Warning issued to people with hidden mobile phones ahead of Sunday’s national alert test

national alert uk sunday 23 april 2023
Warning issued to people with hidden mobiles Getty Images

This Sunday at 3pm, there will be a UK-wide test of a new national emergency alert system.

It will cause every mobile phone in the UK to sound an alarm tone, and cause the handset to vibrate - even if it’s set to silent and has all notifications disabled.

If you're living with domestic abuse and you have a phone hidden in your house for emergencies, please make sure to switch that phone off - it is the only way to 100% ensure that it doesn’t make any form of alert.

While this might not directly affect you, there might be someone that you know, or who follows you on social media that needs to hear this - so please share far and wide, it could help keep someone safe.

When will the emergency alert test happen?

The test will take place at 3pm on Sunday the 23rd of April 2023.

What is the emergency alert for?

The emergency alert will be used in the future in cases of local and national emergencies - for instance, extreme weather incidents and terrorist attacks.

Does the emergency alert work on all devices?

Emergency alerts work on all 4G and 5G phone networks in the UK, and it doesn’t need to be connected to wifi or mobile data to receive them.

You do not need to have signed up anywhere or shared your mobile number in order to receive an alert.

If your phone is on 3G, 2G or wifi only, it will not receive or sound the test or any further alerts.

According to Gov.uk, emergency alerts work on:

  • iPhones running iOS 14.5 or later

  • Android phones and tablets running Android 11 or later

However, if you have an earlier version of Android, you may still be able to receive alerts. To check, search your device settings for ‘emergency alerts’.

Can I opt out of emergency alerts?

It is advised to keep them switched on for your own safety in times of future crisis, but it is possible to opt out on your handset.

To opt out:

  • Search your settings for ‘emergency alerts’.

  • Turn off ‘severe alerts’ and ‘extreme alerts’.

Where can I get help?

For more information about how to get help and escape danger, Refuge has a freephone, 24-hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline 0808 2000 247.

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