Jeff And Shaleia Still Seem To Be Operating The Twin Flames Universe

a man and woman in black clothing
All About Twin Flames Universe's Jeff & ShaleiaNetflix

The Twin Flames Universe online community has been the subject of two new documentaries this year, and for good reason. The community was founded by a couple named Jeff and Shaleia Ayan, who got famous for telling people that they could help them find their twin flame, or ultimate soulmate. But the story behind the community isn't all rainbows and butterflies.

ICYDK, the community generated a lot of controversy after Vice published two investigative articles in 2020, delving into claims that some of Jeff and Shaleia's "students" had been exploited, and that the couple were running a cult. The couple denied these allegations. Later that year, Vanity Fair also spoke with former participants, who shed light on some of the community's beliefs and inner workings.

Then, in October 2023, Amazon Prime's documentary, Desperately Seeking Soulmate: Escaping Twin Flames Universe, debuted. And now, a new three-part Netflix docuseries, Escaping Twin Flames, premiered on November 8.

Netflix’s take on Twin Flames Universe is billed as a “sinister love story for the digital age,” and the trailer is equally as intense. It shows clips of women crying and talking about how the Twin Flames Universe community took over their lives. At the end, one says, “Maaan, the tea is now being spilled.”

But who are Jeff and Shaleia Ayan, and where are they now? Here’s what you need to know.

First of all, what is the Twin Flames Universe?

The Twin Flames Universe is an online community that claims to be “illuminating the path home to eternal love.”

The community is centered around the idea that everyone has a soulmate, a.k.a. their “twin flame.” The community promotes the idea of finding a “twin flame union,” which is a “spiritual state” where both twin flames are connected and have agreed to be committed to each other.

“In Union, at least one Twin Flame is studying the Teachings of Union and actively engaged in the spiritual work of aligning their consciousness with Love, with the goal of attaining their permanent Harmonious Union,” the website reads.

Community founders Jeff and Shaleia say they have spiritual powers that confirm each member's twin flame, per Netflix.

a person holding the hand up
Mothers of Twin Flames participants (L to R) Debbie and Louise.Netflix

Who is Jeff Ayan?

There isn't a ton of information available about Jeff. He's the co-founder of Twin Flames Universe, and he previously went by the name Ender Ayanethos, according to Vice. He and his wife Shaleia are relationship coaches based in Michigan. Together, they sell classes and workshops through Twin Flames Universe.

Jeff met his wife, Shaleia, in 2012 through a mutual friend, and they got married in 2016, per the couple’s online bio and Time.

Who is Shaleia Ayan?

Again, not a ton of information out there about Shaleia's past, but she is the other Twin Flames Universe co-founder and also previously went by a different name: Megan Plante, according to Vice. When she met Jeff, she was living in Arizona, but the couple later moved to Hawaii and then Michigan.

The Twin Flames Universe website says that she and Jeff “are dedicated to their Life Purpose of helping all Twin Flames achieve permanent Harmonious Union and build the lives of their dreams together.”

Why did they start Twin Flames Universe?

When the couple first met, Shaleia was living in Sedona, Arizona, and Jeff moved there to be with her, per Time. The couple made videos about their relationship and eventually moved to Hawaii together, where they started a relationship blog called Awakened Intimacy.

This blog eventually morphed into Twin Flames Universe, which claims to help people find true love. Shaleia saw their online platform as a chance to share her spiritual practices with more people, while Jeff saw it as a business opportunity, according to Time. The couple currently operate Twin Flames Universe from their home in Michigan, according to Netflix.

a man and woman holding a baby
(L to R) Louise, mother of a Twin Flames participant, and a woman named Paula, whose twin sister of Stephanie, who is still enmeshed in the community.Netflix

Is Twin Flames Universe a cult?

The couple offers one-on-one therapies and access to Google Hangout 'classes' where members are offered advice on their relationship problems for a fee, Vanity Fair reports.

Followers can also attend services at the couples' Church of Union, order meal plans through a food delivery startup called Divine Dish, and “resolve trauma” in Mind Alignment Process sessions, the outlet says.

As far as group ethos goes, Twin Flames Universe promotes the idea that there is a “divine masculine” and “divine feminine” in each couple and one partner must fill each role, according to Time. Jeff and Shaleia allegedly started questioning the sexual orientations and gender identities of some members. Former participants claimed the couple pressured people to reconsider their sexuality and pressured members of same-sex couples to transition. The couple has denied these allegations.

What are Jeff and Shaleia’s net worths?

There are no hard and fast numbers, but The Cinemaholic says that the couple is worth close to $5 million.

Where are Jeff and Shaleia now?

As far as anyone knows, Jeff and Shaleia are still operating Twin Flames Universe, which had around 14,000 members in their Facebook group as of 2023, from their home in Michigan.

In fact, the Twin Flames Universe Instagram account just posted a video from a "Live Session" with a woman named Neeilam, who "delves into the introspective process of discerning whether you are genuinely on a Twin Flame journey, urging you to trust your inner knowing and the Divine synchronicities."

For more info on this online community, you can check out the Netflix docuseries, Escaping Twin Flames.

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