Team Talk: Represent & WIT Founders on The Power of Community and Collaboration

represent x wit
Founders of Represent & WIT on Collaborative PowerHearst Owned

Streetwear brand Represent began in 2011 as a college project, with 25 screen printed t-shirts costing £150. Today, that business founded in Manchester by George Heaton and his brother Mike, is a global fashion power house that takes the catwalks from Milan to New York.

WIT was born in London, when founder Dan Williams saw the potential in the burgeoning CrossFit community he himself was part of. WIT is now the premium online retailer for training kit and equipment in the world and the official e-commerce site for licensed CrossFit apparel.

Both self-confessed fitness fanatics, George and Dan have brought their brands together to launch the WIT x 247 range, blending Represent's 247 line, which incorporates functional-optimal garments with the brand's aesthetics, and WIT's authentic training experience and community.

We spoke to George and Dan just after their impressive launch event, to find out how these two British businesses have thrived through disruption and why living their brands is the most positive way to connect with their consumers.

wit 247
Hearst Owned

Men’s Health: Let’s start with what motivated you both to start your businesses.

George Heaton: I started Represent because I really just wanted to put my artwork on product that I could sell. I was only 19 years old and I didn't want to work a manual job like my dad did. I couldn't see any other way that I could visually express what I wanted to represent. That's where the name stemmed from. Ever since the get go, our brand has always stood for what myself and my brother believe in and wanted to wear. That's why we're so passionate about it and why we live it to the fullest. It so much better than just doing a job, or a having a career. It's just actually our life. Then, obviously, building 247 as I got into fitness and training. I became focused on bettering myself every day. Being able to give that a home within my brand, which was just a fashion brand at the time, represents me as who I am. We stay very authentic to what we do and it has worked up to now.

Dan Williams: WIT was and is founded entirely on the fitness community. I established the business because I was part of the initial CrossFit community in the UK and noticed that fitness was growing as a sport in its own right. That there was a gap in the market for brands to reach that consumer. It's been so successful because we’ve made that community central to everything since day one. We are our consumers - we live and breathe training all day, every day. We understand what this consumer is passionate about because we're all passionate about the same things. Our priority is always the customer, whether that's bringing them the best training concepts, or introducing them the best new brands in the space. Everything we do is focused on them.

MH: How did the 247 and WIT collaboration take shape?

GH: When I landed on what 247 was and what it meant to me, I found out about WIT and I experienced exactly what Dan's just spoke about – I went in and immediately felt like I was part of this community. I loved the gym space within the store and everyone was so helpful. CrossFit is one of the strongest communities that I've ever been able to be a part of. For me, it was a feeling of nostalgia; of being part of something. I realized that I could align my brand with Dan's. We could come together to create something that both my consumers and Dan's consumers love. Something authentic and real to ourselves that we both love.

wit 247
Hearst Owned

MH: What is it about the intersection between fitness and fashion that works for you?

GH:, I think it's just aligns so well. You have to wear clothes to the gym, so why can't you look a certain way? The aesthetics of Represent and the DNA that we’ve shot through the brand over the past 10 years – that is what I want to wear to the gym. I was having to go to someone else to buy my gym clothes and I didn’t like the shapes and silhouettes. I never felt comfortable in those clothes. Why wasn’t there an oversized tank with a nice tight neck and a wider rib? Why do the shorts need to be this length? I like the aesthetics of what I do with my brand so the challenge was to transfer that over into fitness apparel.

DW: I think we kind of forget that fitness or training has only really been a recognised sport for the last five to six years. Before that, people were just going to the gym in whatever they wore for sport at school or uni. It would be old rugby shorts or something like that. While the Nikes, Reeboks and Under Armours are the trailblazers for the training consumer, George and Represent are the sort of disruptors in the space we need. It's a unique consumer just like the streetwear consumer. They’re more into about going to the gym now than they are going out.

MH: Collaboration has been a big part of what WIT do. Is this your first foray into fashion?

DW: Our business is built on community first and then collaborations with other brands. Those collaborations with Nike, Reebok, and Under Armour turbocharged WIT’s growth, but I think there's a natural movement towards the streetwear lifestyle aesthetic. It means that there's opportunities like this one with Represent now. 247 fit perfectly for us because we have to stay authentic. We want to do cool collaborations, sure, but we, we are catering for the customer who's into fitness. There has to be a seamless connection. It was really exciting when George approached us with it.

wit 247
Hearst Owned

MH: What does your normal week of training look like?

GH: I train as much as I can really. I like to train every single day. My training week is a mix between the CrossFit, endurance and running. I like to do a bit of everything. I don't like to pigeonhole myself, so I can train seven days a week.

DW: George and I were talking last week and we agreed that when somebody says “I haven't got time,” I’ve actually never really believed it. We both make time and we're busy, right? We're busy guys. We know that people have got commitments. But my personal belief is that you've always got time to get the hour in. On a fundamental level, training is my passion. I have a duty to understand the customer and stay in stay to represent my brand and I enjoy it. It’s a central part of my life.

MH: I feel as though I see you both competing a lot. Is that something you’ve grown into?

DW: I think you're right. I used to run a lot when I was younger and it a bit of a strain, sometimes. I lost the enjoyment for it but was my sport, so I kind of forgot why I was doing it. As you get older, you definitely become more aware. You realise how lucky you are and your take it all in more. You realise that it helps with mental stress and boosts your professional life. It’s nice being fit, right? As you get older, it's nice to be in good shape. Competing is what gives you a target with your training and it’s even more fun when you’re in a team with good people and competing against great teams. It’s a huge part of it for me. I believe that humans were made to compete with each other in order to better themselves. Fitness is a really positive way of doing that.

MH: Do you have any plans to compete this year, George?

GH: Yeah, definitely. I will do a couple more HYROX races this year. I think I'm going to do Miami. And then I'll do Manchester. I’d like to do NFG again and then maybe something else towards winter. It depends what comes up. But to echo what Dan said, I’ll do it all in teams. HYROX I’ll do doubles, even. I like that camaraderie, I like connecting with people and pushing each other. I don’t like going out and doing it on my own. I’ve got nothing to prove to myself. I want to bring other people up, or be brought up myself in those moments.

wit 247
Hearst Owned

MH: The fitness event calendar has never been so stacked. How has that impacted your businesses?

DW: The growth of the competitive landscape in the UK across all levels just fuels growth for everyone in the sector. On any given weekend, you have tens of thousands of athletes competing at all levels, with HYROX and functional fitness competitions all happening at once. I was talking to a friend who runs the functional fitness classes at Virgin Active across the UK and there's large groups of people who are looking to get into the competitive ecosystem that just need accessibility. We're just at the start. Competing at Strength in Depth, or HYROX as both George and I have done, it’s so accessible and the atmosphere is so good. It makes you feel a part of it, whatever level you are. Everyone just wants to do the best that they can personally do.

MH: It’s a good way to live. Do you use that same approach to your brands?

GH: Exactly that. The feedback I get from Represent and 247 customers that it's changed their life because they’ve lost 10kg, or they're becoming fitter or managing to do competitions that they never thought they'd be able to do. People like Dan and me and so many others out there are managing to actually improve people's lives. We're not just selling them clothes.

DW: That is the key. You can tell that we’re super passionate about people getting in the gym and getting active. It does change so many lives. That's all we're trying to do when we’re at work.

GH: The first time I went to your gym, Dan, I thought that I have to do this in my in my workspace. I need to get everyone training together. There's a saying that like those who sweat together have the best relationships and I feel like if I can put that into my brand, then everyone, at whatever level, can feel that physical and mental connection.

The exclusive WIT x Represent 247 collection is available now at

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