Thanks to Rufus, my blind jack russell, for all he has taught me

<span>‘Whatever we give these loving animals is returned abundantly.’</span><span>Photograph: Mike Forster/Alamy</span>
‘Whatever we give these loving animals is returned abundantly.’Photograph: Mike Forster/Alamy

A wonderful article regarding the rehoming of elderly cats and dogs (‘They deserve love!’ Last-chance pets – and the people who rescue them, 7 February). Steve Greig’s words are spot-on: “The people I have seen that are most unhappy think everything is about them. Once you realise that almost everything isn’t, which is what these dogs have taught me, life is so good.” Whatever we give these loving animals is returned abundantly. I shall always be grateful to Rufus, my 13-year-old blind jack russell, for all he has taught me.
Dave Bicker
Barrow upon Soar, Leicestershire

• Your review of A Dirty, Filthy Book (3 February) made much of the “delightful and radiantly pure” Annie Besant. A pity it did not also refer to Besant’s other achievements as a socialist, reformer and theosophist. I don’t suppose the London dockers striking in 1888, or the match girls striking in 1889, whom she supported, were much concerned about her looks.
Ian Wilson
Thames Ditton, Surrey

• In response to the ongoing discussion about people looking into windows (Letters, 8 February), it might be helpful to consider the words of the late Eric Morecambe: “If it weren’t for Venetian blinds, it would be curtains for all of us.”
Liz Jarvis
Low Grantley, North Yorkshire

• Does Labour have a policy for ditching its policy of ditching its policies (Labour cuts £28bn green investment pledge by half, 8 February)?
Felix Bellaby
Hollinsclough, Staffordshire

• Do you have a photograph you’d like to share with Guardian readers? If so, please click here to upload it. A selection will be published in our Readers’ best photographs galleries and in the print edition on Saturdays.