A supernatural Western novel – based on a (sort of) true story

The Bullet Swallower is rooted in the US-Mexican frontier
The Bullet Swallower is rooted in the US-Mexican frontier - Reuters

Cowboys and ghouls make for an unappetising concoction. Take the mythic nature of the Western, beat the supernatural into the mix, and your whole edifice is in danger of becoming a melodramatic blancmange. Nonetheless, the American writer Elizabeth Gonzalez James has saddled up for an attempt. Hyped by Hodder, somewhat fatally, as “Cormac McCarthy meets Gabriel García Márquez”, her second novel The Bullet Swallower combines a sturdy and enjoyable revenge thriller with a po-faced, and therefore hammy, story of a generations-spanning family curse.

It begins in the badlands of the Rio Grande, where a family of mine-owners, the Sonoros, splice bad juju into their blood by burying underground their entire workforce, the local Indian tribe, as punishment for restiveness. The novel then skips to the 1890s, where Antonio Sonoro, the latest of an unlucky line, tries to revive his family’s fortunes by robbing a Texan cargo train. It doesn’t go to plan: his brother is killed by rangers, while Antonio is shot in the head and left for dead. He survives, and vows vengeance, becoming a monstrous avatar of frontier justice: El Tragabalas, the Bullet Swallower. Lastly, Antonio’s descendant, Jaime Sonoro, an actor in 1960s Mexico City, learns about his benighted inheritance from a second-hand book, and finds himself stalked by a mysterious figure – who had also haunted Antonio.

The Bullet Swallower is cribbed, in part, from family lore: Jaime is a stand-in for James’s own grandfather, and Antonio based on a legendary ancestor. Its Western strand is the most compelling, and the McCarthy comparisons aren’t entirely unwarranted. At its best, James’s writing has dark, enveloping magnificence. Men aren’t just shot, “obscene dark circle[s]” bloom on their chests. Ants flicker “in and out of [the] open nostrils and mouth” of a corpse.

Otherwise, however, the novel suffers from a nasty bout of magical realism. The book from which Jaime learns about his family’s past has the odour of rotting meat; Remedio, an eerie visitor whose presence causes milk to curdle, may be Satan himself. These elements needed amping up: either James could have tacked into their macabre creakiness, or crafted a genuinely unsettling tale of the Devil in the daylight heat of Mexico City. Instead, we’re left with an unhappy compromise, neither thrilling nor especially fun. Like its hero, The Bullet Swallower has a grim, loping energy – yet up close, it’s just as misshapen.

The Bullet Swallower by Elizabeth Gonzalez James is published by Hodder at £20. To order your copy for £16.99, call 0844 871 1514 or visit Telegraph Books

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