Unveiling the artistry of JustMikeysArt: Navigating the complexities of desire and censorship

Unveiling the artistry of JustMikeysArt: Navigating the complexities of desire and censorship
Unveiling the artistry of JustMikeysArt: Navigating the complexities of desire and censorship

ThePrideStore.com is an LGBTQ-owned & operated e-commerce platform partnered with Pride.com's parent company equalpride, offering a curated and always evolving selection of products sourced from businesses that are owned, operated, or founded by members and allies of the LGBTQ+ community.

In the vibrant world of digital artistry, Mikey Serrano stands out as a luminary, crafting pieces that blend the allure of pop culture with the exploration of desire and identity. Known as the creative force behind JustMikeysArt, Mikey invites us into his universe where eroticism meets nostalgia, and where the male form takes center stage. In an exclusive interview with PRIDE.COM, Mikey delves into the inspirations that fuel his art, his journey through self-discovery, and the ongoing battle against censorship.

Mikey's artistic journey began in the nurturing environment of his childhood home, where his mother's passion for drawing ignited a flame within him. Reflecting on his early influences, Mikey reminisces, "I got my love of drawing from my mom. She was attending this art instruction course and I remember watching her draw, giving me little drawing tips, and then I began drawing on my own." It was during this formative period that the iconic animation of The Lion King captured his imagination, inspiring him to hone his craft further. "I still have boxes of all the art that I drew of The Lion King in all its glory," Mikey fondly recalls.


JustMikeysArt's "Meanwhile" Art Print is available on ThePrideStore.com

The onset of the pandemic in 2020 marked a pivotal moment in Mikey's artistic journey, propelling him towards the realm of erotic art. Amidst the lockdown, a serendipitous encounter with queer artwork on Instagram sparked a creative awakening. "I found myself on Instagram one day and came across an artist creating brilliant homoerotic art," Mikey shares. "I came across artist after artist and grew close to one who would always ask me for input on some of the work he was doing, and then he started inspiring me and asking me, 'Why aren't you doing this yourself?'"

Mikey's prints, showcased on The Pride Store, seamlessly blend iconic characters with a queer twist, offering a fresh perspective on beloved pop culture icons. From reimagining DC comic book heroes in intimate moments to presenting a sultry rendition of a Star Wars Stormtrooper, Mikey's artistry transcends boundaries. "I wanted to add a twist that I could identify with," Mikey explains. "For example, I have a print called 'Meanwhile' influenced by my love for Batman and Superman. When I came up with this design, I thought, ‘Why can't Superman and Batman have a thing? Or what if it was just a DL thing? They had some time to kill and meanwhile this is what's happening.’”


JustMikeysArt's "Sexy Trooper" Art Print is available on ThePrideStore.com

Mikey’s print “Sexy Trooper” also has this theme in mind. “We typically see the Storm Trooper as a side character, right? But I thought, what if he was trapped in the desert, all sexy at home in his bikini or something like that? It was just playing around with those kinds of ideas to make something more appealing to myself and other gay men looking for homoerotic art,” Mikey shares.

Embracing the homoerotic essence of his creations, Mikey delves into designing art inspired by the LGBTQ+ community, a process that has been instrumental in his personal growth. Reflecting on the genesis of his 'Leatherman Bulge' print, Mikey recalls, "It was supposed to be just a neon sign of this leather daddy. But I kept playing with it and I presented it at this major leather event I had never been to before. It was super eye-opening and it allowed me to explore my own sexuality and my own queerness in a freeing environment." Through his art, Mikey not only expresses his fantasies but also embarks on a journey of self-discovery, navigating the intricacies of desire and identity.


JustMikeysArt's "Leatherman Bulge" Art Print is available on ThePrideStore.com

Despite the resonance of his art within the LGBTQ+ community, Mikey has faced formidable challenges navigating the landscape of digital platforms plagued by biased censorship algorithms. "I’m on my fifth Instagram account, second or third Facebook account for my business, and I even had to go to battle with my website payments processor multiple times due to my art being considered ‘pornographic.’ It’s not pornography, it’s artistic expression," Mikey asserts, highlighting the discriminatory hurdles encountered along his creative path. However, through resilience and innovation, Mikey found a workaround, leveraging platforms like Kickstarter to crowdfund his naughty art book and circumvent censorship.


JustMikeysArt's Signed Artfully Queer Erotic Artbook is available on ThePrideStore.com

Partnering with The Pride Store has been a beacon of hope for Mikey, providing a platform free from the shackles of censorship and amplifying his voice within the LGBTQ+ community. "Having a platform that was created for a community that is often censored is exactly what we need. I’m proud to be a part of it," Mikey expresses with gratitude.

In the vibrant tapestry of Mikey Serrano's artistry, each stroke tells a story of desire, defiance, and the beauty of embracing one's true self. Through his captivating creations, Mikey invites us to embark on a journey of exploration, celebrating the rich tapestry of queer identity and the boundless possibilities of artistic expression.

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