Tom Kerridge shed incredible 12st by ditching just one thing after fearing he'd die young

TV chef Tom Kerridge astonishingly shed 12st after fearing an untimely death was on the cards.

The Masterchef favourite, 50, revolutionised his life via a basic diet adjustment. At just 40 years old, Tom tipped the scales at 30 stone and engaged in monumental drinking sessions.

He often initiated with a pint of Negroni, a classy Italian cocktail blending gin, vermouth and Campari, progressing to guzzle a mammoth 15 pints.

Nevertheless, post an extreme booze-fuelled binge, Tom realised his life needed restructuring and opted to go sober. "I went cold turkey. One day that was it. I have completely destroyed alcohol for myself," he revealed on Radio 4's Desert Island Discs.

Consequently, Tom managed to ditch an incredible 12st by simply lowering his carb intake, reports the Mirror.

Tom embraced the dopamine diet, which involves savouring delicious and satisfying foods that trigger dopamine. In a chat with The Sunday Times, he confessed he was "mortified" by his past physique.

He lamented: "Say we live to 80. Well, I thought, I'm halfway there. And then I thought... I'm not going to get there. If I'm like this, I'm not going to make it."

Dopamine, often referred to as the "happy" hormone, plays a crucial role in transmitting signals between nerve cells in our brains. Indulging in a meal can trigger a dopamine rush, particularly when we opt for sugary or fatty treats.

However, theoretically, protein-packed foods should have a similar effect and are much healthier. Chatting with The Mirror back in 2017, Tom shared his insights: "It's impossible to lose weight and keep the weight off for good if you don't enjoy what you're eating."

"No need to sacrifice taste here; the cooking methods ensure full-flavoured dishes and a hearty portion! My aim is to help more people slim down while still relishing their meals."

He meticulously planned his diet, deciding on the foods he wanted to include and those he preferred to avoid.

Tom introduced more protein-rich foods into his diet, such as veggies, canned beans, and eggs, and cut out sugar to dodge the snacking temptation. His efforts paid off as he lost weight but didn't give up on all indulgences, allowing himself to enjoy dark chocolate occasionally.

The celebrity chef continued to consume dairy, which he dubbed his "dopamine heroes" including full-fat cheese, milk, yoghurt, and double cream.

Tom found giving up alcohol to be his greatest hurdle. Speaking to The Mirror, he confessed: "I stopped drinking all by myself.

"I knew what I wanted to do and then I got on with it. It was all about mental strength. I have an addictive personality. People ask me whether I'm an alcoholic, but I think it could have been anything, it's just that alcohol was the thing I found. Maybe I am an alcoholic, I don't know. Some days are really, really hard and some days are easy. Most of the time it's not relevant in my life. I channel all that old drinking energy into work now."