'Too exciting for me': Paul McCartney can't join wife in her bedtime routine

Sir Paul McCartney finds his wife's pre-bedtime habits "a little too exciting".

The Beatles legend likes to settle down with a good book before falling asleep because he thinks the shows Nancy Shevell tunes into in the evenings will leave him over-stimulated and wide awake.

He told his official website: " I get ready for bed and the last thing I do is read. Nancy will often look at a series at that time, but I think it’s not conducive to sleep because some of the things she’ll watch are a little too exciting, and the plot will keep you up all night!

"So I try to read biographies, which can be a little bit dry. After a few pages you start you yawn, the page goes fuzzy, so it’s light off and straight to sleep. I like that!"

But the 81-year-old star likes to catch up on new movies and TV shows while he's travelling, and is currently enjoying 'Breaking Bad' prequel series 'Better Call Saul'.

He said: "I watch movies. So when I travel from London to New York, its normally a seven-hour journey so I end up watching about three movies, and in the middle of it all I try and have a meal.

"I just go to ‘New Releases’ and unfortunately they’re not new – I’ve seen most of them! They don’t update them quick enough for me. I scan through and think ‘ah, I’ve been meaning to see that’.

"On car journeys, I watch stuff on my iPad which can be films or series. I’m currently on 'Better Call Saul' and it’s a good one."

Paul is also considering taking up knitting as a way to release tension.

He said: "I don’t knit, I imagine that would be quite cool, actually. Tom Daley knits and so does Michelle Obama, and I get why they do it; it must be a great release of tension."