Team Talk: Laird Hamilton, Legendary Surfing Pioneer, on Still Making Waves at 60

a person surfing a large wave
Surfer Laird Hamilton on Making Big Waves at 60Bremont

Mens Health: You’re still as famous for what you get up on to on a surfboard as you were in your twenties and thirties. How have you managed it?

Laird Hamilton: Well, I have a couple of things on my side. One of them is that my platform – my sport, my art – is not restricted by a structure that would make it more difficult to stay at the top. You see older guys in other sports, like Tom Brady or Roger Federer, and your ability to participate decreases as the younger guys come in. With surfing, you don’t have to be in a structure like that. You don’t have to tour around and be a part of a season and all that stuff. So that helps.

Passion is a big piece of it, too. You have to like what you do – love what you do and really want to do it. Sometimes it’s easy to get burned out because you’ve done it for so long. The schedule is brutal, the training is brutal. You just tap out. So retaining that passion is crucial. I’ve put a lot of effort and conscious thought into retaining my passion. I always use the quote ‘retain your youthful enthusiasm’. It should be something fun. Make it interesting, make it exciting. Make it something you’re learning.

I also make the effort to keep myself in one piece. I envy the guy who’s in his forties, hasn’t done much and everything works! His hips are good, the knees are good, the shoulders are good. You just need to have the discipline to work out a little. And you don’t make it an option. You don’t say that you might eat today, or you might not eat today. Or drink water, or sleep, or breath. These aren’t options, they’re just things that you do. Exercising needs to be one of those things that you do.

Personally, I have to recover and rebuild the pieces after all my injuries. The truth is I’m all in: my diet, my lifestyle, my sleep. Everything I do is about supporting the system. That includes making sure your relationships are good and that there are no distractions or deterrents from being positive. It’s a daily struggle. Everyone thinks that the grass is always greener, but when you get over there it’s just grass. We’ve all got the same things that we need to deal with. It’s just our approach and techniques that are different.

laird hamilton
Jennifer Cawley

MH: Has that routine evolved over the years? How different is it to the way you approached life, say, 20 years ago?

LH: Well, I used to drink alcohol, so one thing I’ve done for my overall wellbeing is to stop drinking. That’s one of the most challenging things that we can do. But the overall philosophy to my approach hasn’t changed that much. It’s all about diversity: some lifting, so cardio stuff, some stretching, and some activities. I like doing activities because it distracts you. If you go and ride a stationary bike, 20 minutes in and you’re just looking at the clock. If you go out for a paddle in nature, or go ride a bike in the mountains, not only are you getting the benefits of nature, but you’re distracted. An hour and a half in and you’re not even thinking about the time.

The biggest change is that I’m aware of things that can undermine my overall wellness. I try to avoid any ego in my training. It’s hard not to grab the big weights and ride for five hours, but you learn to listen to your body. That comes with maturity. You listen better.

MH: How has your attitude towards the ocean changed? Do you ever look back and think what you were doing was crazy?

LH: I hate to say it, and it’s probably a sign of a lack of maturity, but I don’t ever look back at situations and wonder what I was doing or thinking about. OK, so maybe like the cover of National Geographic where I’m just wearing surf shorts and no flotation protection. We were flying by the seat of our pants and there was a lot more exposure then. But we just didn’t know. You can’t blame yourself for not knowing.

In terms of my appreciation of it all, I think I would have soaked it in a bit more. A friend always tells the story of how at one point he was eating a lot of ice cream. He was eating pints of it every day and people would tell him that he was addicted. He replied that he could stop any time, so he stopped eating ice cream. Then he was watching a programme about a woman who was 105-years-old and she was asked: ‘What would you do differently?’ She said, ‘I would enjoy the moment more and I’d eat more ice cream.’ So he went straight to the fridge, grabbed a giant tub of ice cream and ate the whole thing.

My point is to be more appreciative of those unique moments, about why you’re doing it. Soak in more rather than being so quick to devour it and move onto the next thing. Anything you do that’s special to you, try and absorb it more. Be in it, while you’re in it.

MH: Are there any other athletes in other sports that you feel affinity with?

LH: In the pursuit of mastery, I think there are only similarities. I can relate much more to Tom Brady than I can to most people who surf. What I do and the way I approach it is completely different to other surfers. That pursuit of mastery, that refinement – the polishing of the stone – is something that certain people share, regardless of their field. Those people can often switch to something else and have the same level of success. It’s down to curiosity as much as it is discipline. You’re constantly willing to learn and that’s another huge piece of the process. Smart guys say they don’t know anything.

MH: How much of ‘polishing the stone’ is about failure rather than success?

LH: It’s what it means to you. How does failure sit with you? Are you OK with it? Show me a good loser and I’ll show you’re a loser. If you talk to any of the top guys, the times they missed, or lost, or failed, those are at the top of their mind. Not the games won. That’s what sharpens the tip of the spear. Those failures are the ones that shape and drive you. They are hugely impactful and motivating.

But then failure for me can also mean death, or at least serious injury. My body is like, ‘Hey! We can’t let this happen again!’ It’s evolutionary. It’s a deep biological response.

MH: Was there a situation you can pinpoint when you failed and learned?

LH: I watched that documentary about [free-climber] Alex Honnold, and it focused on the point his brain changed, so he didn’t get scared. I think he was exposed to a lot of circumstances we’d consider death-defying at a young age. It takes a lot of work in your own systems to get over that, to recalibrate. Personally, I was rescued a lot as a child. I was in rip currents, getting sucked out to sea on a regular basis. As a child, these things feel huge, and I thought I was going to drown a lot when I was growing up. But it happened so often that then I thought maybe I wasn’t going to drown. I recalibrated.

MH: Do you feel like you were born to be in the water?

LH: Firstly, I think there are exceptions to every rule. But my stepdad used to say that big wave riders are born and not made. They can come from anywhere; they just have a calling to it. But when you have somebody with the natural disposition and skill, and then they’re placed in an environment from an early age where they can lean into it, that’s when you see real affinity and skill. It can almost seem unreal. It seems to the layman as impossible. As magic. But it’s being naturally suited to something and then having the perfect incubation.

MH: What has changed about your sport since you’ve been in it?

LH: The same as all sports. I think there’s a lot of distraction and not so much of a foundation. Kids are not playing outside as much. We’re getting youngsters who know how to surf but can’t swim very well. On the other hand, we’re seeing an evolution in performance, whether that’s due to equipment, or the training, and being more conscious of fitness.

The media has changed, too. We used to do it and then get filmed, so any footage of us surfing was crazy. It was special. Even a still photograph. But now every kid has a GoPro. Now every set of every day is published.

MH: With everyone always being ‘on’ and connected, do you feel a sense of escape when you paddle out?

LH: Yeah, it works very well. I’ve surfed in front of thousands of people, but I get as much fulfilment from achieving things when people aren’t watching. Probably more. I’ve worked at that – separating feelings of accomplishment from the audience. We’re in a world now where we need other people to tell us if we’re successful. We’re giving up our sense of fulfilment to the masses, and that’s why a lot of people are unhappy. I can go out surfing and have a great session alone, or with one or two others for a bit of natural camaraderie. That way you control your destiny.

laird hamilton
Jennifer Cawley

MH: You’ve said before that surfing saved you from going down a destructive path. How so?

LH: The ocean is a teacher. It’s the most conductive substance on earth. It’s alive. It takes bad energy out and gives you good energy. It’s cognitive, there is a memory to it. You can’t help but be humbled by it. You can give it all the aggression you’ve got and it will just absorb it like it’s nothing. It’s consistent and reliable. There are things about the ocean that we need that we just don’t get on land. Life came from the sea.

The ocean has been my university and my church, my hospital and therapy. It cures your spirit.

MH: Finally, you haven’t followed the same route as the majority of sporting legends. You’ve often shunned the tours and the leagues for big feats and firsts. Is being a pathfinder your personal mission?

LH: It’s amazing. I could have never imagined the route I’ve taken. As a young charger, I had a belief that I wanted to have an impact. I didn’t know what that was going to look like, I just wanted to be free. I was raised in a wild environment and my mum, an amazing woman, gave us freedom. Incredible freedom. I watched my stepdad surfing in contest and his fate being decided upon by a group of judges. I knew I never wanted to subject myself to that.

For me, it’s art. It’s an expression of me. The innovations have been invaluable. I started doing stand-up paddle-boarding by myself in Hawaii and I was the only one doing it for seven or eight years. Now it’s happening around the whole world. There are guys riding the biggest waves ever using the techniques that we came up with. Those are my trophies. When I’m in a hole with a stone above head, it’s not the contests I’ve won that counts. It’s the impact I’ve had and will continue to have long after I’m gone. For that young rapscallion who wanted to make a difference, that’s all that matters.

Laird Hamilton is a brand ambassador for British watch brand, Bremont.

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