This Bizarre Remedy Could Help Your PMS Symtoms

[Photo: Getty]

At times, our hormones can feel like an unknowable, uncontrollable mystery.

While, unless you’re very unlucky, your PMS symptoms shouldn’t stop you from living a normal life, it certainly sucks to feel a bit snappy or experience overwhelming urges to scoff a few Mars bars.

But scientists think there may be a remedy that could help easy your monthly woes - bee pollen.

Writing in The Cut, one woman explained how taking a supplement called Serenol had improved her mood swings, noting that she felt: “notably more stable, and the sense of calm persisted”.

[Photo: Getty]

Serenol is taken twice a day and claims to increase serotonin levels and control hunger pangs. It contains Swedish flower pollen extract, royal jelly, and chromium picolinate.

The same remedy is used in Scandinavia under the name Femal. A 2002 double blind study of 29 women using Femal found it eased irritability and bloating.

However, as the supplement isn’t a drug, it hasn’t undergone the FDA approval process and claims about its effectiveness have not been 100% verified.

But what we really want to know is, will Serenol’s flower pollen just replace our mood swings with hayfever? Because nothing brings on irritability faster than a streaming nose.

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