someone you can go on great adventures with, and they might become a permanent fixture in your life.


Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

The Chariot is such a great card for you, Sagittarius. It represents travel, movement, journeys, vacations, and moves. The open road! The new horizon! You are a natural-born traveler, and you love being able to explore. Think about a powerful goal you’ve been thinking about, and what kind of journey, trip, or movement would help you make progress. And then go do it! Sometimes a change of location can bring a change of perspective, too.


9 of pentacles
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Time for your favorite activity, Cap: Planning. It's time to look ahead, plot out your goals, establish mini milestones, and create a strategy that leads you to success. After you’ve done all the thinking, you just need to follow your map—easy. The Nine of Pentacles asks you to aim high. You can achieve so much Anything is possible, and you deserve every success. Get planning.


10 of wands
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Less is more this week, Aquarius. Don’t overdo it. The Ten of Wands asks you to clear some space to just do, well, NOTHING. Let your frazzled mind unwind. Seek solitude. Prioritize rest. Stop scrolling. Take a personal day. This card acts as a little red flag to help you avoid burnout and fatigue. It's time to put yourself first.


Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

"Moderation" is your mantra this week. Think: Balance, harmony, centeredness, grounding. You like to change and explore, and sometimes you end up way out there. Now is the time to come back to the middle ground, temper your energy, and seek a soothing core. Slow down and be mindful. Surround yourself with people and places that are relaxing and comforting. You’re ready for a recalibration.

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