Try our colourful festive jumper free knitting pattern

model wearing knitted christmas jumper
Colourful festive jumper free knitting patternClaire Pepper - Hearst Owned

If you're looking for a knitting project ahead of Christmas, look no further than this free knitting pattern to make a fun festive jumper.

This jumper is so much fun to make and will be the perfect garment to wear in the run up to Christmas. It's knitted using circular knitting needles, meaning it's a great craft project for intermediate knitters, who know the basics of how to knit and are looking to improve their skills.

If you wanted to give this jumper an even more Christmassy twist, go for red and green yarns instead of the plum, teal and yellow we've used.

Happy knitting!


To fit chest: 81-86 (91-97:102-107:112-117:122-127)cm

Actual chest: 103.5 (114.5:125.5:131:142)cm

Full length: 55 (57:59:61:63)cm

Sleeve length: 45cm

What you need

A - Perfectly Plum (0362) x 3 (4:4:4:5) 100g balls

B - Deep Teal (0716) x 1 (1:1:2:2) 100g balls

C - Coral Crush (0361) x 1 100g balls

D - Citrus Yellow (0229) x 1 100g balls

Check out our guide to knitting with circular needles here.


22 sts and 28 rows/rounds to 10cm stocking stitch using 4mm needles.


Beg beginning; cm centimetre; cont continue; dec decrease; g gram; inc increase; k knit; k2tog knit next 2 stitches together; m1 make 1 (by picking up loop between last and next stitch and work into back of this loop)p purl; PM place marker; p2tog purl next 2 stitches together; rem remaining; rep repeat; RS right side; knit these; Rnd round; st stitch; St st stocking stitch; tog together; WS wrong side; * repeat the instructions following the single asterisk as directed; [ ] work instructions within brackets as many times as directed or for a specific size.

Check out our full glossary of knitting abbreviations here.

How to knit a festive jumper

Use the following knitting chart where mentioned in the pattern:

knitting chart
Chloe Birch - Hearst Owned

Using 3.25mm circular needle 80-100cm long and B, cast on 272 (302, 330, 344, 374) sts.

Join to work in a round, being careful not to twist sts. PM to mark beg of rnd.

Rib rnd (RS): *K1, p1; rep from * to end of round.

Rep this rnd until body measures 5cm.

Dec rnd: K6 (3:5:6:3), K2tog, [K4, K2tog] 43 (49:53:55:61) times, K6 (3:5:6:3). 228 (252:276:288:312) sts.

Change to 4mm circular needle, 80-100cm long and work in st st (every rnd knit).

Work rounds 1 – 75 of chart, repeating the 12 st rep 19 (21:23:24:26) times around rnd.

Work in A only from now on.

Next 5 rounds: knit to end of round.

Separate for armholes

Next part round: Cast off 3 sts, K108 (120:132:138:150) not including st left from cast off, cast off 3 sts, pm, cast off 3 sts, pm, K108 (120:132:138:150) not including st left from cast off, cast off 3 sts, pm.


Working on first 108 (120:132:138:150) sts, slip rem sts onto a holder for front.

Work back and forth in rows from now on.

Rejoin A, cont in st st (RS knit, WS purl), until work measures 19 (21:23:25:27)cm from beg of armhole shaping, ending after a WS row.

Shape shoulders

Cast off 10 (11:13:14:15) sts at the beg of next 2 rows.

Cast off 10 (12:13:14:15) sts at the beg of next 2 rows.

Cast off 10 (12:14:14:16) sts at the beg of next 2 rows. 48 (50:52:54:58) sts.

Slip rem sts onto a holder for back neck.


With RS facing, using 4mm needle, Rejoin yarn to rem 108 (120:132:138:150) sts left on holder for front, and K to end.

Work back and forth in rows from now on.

Cont in st st (RS knit, WS purl), until work measures 9 (11, 13, 15, 17)cm from beg of armhole shaping, ending after a WS row.

Shape front neck

Next row (RS): K42 (47:52:54:58), turn, leaving the rem 66 (73:80:84:92) sts on a holder.

Shape left front neck

Next row (WS): P2tog, p to end.

Next row (RS): K to last 2 sts, K2tog.

Rep last 2 rows once more.

Next row (WS): P2tog, p to end. 37 (42:47:49:53) sts.

Next row (RS): K to last 2 sts, K2tog.

Next row (WS): P to end.

Rep last 2 rows six times more. 30 (35:40:42:46) sts.

Work 8 rows straight in st st.

Shape shoulder

Next row (RS): Cast off 10 (11:13:14:15) sts, K to end.

Next row (WS): P to end.

Next row (RS): 10 (12:13:14:15) sts, K to end. 10 (12:14:14:16) sts.

Next row (WS): P to end.

Cast off.

Shape right front neck

With RS facing, working on rem 66 (73:80:84:92) sts, slip centre 24 (26:28:30:34) sts onto a holder, K across rem 42 (47:52:54:58) sts.

Next row (WS): P to last 2 sts, p2tog tbl.

Next row (RS): Ssk, k to end.

Rep last 2 rows once more.

Next row (WS): P to last 2 sts, p2tog tbl. 37 (42:47:49:53) sts.

Next row (RS): Ssk, k to end.

Next row (WS): P to end.

Rep last 2 rows six times more. 30 (35:40:42:46) sts.

Work 9 rows straight in st st.

Shape shoulder

Next row (WS): Cast off 10 (11:13:14:15) sts, P to end.

Next row (RS): K to end.

Next row (WS): 10 (12:13:14:15) sts, P to end. 10 (12:14:14:16) sts.

Next row (RS): K to end.

Cast off.

Sleeves (Both alike)

Using 3.25mm DPNs or small circular and B, cast on 48 (48:60:60:60) sts.

Join to work in a round, being careful not to twist sts. PM to mark beg of rnd.

Work in rib as set on back, until sleeve measures 4cm from cast on edge.

Change to 4mm DPNs or small circular.

Work rounds 41 – 75 of chart, repeating the 12 st rep 4 (4:5:5:5) times around rnd.

Work in A only and st st (knit every round) from now on.

Inc round: k1, m1, k to last st, m1, k1. 50 (50:62:62:62) sts.

Work 5 (3:5:3:3) rounds straight in st st.

Rep last 6 (4:6:4:4) rounds a further 8 (16:2:13:9) times. 66 (82:66:88:80) sts.

Inc round: k1, m1, k to last st, m1, k1. 68 (84:68:90:82) sts.

Work 3 (1:3:1:1) round(s) straight in st st.

Rep last 4 (2:4:2:2) rounds a further 3 (0:12:6:14) times. 74 (84:92:102:110) sts

Work 10 rounds straight in st st.

Shape sleeve top

Work back and forth in rows.

Cast off 10 (11:13:14:15) sts at the beg of next 2 rows.

Cast off 10 (12:13:14:16) sts at the beg of next 2 rows.

Cast off 11 (12:13:15:16) sts at the beg of next 2 rows. 12 (14:14:16:16) sts

Cast off rem sts.


Join both shoulder seams.

With RS facing, using 3.25mm DPNs or small circular and B, pick up and knit 28 sts evenly down left side of neck, knit across 24 (26:28:30:34) sts left on holder, pick up and knit 28 sts evenly up right side of neck and knit across 48 (50:52:54:58) sts left on holder. 128 (132, 136, 140, 148) sts.

Join to work in the round, PM to mark beg of round.

Work in rib as set on back, until collar measures 3cm from pick up edge. Cast off in rib.

To make up

Insert sleeves in position by folding each sleeve in half and placing the fold to the shoulder seam, sew in position between armhole markers. Weave in ends. Pin your garment out to the size stated in the pattern, cover with a damp cloth and leave to dry.

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