Upgrade Your Leg Day With Our 150-Rep Landmine Finisher

Upgrade Your Leg Day With Our 150-Rep Landmine Finisher

Landmine training may well be one of the most underrated ways to use a barbell – opening you up to a whole new world of muscle building and stamina sapping movements. Simply jam one end of your bar into a corner (or use a special attachment), grip the other end and get to work.

By only working with just half of your bar, the weight plates you have available can go twice as far, perfect for home workouts and busy gyms alike.

Far from simply being a practical hack, what makes landmine training especially effective is the smooth, lever-style motion you unlock. You're essentially turning your bar into a multi-use machine that locks you into and guides you through each movement, meaning you can focus on what really matters: putting in the type of effort that builds serious size and strength.

Taking full advantage of the benefits of landmine training, this express 150-rep leg day finisher pits you against two muscle building lower-body staples that are sure to have your quads and hamstrings screaming, all in less than 10 minutes.

Complete five rounds of the following pairing, as quickly as possible, while keeping your form tight and focussing on controlling your tempo. Rest only as necessary to shake off the burn between rounds, but keep moving —this is supposed to feel hard.

landmine exercises
Hearst Owned

1. Alternating Reverse Lunge x 20 (total)

Stand upright holding the end of your barbell in a central position close to your chest with both hands (A). Immediately step back with one leg, dropping back into a deep lunge position (B), before explosively standing upright. Alternate sides, one rep at a time, moving from left to right until all 20 reps are accounted for.

landmine exercises
Hearst Owned

2. Landmine Hack Squat x 10

Immediately after your final lunge, turn around ‘resting’ your back against the weight plate while holding the bar securely on your shoulder. Step your feet forward until your body is at an angle almost symmetrical to the barbell behind you (A). Bend your knees and push your hips back, dropping into a deep squat (B). Press your back into the plate as you stand back up explosively. Pause and repeat. Switch shoulders each set.

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