Time for Your Weekly Tarot Horoscope
You don't need to know the difference between a three-card and a Celtic cross spread to get the most out of a tarot card reading. All you need: your Sun sign! Here's what I do: Shuffle my tarot deck and pull out the cards in order from Aries to Pisces plus one general card for everyone so that you can get specific advice for your personality. Let’s go!
Aquarius season has landed with progressive energy, so here comes the happy Three of Cups to lighten our mood, and make all things feel optimistically within reach. This is a week to cast off any January blues, and make merry. Winter will soon end, and spring lies ahead, bringing warmth, light, and growth. Come out of hibernation mode this week—catch up with friends and family, visit a new venue or event, and book something to look forward to in the spring. Have fun!
Aries are such bombastic folks, but underneath resides a well-hidden insecurity about being liked, respected, and admired. Good news for your ego, because the Three of Pentacles is the card of applause and external favor. Others like what they see in you right now. Others respect your journey, your efforts, and your outcomes. And this will translate, this week, into new opportunities, openings, offers, and invitations. People with influence are ready to step in. Say YES.
The time for hedging your bets and being vaguely ambitious without a set goal is over. That attitude has gotten you this far, but now you need to focus, clarify your endpoint, find steps toward it, and put your effort wholeheartedly into getting there. You have all of the imagination, talent, determination, and support you need…you just haven’t made the focused plan that pulls it all together. So, do that this week. Map your way toward your destiny and then set sail. You will succeed.
People don’t realize how financially-orientated most Geminis are. You love money! It means success, freedom, security, options, and opportunity. You have a powerful entrepreneurial streak, repositories of energy and motivation, and inventive ideas that edge ahead of the competition. The Ten of Pentacles will reward you for this in 2025. It’s a money-making year for Geminis, and it all starts here. You are writing a financial happy-ever-after. Aim high.
I’m not saying you’re vengeful, but you'll eat up a dish of revenge hot, cold, or even a little sour. You don’t forget those who hurt you and you, honestly, don’t forgive them either. Once bitten, twice shy. Justice shows up this week to bring a very welcome vindication and ‘you were right’ moment. Now, take it well, don’t gloat or rub their nose in it. Let karma deal out the appropriate gifts. It’s time to put this sorry episode to bed and move on with a life lesson in check and your head held high. Don’t dwell on this anymore.
All Leos get severe FOMO. It’s hard to turn down invitations or opportunities, and you often bite off way more than you can feasibly chew. The Ten of Wands offers a little warning about this in the next seven days, so be cautious about committing to things. Prioritize the big rocks, and fit in a few extras, but nothing that requires heavy lifting, so to speak. Leave some wriggle room and time to relax. It’s still winter, get cozy.
Although the year's only just begun, you’re actually in a stage with many closures. This isn’t bad, it’s just that many of your roles, commitments, projects, or goals are reaching a natural conclusion. Some of them may end altogether, some just need to level up. The World has you project managing your life. You’re figuring out what ends, what stays, what changes, and what gets activated. It feels liberating and empowering.
Hard work always pays off, even if the original outcome is missed. People respect hard work and notice success. They also appreciate fortitude in the face of adversity. You can rewarded for your behavior this week, Libra. Persist, work hard, and carry on even if you feel like quitting at times. The hardest project in your realm is about to get easier, a breakthrough (that you can’t see yet) lies just around the corner. This, therefore, is the right time to go faster, not slow down. Press ahead.
No one could accuse you of being fickle, but right now you feel confused about what you’re meant to be doing and whether you’re on the right track at all! It’s one of those weeks when you question everything and that’s OK, as long as you listen to and heed the answers! Don’t spiral, use your questions to gain clarity and traction, and to move forward to the next unknown feeling a little clearer. By the end of this week, you will have established what you’re doing and why.
Aquarius season is one of freedom, spontaneity, and exploration—all things very close to your own heart. This activates your imagination and sense of what's possible. The Seven of Cups is an invitation to fantasize, to make your wildest ideas a reality, and to manifest what you most wish for. Whatever passes through your mind is valid as an action for you to test out. Why not? Why would you think otherwise? Take your dreams seriously and use your ideas to create your reality.
Networking is the name of the game this week, Cap. I know you’re a solo player and would rather keep it to yourself. But, success often requires a team effort. Most jobs can be taken further and faster with a group of people working together and sharing their skills and experience. Create your dream team. Find your allies and collaborators. Gravitate towards folks who are doing what you wish to do too. Discuss big ideas with clever people. You will be amazed at what comes of this.
The Ace of Wands is a beautiful accompaniment to the start of your zodiac season, Aquarius. It invites you to enjoy your life even more by introducing something new which is authentically YOU. The main themes are usually travel, creativity, education, or lifestyle activity/ritual. This is something exciting and inspiring that you’ve always wanted to do, or even done before but not found time to commit to fully. Well, NOW is that time.
Pisces say hello to your villain era! Ha, not really, but maybe a little bit. It's well overdue because you’re so nice to everybody! The Queen of Swords has you feeling brisk, ambitious, clear-eyed, and full of vim to get going on your projects and ambitions. Woe betide anyone trying to distract or derail you, because you simply won’t tolerate it. A ruthless edge to your plans is welcome too. This is a week to put yourself first, foremost, and ahead of all others. Do what you need to do.
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