Sun, Sea & Sand(Bags): Three Beach Workouts to Shore up Your Gains

beach workouts burpees
Three Beach Workouts To Shore Up Your GainsHearst Owned

Take your training on tour this summer. But don't coast through it: whatever your goals, these boredom-beating, beach-friendly workouts will make gains a shore thing

Workout One

Kit Needed: None

No weights? No worries. Swim, crawl, jump and sprint your way to superior fitness.

Sea swimming provides a cardiovascular workout like no other. But if endless laps around a buoy aren’t your thing, this high-octane, functional, bodyweight workout will help you build the sort of strength that’s useful in all environments, land or sea. A ‘ladder’ format will ensure you’re pushing the intensity throughout, but pace yourself – you need to be able to swim back to shore after each round. Obviously.

Complete 10 rounds of the circuit below, removing one burpee from each round until you hit 1.

Swim x 20-50m

a man swimming in water
a man swimming in water

Pick a distance that’s manageable for your own abilities and confidence in the water. That might be 20m out and 20m back, that might be simply wading in until you’re treading water, turning around and coming back. Push yourself, but push yourself safely. Don’t be afraid to scale back the distance as the workout progresses.

Burpee x 10-1 reps

beach workouts burpees
Hearst Owned

Once you get back to the shoreline, immediately squat down, placing both hands on the sand between your feet. Jump your feet back into the top of a press-up and lower your chest to the ground (A). Straighten your arms and hop your feet forwards, before jumping into the air with hands on head (B) Perform 10 reps in the first round, 9 in the second, then 8, 7, 6 etc.

Bear Crawl x 25m

a person doing push ups on a beach
Hearst Owned

After your final burpee drop down onto all fours with your back flat and your knees slightly raised above the sand. (A) Move one hand and the opposite leg forward, whilst keeping your hips low and back flat. Repeat with the opposite side (B), crawling forward as quickly as possible for 25m.

Shuttle Sprint x 4 x 25m

two men running in water
Hearst Owned

Immediately after your crawls, stand tall and sprint back to the 25m start line as fast as possible, turn around and come back. Complete 4 x 25m sprint shuttles in this fashion, pushing maximally in each one. Be sure you catch your breath adequately before you head back into the water for the next round.

Workout Two

Kit Needed: Bag

Don’t just train on the sand – train with it, by following this 20-minute workout.

Taking an empty sandbag to the beach lets you turn the beach itself into a portable, functional heavyweight gym. This workout hits your shoulders, back, legs and core, using an AMRAP format (as many reps as possible) to squeeze every ounce of gains of just 20 minutes, so you can get back to enjoying the scenery. Just make sure you put the 'weights' away once you’re finished.

Complete as many high quality rounds as possible in 20 minutes, resting only as necessary to maintain good form.

a group of men working out on a beach
Hearst Owned

Ground-to-Overhead x 3 reps

sandbag workout
Hearst Owned

Hinge down and roll your bag side to side, working your hands underneath. (A). Lift the bag from the floor and rest it on your thighs, holding it close to your torso. Stand up explosively, use the momentum to pull the bag onto the top your shoulders, then dip at the legs and explosively press the bag overhead (B). Lower to the ground safely and repeat.

Ground-to-Over-Shoulder x 6 reps

sandbag over shoulder
Hearst Owned

Get a good grip of your bag between your feet again (A) pull the bag tight into your body as you stand up explosively, this time using the momentum pull the bag up and over your shoulder (B), letting it fall to the ground behind you. Repeat, alternating shoulders on each rep.

Bearhug Squat x 9

sandbag beach workout
Hearst Owned

Safely pull the bag up into your lap again, stand tall hugging it tightly against your torso (A). Push your hips back and bend at the knees, squatting down until the crease of your hip passes below your knees (B) stand back up explosively and repeat.

Bear Hug Carry x 20m

sandbag beach workout
Hearst Owned

After your final squat, keep the bag secured tightly across the front of your body, ‘bear hug’ style (A). March forward at a deliberate pace, covering 20m as quickly as possible, or performing two quick 10m shuttles (B). Drop the bag and catch your breath, ready for the next round.

Workout Three

Kit Needed: One dumbbell (or kettlebell)

Torch your core, pump up your quads and build bigger shoulders. And the best part? You only need a single 'bell.

Keeping a dumbbell in the boot of your car won’t do much for your fuel economy, but it could do wonders for your physique. Taking the gym with you anywhere means fitness is always on the cards, and there’s no better place than the beach for a dumbbell throw down. This circuit is designed to build bigger, bulletproof shoulders, a stronger core and legs that go for days.

Complete 8 rounds of the following circuit, ensuring you hit both shoulders before moving into those drags.

Dumbbell Overhead Carry x 25m

a person lifting weights
Hearst Owned

With your bell locked out overhead, stride forwards purposefully covering 25m as quickly as possible whilst holding your dumbbell steady overhead. Once you’ve covered the distance, lower your dumbbell to the ground and repeat the sequence of 10 clean and press into 25m carry, this time using the opposite arm.

Dumbbell Hang Clean Push Press x 10 (then carry, then 10 on the opposite arm, then carry)

a person lifting weights
Hearst Owned

Hinge at the hips, lowering your dumbbell between your legs, towards your knees (A). Stand back up explosively, coming right onto your toes and using the momentum to pull the dumbbell on to your shoulder (B), dip at the knees and use your legs to help (C) press your bell overhead. Slowly lower to your shoulder, then back between your legs and repeat. On 10 tenth rep hold the bell overhead and move immediately into…

Bear Crawl and Dumbbell Drag x 25m

a person doing a push up on a skateboard on a beach
Hearst Owned

Carries complete lower your bell to the ground and drop down onto all fours above your dumbbell, with your back flat, knees slightly raised. Reach down and grab your dumbbell with one hand, dragging it forward as far as possible in front your body, crawl forward until the bell is below your body again, then repeat the drag with the opposite arm. Continue in this fashion for 25m.

Goblet Walking Lunge x 25m

a man holding a gun
Hearst Owned

Standing tall, holding your dumbbell in the goblet position (A). Keeping your chest up at all times, take a long step forward with one leg, bending your front knee until the back knee touches the ground (B). Stand up explosively, pause and repeat with the other leg, moving forward.

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