Taurus season is the (gentle) kick in the butt from the universe you need right now
It’s easy to cruise through life in blissful blah, doing the same old thing day in and day out. But news flash, friends! Amazing stuff doesn’t just fall in your lap—you have to get out there and make your dreams happen.
Well, the universe is serving up a little motivation-boosting kick in the booty, thanks to Taurus season, which runs from April 20, 2024 through May 20, 2024. And because balance is everything, the universe is also going to push you to kick back and relax when you’re done taking over the world, according to Donna Page, a certified astrologer in Atlanta.
Of course, there’s a lot more to it than that. As one of the 12 astrological seasons that happens every year, this one will leave its mark on your life, from work to romance to everything in between. Here’s exactly what your zodiac sign can expect from Taurus season this year:
What does Taurus season mean for your zodiac sign?
First, Taurus season is here to push you to make things happen. It's taking place right after a solar eclipse, giving you an immediate sense that you need to go already. You’ll be jonesing to make a big move, quit your job—all the life-changing shifts.
Taurus is ruled by Venus, and it’s sending go-getter vibes around love, too. Translation: If there’s someone who's caught your eye, you’ll be ready to do something about it vs. your usual kick-back-and-hope-they’ll-come-to-you style. Playing hard to get can only get you so far, so why not consider this an opportunity to break out of your comfort zone?
But because Taurus is an earth sign, this season is also about being grounded—literally. Like, don’t be shocked if you get the urge to take off your shoes and run barefoot through your local park. (Side note: Do it.) 'You’ll just want to be able to slow down and enjoy life,' Page says.
Expect to follow up all those urges to do everything ASAP with spending some QT enjoying the fruits of your labour. Page recommends leaning in to those chill vibes. 'Take some time to really enjoy things,' she says. 'Have good food, listen to great music with friends…dive into life’s pleasures.'
Taurus season also comes with an irresistible desire to be in nature, inspiring you to go on that day-long hike, take a bike ride, pack a picnic…pretty much anything outside will fly. (After all, it's called the great outdoors for a reason, right?)
By the way, Page says there’s some luck floating around with this season, too. 'Uranus has Jupiter energy, and there’s an element of wanting to find your fortune—and then it shows up,' she says. Basically, now is the time to dream big; you never know what could happen.
Taurus season will impact all signs, Page says, but Taurus and Aries will feel it the most.
How will Taurus season impact the rest of your year?
For starters, it’ll help you figure out where you want to be in life and when you can make that magic happen. Though it may seem obvious, formulating a solid game plan now will set you up for future success (promise!).
Also, literally stopping to smell the roses seems like a random indulgence, but making a habit of appreciating your natural surroundings—and ya know, life in general—can go a long way toward helping you be happier and more relaxed on a regular basis, not just during Taurus season.
As for having luck on your side, well, that’s always a welcome surprise. If you feel like things are going your way more than usual, just lean into it. You know you deserve it.
When’s the next zodiac season?
Once Taurus season wraps up, you'll head straight into Gemini season, which runs from May 21, 2024 through June 20, 2024. During this time, you’ll be all about hanging out with your friends and revelling in the start of the summer season.
Until then, wrap yourself in relaxation and lean into the luck of the draw. It'll pay off—big time.
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