What Virgo season promises for all zodiac signs, according to an astrologer

virgo season 2024 horoscopes for all zodiac signs
What Virgo season promises for all zodiac signsHearst Owned

Who’s ready to embrace those ‘back to school’ vibes? If you have a desire to swap your sun lotion for a spiral bound notebook, trade your frisbee for freshly sharpened pencils, and choose practical planning over the pub garden, then you’re in luck – Virgo Season is here to bring you the grounded stability you’ve been craving.

Virgo is a mutable Earth sign, which means it arrives at a transition point between seasons. The Sun moves through Virgo sign between 22nd August and 22nd September, and ushers in a time of transformation. We find ourselves bidding farewell to the balmy, golden days of summer as we tentatively begin to embrace the changing energies of autumn. The air takes on a crisper edge, leaves start to blush with hints of ochre, and the first traces of wood smoke begin to curl into the evening air.

This seasonal shift isn't just external; it resonates deeply within us too. We start to crave more solitude, seeking out quieter routines and practices that ground us and help us focus. The buzz of summer—with its festivals, garden parties, and weekend getaways—gives way to a desire for hunkering down, nesting, and reconnecting with ourselves.

Virgo, ruled by the analytical and communicative Mercury, is the zodiac's organiser. It's the sign that helps us sift through the noise, refine our priorities, and perfect our plans. This is the time to get excited about new beginnings—whether it's making that detailed To-Do list, organising your workspace, or treating yourself to new stationery to kickstart a fresh chapter.

When does Mercury retrograde end?

Speaking of Mercury, this planet of communication and planning stations direct in Leo on 28th August, so you might feel a surge of momentum in areas that have felt stalled. This is your green light to move forward in a creative project, a meaningful conversation, or an idea that’s been brewing.

When Mercury re-enters Virgo on 9th September, it's a perfect time to revisit and refine any plans or ideas that emerged around late July. What was capturing your attention then? Now is the time to bring those visions to life with a precise and well thought out strategy. Spreadsheets at the ready, it’s time to let your inner organiser take the helm!

New Moon in Virgo

The New Moon in Virgo on 2nd/3rd September is a powerful moment to set intentions for this new stage. Think about what you want to invite into your life, and how you can align with the grounded, practical energy that Virgo offers. This lunar phase is ideal for setting intentions around self-improvement and personal growth. Focus on creating a clear plan to enhance your daily routines, whether that's through healthier habits, more efficient time management, or decluttering your space. Lucidity arising from inner stability is the gift this New Moon brings!

Venus enters Libra

Venus enters Libra on 29th August, where the planet of love feels right at home, allowing us to tap into harmony within our partnerships. Venus in Libra is a time to nurture love, both for ourselves and others. How are you going to strive for more balance? Is it time to make more space for relationships? Where would you like to prioritise pleasure and engage with the beautiful aspects of life?

Venus trine Pluto

Globally, we might see a focus on diplomacy and harmony, especially as Venus forms aspects with other planets throughout the season. A harmonious trine with Pluto around the 29th/30th August could bring about a surge in social justice movements, with a focus on fairness and equality, as well as a heightened awareness of power dynamics in societal structures. We may welcome some positive news that signals a transformation of world values, and artistic and cultural expressions could take on more intense and profound themes, resonating with a desire for collective change and renewal.

The supportive aspect with Jupiter around September 15th brings a wave of optimism and expansion in our education systems, the media world, and cultural exchanges, with a focus on bridging differences through dialogue. A diplomatic conversation around this time could be incredibly important to the way politics and creative expression progresses. On a more personal scale, this is an excellent time to invest money in education or travel, take an optimistic leap of faith in love, or channel your resources into something that brings long-term joy.

Uranus retrograde in Taurus

As we move further into Virgo Season, Uranus, the planet of surprise and innovation, stations retrograde in Taurus on 1st September. This yearly event lasts for several months, turning Uranus's revolutionary energy inward. During this retrograde, it’s a good time to reassess our relationship with stability and material security, pushing us to embrace change and innovation in areas where we’ve been resistant.

On the world stage, this retrograde can lead to disruptions in financial markets, agriculture, and environmental policies, as established systems are challenged. We may see a collective push towards sustainability, with innovative solutions emerging in response to global economic and ecological concerns.

Lunar Eclipse in Pisces

Finally, Virgo Season culminates in a powerful Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on 17th September. This supercharged Full Moon brings karmic shifts and opportunities for closure. It's a moment to let go of what no longer serves you, making room for new beginnings. The Pisces energy encourages you to connect with your intuition, trust the universe, and embrace the spiritual insights that come your way.

Remember, each zodiac season builds on the last, guiding us forward on our spiritual journey. While Leo Season was all about sparking joy and creativity, Virgo Season helps us ground those sparks into something tangible and lasting. Embrace this time of clarity and focused energy, as you lay the foundation for the months ahead.

Tips for Virgo season

Have a clear out. Your wardrobe, your desk space, your emails, your receipts – embrace the physical energy of decluttering, cleansing and cleaning, and the emotional side will follow.

Buy a new journal or Filofax to fully capitalise on these ‘back to school’ organisational vibes and become inspired. Want to go all out with a new foundation pen or laptop? ‘Tis the season!

Get outside. Virgo is an Earth sign and reminds us of the importance of reconnecting with Mother Nature, grounding ourselves by spending time outdoors, and finding balance through the simple act of being in harmony with the natural world. Even the simple act of standing bare foot on earth or grass each morning can be incredibly positive for your vibrational frequency.

Analyse your health and fitness regime. Virgo is the sign associated with our wellbeing. Commit to a healthy habit, overhaul your diet so it’s focused on nourishment, analyse your sleep hygiene – get serious about your wellness. If you’ve been thinking about experimenting with ice baths or infra-red saunas then hop to it.

Mark September 2nd in your diary as a time to set intentions that help usher in a brand new chapter, focused on a revitalised version of yourself.

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Hit the ‘Go’ button on a project, idea or conversation after August 28th when Mercury stations direct. Missed an opportunity to take the stage, promote yourself or express yourself with courage and authenticity? Now’s the time for a second chance.

Focus on how you want to flourish in your love life as Venus enters Libra on 29th August, and see how you can invest in travel, education or take a leap of faith in your relationships when Venus forms a trine with Jupiter around the 15thSeptember.

Highlight September 17th as a cosmic catalyst that will require you to find closure or shed a situation that has been hindering you. Listen to your intuition, keep a dream diary, and engage in meditative or spiritual practices around this time that helps you connect to your inner wisdom.

Horoscopes for all zodiacs during Virgo season 2024

Certain areas of your life will come into prominence during Virgo Season, so read these horoscopes for your Rising Sign if you know it, and your Sun (Star) sign if you don’t.


Virgo Season calls for a cosmic overhaul of your health and productivity. Ready to elevate your lifestyle? Start by inspecting your cupboards and getting real about what’s inside. This doesn’t mean you need to have a mass clear-out and fill your fridge with celery and protein shakes but consider if your snack options align with your wellness goals.

When you reach for a treat, are there healthier choices available? Can you swap the sugar-filled granola for some fibre-rich muesli? Additionally, check in on that neglected gym equipment or exercise routine — maybe it’s time for a revitalising update.

Virgo Season is also your moment to tackle those scattered To Do lists. Gather all those little tasks and consolidate them into a Master Sheet for streamlined productivity. This season invites you to reassess your professional life too. Is it time to polish your resume? Consider your career goals and evaluate which aspects of your daily work are supporting your growth and which ones are holding you back.

During the New Moon in Virgo, set intentions for your ideal day — envision everything from your morning rituals to your daily job responsibilities and how you’d like to see positive shifts.

When Mercury stations direct in Leo, you might find an opportunity to join a new group, reconnect with friends, or broaden your social circle so embrace any chances to expand your network. With Venus entering Libra, expect a boost in your love life. This transit can bring harmony and positive energy to your romantic relationships, so stay open to new connections and deepening existing bonds.


As Virgo Season unfolds, it’s your cue to gain clarity on your creative projects. Dive into organising your ideas and honing your talents. Whether you’re crafting a new endeavour or refining an ongoing one, this is the time to get strategic about maximising your creative potential.

If Leo Season had you more in solitude or feeling less sociable, Virgo Season will stir up the excitement for joy and fun, encouraging you to reconnect with activities that spark your enthusiasm.

Mercury stationing direct in your 4th House of home and family offers a chance to resolve any lingering issues related to your living situation or family dynamics. It’s an excellent period to address communication hurdles within your home, finalise decisions about your living arrangements, or clear up any misunderstandings with loved ones.

With Venus moving into Libra you can look forward to a boost in your financial realm. This transit signifies opportunities to enhance your income, request a raise, or receive harmonious recognition and appreciation for your professional efforts. Embrace this favourable time to solidify your financial position and enjoy the rewards of your hard work.


As Virgo Season rolls in, it’s time to focus on your home and domestic space, making it a top priority. You might feel a strong urge to nest and ground yourself, which could manifest as redecorating, renovating, or finally shifting the energy of your living environment to make it truly feel like your own.

After the bustling pace of Leo Season, Virgo’s influence brings a more grounded and calming energy, offering a welcome shift towards stability. During this period, prioritising self-care and embracing a more relaxed pace is crucial for your health and wellness.

Resist the urge to overcommit and practice saying ‘no’ with love, steering clear of the classic Gemini fear of missing out. Instead, focus on JOMO (the joy of missing out) as your guiding mantra. This doesn’t mean you’re isolating yourself; rather, you’re finding a renewed sense of equilibrium that can open new opportunities.

When Venus enters Libra, the spotlight turns to creativity and romance. This transit brings a chance to indulge in creative pursuits—whether it’s picking up a new hobby, reviving a passion for art, or exploring a renewed lust for romance. You might decide to re-enter the dating scene or prioritise quality time with your partner, so think about what harmonious connection feels like to you.

With Mercury stationing direct in Leo, expect clarity and resolution in matters related to how you express yourself. This period is perfect for clearing up any miscommunications, finalising important conversations, or gaining insight into your local community and relationships.


Virgo Season is all about refining your communication channels. This is the perfect time to tackle any pending tasks related to your digital presence. Whether it’s undertaking a complete overhaul of your website, meticulously going through your emails, responding to all those unread WhatsApp messages, or finally picking up the phone to call someone you’ve been meaning to reach, use the next four weeks to achieve clarity in all forms of communication.

This period may also inspire you to revisit an idea for a writing project or educational pursuit, so embrace the concept of revitalising your intellectual endeavours! If you've been considering getting more involved in your community—whether that means attending more local classes, hosting events, or becoming a more engaged neighbour—now is the time to get organised.

Mercury stationing direct in Leo offers a renewed opportunity to improve your financial situation. You might see a chance to increase your income, receive inspiration for financial projects, or even revisit an activity or situation that could significantly boost your self-confidence.

Then, as Venus enters Libra, it’s an excellent time to invest in making your home environment more aesthetically pleasing. Consider treating yourself to a new candle, a decorative throw pillow, or anything that enhances the comfort and style of your living space. A beautiful, inviting home will provide the energy and rejuvenation you need to tackle your tasks and tick off your to-do lists!


As the Sun transitions from your sign into Virgo, the spotlight temporarily shifts away from you, and that’s actually a welcome change! The past few weeks may have been filled with excitement and activity, and you could now be yearning for a bit of order.

This is an ideal time to reflect on the revelations and “ah-ha” moments that emerged over August. Consider where you might still be struggling with self-confidence or where you’d like to enhance your sense of self-worth. Now it’s time to focus on establishing regular, diligent practices that will help you feel deserving of all that you desire.

Virgo Season is also an excellent period to get your finances in order. Set clear goals for spending versus saving, brainstorm ways to maximise your income, and evaluate how you can increase your value or negotiate a pay rise. Empower yourself with a robust financial plan, shifting from feeling intimidated by your bank balance to feeling in control and confident!

As Mercury stations direct in your sign, it’s a prime opportunity to advance with a passion project or initiate a conversation that’s been lingering on your mind. Don’t hesitate to send that crucial email or pitch that idea—these actions could propel you towards success and make a significant impact.

If you’re single and seeking romance, Venus moving into Libra suggests that luck might come through your community or social media. Consider joining a new group, refreshing your dating profile, or exploring local events where you might meet someone special. For those already in a relationship, focus on the art of communication. Switch the Netflix box set for a documentary that you can discuss together afterwards or plan a dinner date where you leave your phones at home!


It’s your season, Virgo, and you’re ready to shine! This time of year tends to energise you, inspiring you to step into the spotlight and showcase your talents. Whether you’re literally stepping into a leadership role, motivating others, or finally committing to plans that have been simmering in the background, seize this surge of organisational energy to give yourself the best chance for success. Embrace new tools like a fresh notepad, an updated spreadsheet, or a gleaming to-do list where you pen down all your goals and desires—these are your allies in this productive phase.

The New Moon in Virgo is an excellent opportunity to reflect on all that you’re ready to welcome into your life. It marks the beginning of a fresh cycle, so consider how you’ve evolved over the past twelve months and what lessons this transformation has imparted. Think about how these insights can guide you toward your next steps and aspirations.

As Venus moves into Libra, you might see a potential boost in your financial situation. This transit could bring opportunities to profit from the plans you’ve been diligently working on over the past few months. It’s a favourable time to reap the rewards of your efforts and enjoy the financial gains that come with it!

Mercury stationing direct in Leo can also bring some clarity regarding the vague shadows of thoughts that have been simmering in the background. This is a potent time for resolving inner conflicts, revisiting past reflections, and uncovering insights that can aid in personal healing. Any dreams or psychic experiences you have during this time should be treated with amplified importance!

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Virgo Season often triggers your desire for introspection, so don’t be surprised if you find yourself yearning for some downtime. Solitude and retreat become particularly appealing after the whirlwind of August, and you might already be planning how to carve out some time for yourself. This period is crucial for your regeneration and restoration, so focus on setting healthy boundaries and practising self-care. Remember to pause before committing to new plans and make space to recuperate!

This is a powerful time to reconnect with holistic or esoteric practices that centre you and promote healing, such as meditation, mindfulness journaling, or yoga. Embrace the season's invitation to find balance and equilibrium, aligning with the contemplative energy Virgo brings.

However, this isn't about isolating yourself in a cave of loneliness completely! When Venus enters your sign, you’ll experience a surge of love and a renewed desire for pleasure. This could mean diving back into the dating scene with a fresh outlook, prioritising your own joy, or exploring new ways to indulge in self-care.

Libra, associated with aesthetics and beauty, aligns with your 1st House, so consider investing in your appearance or presentation. Whether it’s experimenting with a new haircut or style, using Virgo’s cleansing energy to clear out your wardrobe and rediscover lost gems, or making space for chic autumnal pieces, let this season be an opportunity to regroup and focus on what empowers you.

Mercury stationing direct in Leo makes it an excellent time to revisit and resolve any communication issues with friends or within social groups, and to advance your collective goals. Embrace this period to strengthen connections and firm-up social plans with a fresh perspective!


Virgo Season brings you the boost of inspiration to focus on your friendships and social networks, and now you're poised to start planning for the future with a fresh perspective. This period is ideal for evaluating the groups you're part of and considering how to leverage networking opportunities to your advantage. The people around you now can play a significant role in your personal and professional growth, so get schmoosing!

If the past four weeks had you focused on work commitments and being in the spotlight, Virgo Season offers a chance to relax and engage more deeply with your social circles. Use this time to enjoy hanging out with friends and to settle into group dynamics that feel right for you. Consider how you organise your time to ensure you’re spending it with people who truly matter, rather than spreading yourself too thin. Remember, your Scorpio nature thrives on deep, meaningful connections and one-to-one interactions.

When Mercury stations direct in Leo, it could signal a green light for a breakthrough in your professional life, or the opportunity to receive recognition or congratulations for your hard work. Then, as Venus moves into Libra, there’s an invitation to return to those quieter, more reflective parts of yourself. You might find satisfaction in moments of solitude, and this is a great time to reintegrate healing practices or focus on personal rejuvenation. It’s all about finding a balance between introspection and socialising, so organise your Virgo season accordingly!


Virgo Season offers you a valuable opportunity to gain clarity about your career path and begin implementing the practices necessary to achieve your professional goals, so polish off that power suit or whip out the white board because you’re ready to set your sights on the stars!

As the Sun transits your 10th House of career and public image, focus on organising your strategies and setting up structures that will support your success over the coming weeks. With Mercury stationing direct in Leo, now is an excellent time to hit the ‘go’ button on any travel plans you’ve been contemplating.

Whether it's booking tickets for a long-awaited trip or committing to an adventure, this period is favourable for broadening your horizons. Alternatively, you might find yourself stepping into an educational role, either by starting to teach or instruct others after months of adding skills to your repertoire, or seeing the fruits of a recent course or workshop paying off.

If you’ve been considering advancing your education but hesitated, Mercury direct could prompt you to dive in and fully commit.

When Venus moves into Libra, it signals a prime moment to enhance your networking efforts and engage with new groups. This transit is ideal for making connections and expanding your social circle, so look for opportunities to join organisations that align with your ambitions and interests. You never know what these fresh faces could bring into your life!


Virgo Season arrives to help you get organised around your desire for expansion. You love to ground down and make solid plans, so this season feels like a ‘coming home’ to committing to projects. You’ll find yourself gravitating towards your ambitions for higher education, travel, and philosophy, and this could mean committing to a long-awaited holiday or trip, or diving into an exciting spiritual journey such as a retreat. Education and learning also come into focus, giving you strong ‘back to school’ vibes. Now is the time to broaden your horizons and set in motion the plans that will lay down the roots for future growth.

When Mercury stations direct in Leo, you may find clarity emerging around financial matters or deep personal changes. This period is ideal for addressing any lingering issues related to joint finances, investments, or transformative growth. If a chance to do things differently, break a toxic habit or face a fear with renewed strength arrives, then don’t be shy about taking it. You might also see opportunities to finalise important decisions or agreements that have been in flux.

Venus moving into Libra brings a chance to enhance your professional life and gain recognition for your efforts. Look for opportunities to elevate your career, whether through networking, seeking a promotion, or taking steps to improve your public image. You’re oozing professional charm during this transit, and Venus in this position can bring rewards and positive developments in your job, so make the most of this time to advance your career goals!


Virgo Season can often feel like quite a transformative time for you, as you feel called to ‘bring it in’ and return to your own personal growth. If August felt like you were doing a lot for others, or had to find a balance in relationship needs, then the next four weeks are about diving into the realm of intimacy, shared resources, and deep psychological insights. Financial planning or merged business needs can also be factors during this time, so whether it's reorganising your budget, addressing joint finances, or exploring new avenues for investment, use this period to bring structure and clarity to these areas of your life.

It’s also an excellent time for personal healing and letting go of past issues that may have been holding you back. How are you going to quit a habit or break a destructive pattern over Virgo Season?

With Mercury stationing direct in Leo, clarity may also emerge in your one-on-one interactions. This is a favourable period for resolving any misunderstandings or negotiating agreements in relationships. If you’ve been waiting for a chance to discuss important matters or make decisions with a significant other or business partner, now is the time to move forward.

As Venus moves into Libra, you’ll feel a boost in your enthusiasm for expanding your horizons. This transit encourages you to explore new ideas, embark on educational pursuits, or plan a trip that broadens your perspective. It’s a great time to invest in activities that stimulate your intellectual curiosity and enrich your life experiences, and you may even meet someone from another culture or in an educational setting if you are looking for love!


Virgo Season appeases the dreamy romantic in you, as it shines a spotlight on your relationships. Looking for love? Keen to deepen your connection with a partner? The next four weeks are a prime time for exactly this. Whether you're evaluating existing partnerships or seeking to create new ones, this period encourages you to bring organisation and clarity to your one-on-one interactions.

It’s a great moment for setting healthy boundaries, improving communication, and making decisions that enhance your personal and professional relationships. Whether it’s getting the diary out to commit to a date, or establishing what you actually want from a partner, then sometimes our love lives need a touch of practicality to help them run smoothly!

When Mercury stations direct in Leo, you may also gain some much-needed clarity in your professional life and health matters. Use this time to reassess your daily habits, streamline your workflow, and address any lingering issues related to your job or wellness routine. It’s a favourable period for implementing practical changes that boost your productivity and overall well-being, so set yourself the challenge of keeping up a positive habit for 21 days!

Then, as Venus moves into Libra, you could also experience a positive shift in areas related to joint finances, investments, or personal growth. This transit enhances your ability to attract and manage resources, making it a good time to focus on financial planning or explore new avenues for personal and financial transformation, including business partnerships. Venus in this position also supports deepening emotional bonds, so welcome intimacy and allow your sensual side to flourish!

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Zodiac sign compatibility, explained

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