Sylvester Stallone receives keys to the city of Philadelphia on 'Rocky Day'

Sylvester Stallone received the keys to the city of Philadelphia to celebrate 'Rocky Day' on Sunday.

To celebrate 47 years since the boxing drama was released, the veteran actor received the honour near the steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art, also known as the Rocky Steps thanks to an iconic training scene in the 1976 movie.

To honour the film's anniversary, Sylvester was presented with the keys to the city near the Rocky Balboa statue, which is situated at the bottom of the steps.

"You get to the top, you feel inspired, you feel special, hopeful, happy, and most of all, proud of yourself," the 77-year-old told the crowd at the event. "Life is a fight. It's a tough fight and get ready. You're going to win some and you're gonna lose a lot."

He continued, "But the real victory is in never giving up and going the distance for yourself, your loved ones, and standing at the top of these steps you're reminded that all things are possible. Keep punching."

During the Rocky training montage, Sylvester's titular character runs up the museum steps and raises his arms in the air in celebration as he looks at the Philadelphia skyline.

Additionally, Sylvester took to Instagram on Sunday, sharing a clip of a child reciting Rocky's iconic speech from the film.

"This kid is a real life Rocky!" the actor captioned the clip.

He continued, "We are at the Philadelphia Museum and statue, where they have declared Dec. 3rd Official Rocky Day. Thanks Philly, what an honor!"

In addition to receiving the keys to the city, the actor also opened a Rocky-themed shop next to the steps and statue.