Watch: Police hold Southport stabbing news conference

Watch as Merseyside Police hold a press conference in Southport following a major incident that left multiple people stabbed on Monday 29 July.

Two children have died and nine have been injured, including six who are in a critical condition, following the stabbings, Merseyside Police chief constable Serena Kennedy confirmed.

A teenager remains in custody after the “horror movie” knife attack close to a Taylor Swift-themed yoga class.

Merseyside Police said the stabbings are not being treated as terror-related.

The force said a 17-year-old boy, from the village of Banks, was arrested and is set to be questioned following the “major incident” at a property in Hart Street, Southport, north of Liverpool, at about 11.50am.

One witness told reporters that he called the police to an address behind The Hart Space studios, where a Taylor Swift-themed yoga class for children in school years two to six, aged between six and 11, was taking place.