Try This Ultimate 'No Squat Rack' Barbell-Only Leg Day Workout for Massive Quad Gains

no squat rack barbell leg day
Barbell-Only Leg Workout For Massive Quad GainsHearst Owned

There are three things you can guarantee when it comes to most muscle-building leg days in the gym:

  1. You’re going to start with squats

  2. They’re going to be barbell squats

  3. You’re going to need a squat rack to load up the bar enough to make the squats feel challenging

It’s that last one that can get tricky. If you’ve invested in a barbell for your home gym but don’t have a squat rack, or if your gym has a disproportionate ratio of bars to racks, you might think a decent barbell leg day isn’t possible. But you’d be wrong.

This barbell-only leg day doesn't require a rack but still targets your quads, hamstrings, and glutes with high-rep, muscle-building exercises for a comprehensive leg workout.

How to Do the No Squat Rack Barbell Leg Workout

The workout is split into three parts.

Part one focuses on working up to the heaviest weight you can manage for the Jefferson split squat. By shifting the emphasis onto one leg, we don’t need as much weight to stimulate the working muscles. Using a Jefferson style lift, where we take the bar from the ground, eliminates the need to lift the bar into a back or front rack position before starting, allowing you to focus on what matters here – your legs. Build up to the heaviest weight you can perform for 5-6 reps on each leg, resting for 2-3 minutes between efforts.

In part two, you’ll pair a Romanian deadlift (RDL) with a Zercher squat, performing the movements back-to-back with no rest, ensuring the quads, hamstrings, and glutes are thoroughly engaged. Perform 8-12 RDLs before lowering the bar into your lap, establishing a Zercher hold and performing 8-12 squats. Complete 4 rounds of this superset, resting for 2-3 minutes between each and attempting to add weight in each round.

Finally, in part three, you’ll finish with 3 high-rep sets of ‘landmine leg 21s’. Setting your barbell up in a landmine configuration, you’ll perform 7 landmine front squats, followed by 7 landmine Romanian deadlifts, and finishing with 7 landmine sumo deadlifts. This will become truly challenging if you go heavy enough, so rest as necessary between rounds.

The No Squat Rack Barbell Leg Workout Moves

A. Jefferson Split Squat x build to a heavy 5-6 reps over 4-5 sets (each leg)

jefferson split squat - YouTube

Take a long step over the top of your barbell with one leg, so that bar bisects the midline of your body. Put your weight into your front foot, bending at the knee and lowering your body towards the bar. Grip the bar (A), drive your weight through your front foot and stand upright, pulling the bar up with you and keeping your torso upright. (B) Reverse the movement back to the ground and repeat. Complete as many reps as you can before your form breaks down, then switch sides and repeat on the other leg.

B1. Romanian Deadlift x 8-12 reps

barbell, physical fitness, exercise equipment, weightlifting, deadlift, weights, weight training, bodybuilding, shoulder, free weight bar,
Phil Haynes - Hearst Owned

Lift a barbell to hip height, feet at shoulder-width and shoulders rolled back (A). With a slight bend in the knees, push your hips back but keep your knees at the same angle as you slowly lower the bar towards the ground (B), avoiding excessive rounding of the lower back. When you feel a deep stretch in your hamstrings, pause and lift back to the starting position. Repeat.

B2. Zercher Squat x 8-12 reps

zercher squat
unknown - Hearst Owned

After your final Romanian deadlift, stand tall before lowering the barbell into your lap. Secure the barbell in the crooks of your elbows. Stand tall, locking your shoulder blades down and back, take a deep breath bracing your core (A). Push your hips back and bend at the knees, dropping into a deep squat while maintaining an upright torso (B). Stand back up explosively and repeat.

C1. Landmine Front Squat x 7

a man lifting weights
Hearst Owned

Jam your barbell into a corner or use a landmine attachment. Lift the loaded end of your bar to the top of your chest, gripping it with both hands. Step your feet backwards and lean into the bar. Bend your knees and drop your hips, lowering into a deep squat. Follow the natural arc of the bar as you stand back up explosively. Pause and repeat.

C2. Landmine Romanian Deadlift x 7

landmine rdl romanian deadlift
Hearst Owned

Lift the bar with both hands up to waist height (A). With a slight bend in the knees, push your hips back but keep your knees at the same angle as you slowly lower the plates towards the ground (B), avoiding excessive rounding of the lower back. When you feel a deep stretch in your hamstrings, pause and lift back to the starting position. Repeat.

C3. Landmine Sumo Deadlift x 7

landmine sumo deadlift
Hearst Owned

Keep the bar in your grips and assume a wide ‘sumo’ stance. Squat down until you can grip the end of the bar, with both hands, your arms inside of your legs (A). Take a deep breath, create tension throughout your entire body and push the ground away with your feet, keep your torso upright as you drive up and forward leaning into the bar path (B). Lower under control and repeat.

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