Train like an Olympian with Our Six-Week Weightlifting Plan

a man lifting weights
Train Like an Olympian with Our Weightlifting PlanCourtesy of British Weight Lifting

In Olympic weightlifting, the margin for error is miniscule. That’s part of what makes the sport so compelling – and why it’s been contested at every summer Olympics since 1920.

If you’re unfamiliar with the sport, this is how it works. At the Games, athletes are split into weight classes and they get three attempts at each of the two moves: the snatch (driving the barbell from the ground to overhead in one fluid motion) and the clean and jerk (moving the bar from the ground to a racked position before explosively pushing it overhead).

Your score is your combined total weight. Miss all three attempts and you’re out. It’s high-stakes lifting at its best, demanding flawless technique, mobility and range of motion.

But even if you don’t have ambitions to compete on the main stage, there are benefits to getting better at these big lifts: moving a heavy barbell from the ground to overhead will stress-test the limits of your athletic potential.

To help you up your own game, MH consulted four-time British weightlifting champion Chris Murray along with Stu Martin, head of performance at British Weight Lifting, to provide you with this six-week training programme.

‘Just remember,’ says Murray, ‘don’t get too hung up on the numbers. Consistency over perfection will help you lift bigger in the long run.’

How It Works

Each of these three sessions starts with two explosive lifts, designed to build confidence and drill technique. These are followed by a heavy strength exercise, then a superset to develop anti-rotational core stability. Aim to follow the plan for six weeks. ‘Any longer and it gets boring, any shorter and there’s no time to progress,’ says Martin.

Here’s how to read the exercise instructions below:

Example: 4 x 2 @ 80%

This means you perform 4 sets of 2 reps of the exercise using a weight that’s 80% of your 1-rep max. Rest for around 2-3 minutes between sets, as needed, with longer rest periods for those heavier, more demanding lifts.

chris murray weight lifter
Four-time British champion Chris MurrayCourtesy of British Weight Lifting

Workout #1 Mondays: Work Your Jerk

01 Split Jerk

Week 1 – 4 x 2 @ 80%

Week 2 – 5 x 2 @ 80%

Week 3 – 6 x 2 @ 80%

Week 4 – 2 x 2 @ 80%

Week 5 – 2-3 x 1 @ 85-90%

Week 6 – Build to a max double or single

split jerk
Hearst Owned

Clean a barbell into the front rack position or take it from a rack. From this position, dip at the knees and explosively extend your legs, using the momentum to help you press the barbell upwards. Quickly split your legs, dropping below the bar, locking out your arms and catching it overhead before standing up. Lower under control.

02 Hang Power Snatch

Week 1 – 4 x 3 @ 70%

Week 2 – 4 x 3 @ 70%

Week 3 – 4 x 3 @ 70%

Week 4 – 3 x 3 @ 75%

Week 5 – 3 x 2 @ 80%

Week 6 – 2 x 2 @ 85%

hang power snatch
Hearst Owned

Hold the barbell with a wide overhand grip at thigh level, feet shoulder-width apart. Hinge forwards slightly then explosively stand upright using the momentum to pull the barbell overhead, while simultaneously dipping at the knees slightly to drop below the bar. Catch the barbell overhead and stand tall. Return the barbell to your hips and repeat.

03 Back Squat

Week 1 – 3 x 4-5 @ 75%

Week 2 – 4 x 4-5 @ 75%

Week 3 – 5 x 4-5 @ 75%

Week 4 – 2 x 4-5 @ 80%

Week 5 – Work up to a 5RM

Week 6 – 2-3 x 2-3 @ last week’s 5RM

back squat
unknown - Hearst Owned

Secure a barbell on your back, across the top of your shoulders, gripping it hard. Maintain an upright torso and push your hips back, bending your knees until the crease of your hips drops below your knees. Stand back up explosively, take a breath and repeat.

04A Single Arm Dumbbell Press

Week 1 – Work up to 8-10-rep max each side

Week 2 – 2 x 6-8 each side @ 8-10RM

Week 3 – 3 x 6-8 each side @ 8-10RM

Week 4 – Work up to 6-8RM each side

Week 5 – 2 x 4-6 each side @ 6-8RM

Week 6 – 3 x 4-6 each side @ 6-8RM

single arm dumbbell push press
Hearst Owned

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, holding a dumbbell on your shoulder. Take a deep breath, create tension throughout your entire body and push the weight above your head. Slowly lower it back to your shoulders. Do your reps on one side, then switch sides.

04B Loaded Plank

Week 1 – 3 x 20 secs

Week 2 – 3 x 25 secs

Week 3 – 3 x 30 secs

Week 4 – 3 x 35 secs

Week 5 – 3 x 40 secs

Week 6 – 2 x 30 secs

weighted plank
Hearst Owned

Assume a strong plank position with your arms bent, forearms and toes supporting your weight. Have a partner place weight plates on your back. Squeeze your fists and focus on tucking in your pelvis and squeezing your core, hard. Create a rigid structure from your ankles to your shoulders and hold it.

chris murray weightlifter
Courtesy of British Weight Lifting

Workout #2 Wednesdays: Boost Your Snatch

01 Snatch

Week 1 – 4 x 2 @ 80%

Week 2 – 4-5 x 2 @ 80%

Week 3 – 5-6 x 2 @ 80%

Week 4 – 3 x 2 @ 80%

Week 5 – 2-3 x 1 @ 85-90%

Week 6 – Work up to a max double or single

barbell snatch
Hearst Owned

Grip the barbell with a wide overhand grip. Pull yourself down into a squat position with low hips and an upright torso. Explosively stand upright using the momentum to pull the barbell overhead while simultaneously dropping back into a squat in one fluid motion. Catch the barbell in an overhead squat position, get your balance then stand up.

02 Power Clean

Week 1 – 4 x 3 @ 70%

Week 2 – 4 x 3 @ 70%

Week 3 – 4 x 3 @ 70%

Week 4 – 3 x 3 @ 75%

Week 5 – 3 x 2 @ 80%

Week 6 – 2 x 2 @ 85%

barbell clean
Hearst Owned

Hinge down and grip your barbell with a flat back, torso upright. Explosively stand upwards, shrug your shoulders and use the momentum to pull the barbell upwards while quickly dropping beneath the bar. Catch the barbell on your shoulders with a slight bend in the knees. Explosively stand upright.

03 Front Squat

Week 1 – 4 x 3 @ 75%

Week 2 – 4 x 3 @ 75%

Week 3 – 4 x 3 @ 75%

Week 4 – 3 x 3 @ 75%

Week 5 – 3 x 2 @ 80%

Week 6 – 2 x 2 @ 85%

front squat
unknown - Hearst Owned

Hold a barbell across your chest, lifting your elbows high to secure the bar on your shoulders. Maintain an upright torso and push your hips back, bending your knees until the crease of your hips drops below your knees. Stand back up explosively, take a breath and repeat.

04A Single-Arm Row

Week 1 – Work up to 8-10-rep max each side

Week 2 – 2 x 6-8 each side @ 8-10RM

Week 3 – 3 x 6-8 each side @ 8-10RM

Week 4 – Work up to 6-8RM

Week 5 – 2 x 4-6 each side @ 6-8RM

Week 6 – 3 x 4-6 each side @ 6-8RM

three point single arm dumbbell row
Hearst Owned

Hold a dumbbell in one arm and hinge at the hips, letting the dumbbell hang. Put your other hand on a wall, box or bench for support if you need to. With a flat back and rigid core, row the right dumbbell up into your hip. Pause briefly, then lower the weight under control. Repeat.

04B Back Extension Hold

Week 1 – 3 x 20 secs

Week 2 – 3 x 25 secs

Week 3 – 3 x 30 secs

Week 4 – 3 x 35 secs

Week 5 – 3 x 40 secs

Week 6 – 2 x 30 secs

exercise equipment, arm, weights, leg, shoulder, weightlifting machine, joint, bench, chest, trunk,
Hearst Owned

Lie flat on the floor, face down. Anchor your feet with a weight or use a back extension bench if possible. Stretch your arms out in front of you, then extend through your spine, lifting your chest from the ground as far as possible. Hold this position for 20 secs, actively flexing your back throughout.

Workout #3 Fridays or Saturdays: Build Your Clean & Jerk

01 Clean & Jerk

Week 1 – 3-4 x 2 @ 80%

Week 2 – 4-5 x 2 @ 80%

Week 3 – 5-6 x 2 @ 80%

Week 4 – 3 x 2 @ 80%

Week 5 – 2-3 x 1 @ 85-90%

Week 6 – Work up to a max double or single

clean and split jerk
Hearst Owned

Hinge at the hips to grip your bar with a flat back. Explosively stand up, shrug your shoulders and use the momentum to pull the bar up while dropping beneath it. Catch it on your shoulders and stand upright. Dip at the knees and extend your legs as you press the bar up; split your legs, dropping below the bar. Lock out your arms as you catch it overhead before standing. Lower under control.

02 Snatch Pull

Week 1 – 3-4 x 3 @ 90% of your snatch 1RM

Week 2 – 3-4 x 3 @ 95%

Week 3 – 3-4 x 3 @ 100%

Week 4 – 2 x 3 @ 105%

Week 5 – Work up to a snatch pull 3RM

Week 6 – 2 x 3 @ 90%

snatch pull
Hearst Owned

Grip the barbell with a wide overhand grip. Pull yourself down into a squat position with low hips and an upright torso. Explosively stand upright, extending at the hips and coming right on to your toes and using the momentum to shrug the barbell up. Lower under control to the ground and repeat.

03 Push Press

Week 1 – 4 x 3 @ 70%

Week 2 – 4 x 3 @ 70%

Week 3 – 4 x 3 @ 70%

Week 4 – 3 x 3 @ 75%

Week 5 – 3 x 2 @ 80%

Week 6 – 2 x 2 @ 85%

physical fitness, strength training, overhead press, barbell, exercise equipment, weight training, shoulder, weightlifter, gym, free weight bar,
unknown - Hearst Owned

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, gripping a barbell across the top of your shoulders. From this position, dip at the knees and explosively extend your legs, using the momentum to help you press the barbell overhead. Lower under control to your shoulders and repeat.

04A Bulgarian Split Squat

Week 1 – Work up to 8-10-rep max

Week 2 – 2 x 6-8 each side @ 8-10RM

Week 3 – 3 x 6-8 each side @ 8-10RM

Week 4 – Work up to 6-8RM each side

Week 5 – 2 x 4-6 each side @ 6-8RM

Week 6 – 3 x 4-6 each side @ 6-8RM

rear foot elevated split squat single dumbbell
unknown - Hearst Owned

Hold a heavy dumbbell in each hand, your back foot resting on a bench or box, your front foot around 1m out in front of you. Keeping your torso upright, bend your front knee, slowly lowering yourself towards the ground. When your back knee almost touches the floor, explosively stand back up and repeat.

04B Alekna

Week 1 – 3 x 8-10 reps

Week 2 – 3 x 10

Week 3 – 3 x 10-12

Week 4 – 3 x 12

Week 5 – 3 x 12-15

Week 6 – 2 x 12

Hearst Owned

Lie flat on your back, with your feet off the ground, legs bent at 90 degrees and arms stretched out in front. Slowly extend your legs to full stretch. At the same time, extend your arms out beyond your head. Pause in this position and then reverse. Place a weight plate across your shins to progress the movement.

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