Top Tips For Morning Motivation


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There aren’t many of us who actually look forward to getting up and going to work in the morning, so we could all do with a healthy dose of motivation when that alarm clock goes off. It is possible to do things to your morning routine however, to get you into a more positive frame of mind about the day ahead.

If you’re someone who reaches over with a groan to hit the snooze button on your alarm clock multiple times in the morning, these tips from some bona fide girl bosses are definitely for you…

Get up early

Louise Rusk, Co-Director of The Rusk Company which operates two of Glasgow’s top restaurants- Hutcheson’s Bar & Brasserie and The Butchershop Bar & Grill- recommends rising early. She says “I get up at 6AM, about an hour before the rest of the house, to have some valuable me time which includes my morning cuppa. I also read a little and then revise my to-do list”. This allows you to get some private headspace in the morning to mentally plan and prepare for your day.

Listen to music

Lucy Locket is a personal trainer as well as a nutrition, lifestyle and motivation coach in Sheffield. She also runs the inspiring blog Lucy Locket Loves. She begins her day listening to the upbeat and dance-y Shake It Off by Taylor Swift to waken her up and put her in a positive go get ’em frame of mind for the day.

Turn to science

Susanna Halonen aka the Happyologist and author of self-help book Screw Finding Your Passion’s job is to give people the tools to be happier and get more out of life. She has a set 15-minute morning routine to energise herself- one that’s been proven in science to boost productivity. She says she “does 15 minutes of morning yoga or guided meditation, followed by drinking hot water with lemon and having a shower. I then look at my number one priority for the day- I always have my top two priorities for the day written down the evening before”. Susanna explains that “the more of a ritual or routine you follow, the more habitual it becomes, and as a result you’re less likely to question yourself because you’re so focused on getting on with things”.

Make every part of your morning worthwhile

Cherry Collins is the Creative Director of fashion app and tech start-up Grabble. She utilises every moment of her morning to prepare herself for the day ahead. Immediately on waking, she turns to Instagram on her phone for inspiration. She then heads to the gym or out for a run to energise herself. Then on her commute, instead of people watching, she says “I plan out my day, writing down things that will take the longest amount of time to complete at the top of my to-do list so that if I only manage one, at least I’ve accomplished something worthwhile that day”. Spending every part of your morning before work doing something to improve the rest of your day and make it seem less daunting is such a helpful motivational tool.



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