Toddler baffled by mum's post-partum bump and asks if she has "one more"

This is the adorable moment a toddler meeting her baby brother for the first time is convinced her mum still has "another one" in her post-partum tummy. Mark and Beckie-Leigh Doig, 26, filmed their three-year-old being introduced to their newborn for the first time. But the toddler's delighted face turns to confusion when she looks at her brother - and then her mum's post-baby tummy. She adorably points to her mum's tummy and says: "Look you've got another one as well." In a video, Beckie-Leigh, a textiles worker, stifles a giggle and explains the baby in their living room came from "mummy's belly" and adds: "I don't have another baby, no."