Viral video of moms helping their engorged friend is *the* definition of womanhood

Moms night out without breastpumps

When you hear about a group of women at a girls’ night out hovering over the bathroom sink together, certain activities come to mind. But one activity that may be the last thing on your mind happened when this group of labor and delivery nurses hit the town, and rallied around the two moms in the group who forgot to bring their breast pumps.

Breastfeeding moms know all too well the feeling of engorgement when you really need to pump or breastfeed your baby. They feel like rock’s, y’all. Giant swollen rocks.

In this now viral video, “Labor_Junkie_RN” shared an intimate moment between girlfriends in a bathroom, offering a video tutorial on expressing breast milk by hand—directly into the sink. Most of the time, the women’s bathroom during a night out is the place where women lift each other up and (usually drunkenly) tell each other how amazing they are and how beautiful. Trust me, if you ever need a self-esteem boost, head to the nearest bathroom at a nightclub at 2 a.m. where there will be gaggles of women gushing over each other. It’s the best.

But these ladies were pumping themselves up, and it was a group affair, with the video beginning with one of the ladies saying they were about to conduct a little lesson on hand expression, with the text over the video saying, “POV: you forgot your breast pump on moms’ night out…but you’re all labor and delivery nurses.” It cuts to two moms who are dressed in beautiful night-out attire, hovering over the sink and hand-expressing their milk right into it.

Everyone is laughing, as one of the moms stands up and points her breast to the woman holding the phone camera and asks if she wants to participate in a water gun fight.

The mom who posted the video made sure to caption, “Yes, we rinsed the sink. Yes, I’m an overproducer. Yes, I (normally) donate.” to make sure all the Karens didn’t come after her. What was found in the comments was a majority of moms commiserating with the two moms in the video hand-expressing.

“I can feel the relief in every one of those sprays,” said one mom. Another mom shared how she had to hand-express into a toilet at a wedding because she forgot to pump before and she was in pain.

And some of the commenters viewed the video as a teaching moment. “OK, but still super educational! Because I didn’t realize it went in all different directions.” And another said, “not me, pregnant, thinking there was just one milk hole……… “

The OP responded, “Lots of people think the same! Truly one of the reasons I wanted to post this!”

Indeed, the milk was shooting out everywhere in all directions directly into the sink. Thanks for the laugh and for the education, Labor_Junkie_RN.

A version of this post was published in March 2024. It has been updated.