The Sun in Sagittarius Square Saturn in Pisces Will Bring Many Hurdles for These Zodiac Signs

Astrologer Kyle Thomas reveals what this challenging energy has in store for the collective on Dec. 4

Sun in Sagittarius will square Saturn in Pisces
Sun in Sagittarius will square Saturn in Pisces

The cosmic forecast on Dec. 4 will be particularly challenging for the zodiac signs, especially in the workplace.

Astrologer Kyle Thomas explains that the energy from the Sun squaring Saturn — the planet focused on Karma — will be "stormy" for the signs and is considered "some of the rockiest we experience in 2024."

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With the Sun in Sagittarius, we hunger for freedom, expansion and exploration and it brings great light to our lives," Thomas explains. "Yet, as our Great Luminary clashes in a sharp angle known as a square with Saturn — the Great Taskmaster — we could find our lives feeling friction every way we turn." He adds that since Saturn is in Pisces, "we may feel tension around our hunger for expansion and freedom, yet forces push back and we must face solitude and embrace a more introspective tone."

As a collective, Thomas says that we will most likely feel "we are facing hurdles to our goals, as we are restricted and weighed down by bad news, duties and responsibilities." He also explains that this pressure and restriction may come from a "masculine figure, boss or authority."

While this energy won't be easy to avoid, Thomas encourages people to "focus on how they can use the energy to their benefit — or at the very least, lie low to try to sidestep it as much as possible."

"The key to working through this is to embrace patience, perseverance, and determination," he says. "Do not sink into sorrow or a pessimistic attitude. If we slack off, we could end up paying for it now and in the months ahead. Focus on hard work, being realistic, and know that without cloudy skies, we wouldn’t appreciate the rainbow after the storm.

Read on to learn how today's planetary storm will affect your sign, according to Thomas' readings.

Aries (March 21 - April 19)


Aries, this might be the best time for you to lie low. Thomas says that while you may feel "fired up for new horizons and to embrace your life to the fullest, things aren’t working in your favor now."

"You could feel that you’re being forced to work in solitude on a project that is racing to the finish line," he continues. "You may instead be feeling like your overall health has been burning the candle at both ends" and recommends taking it slow.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)


Today is the day to practice moderation, Taurus. Thomas says you "shouldn't "loan money to someone who may not be able to pay you back" or "spend excessive resources" on Dec. 4.

"There’s a major focus at this time around understanding where you stand in key relationships, Taurus," he explains. "And judging what each of you is giving and receiving could be of paramount importance."

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)


Gemini, you can expect to feel some "significant tension around your relationships and career today." Thomas says "you could find that you’re especially eager to spend time with a partner, yet work is being laid upon your shoulders immensely and you’re going to have to turn your full attention to those duties."

He adds that you may "find that you are deeply invested on projects with a business associate or collaborator and sudden hurdles are being thrown in your team’s path."

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)


Cancer, you may feel compelled to be productive today, but "the universe is throwing many corkscrews in your way."

"It appears you’ve been eager to expand your horizons, perhaps through new ventures, academics, travel, or international relations, yet it isn’t aligning with your overall work and life balance," Thomas says. "Be patient at this time and see how you can try on a new perspective that will push you in the right direction."

Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)


Leo, you may experience roadblocks "around intimacy or money" today, despite feeling "passionate and invigorated to express yourself and embrace love at its greatest levels today."

Thomas says "some of you could be feeling that your romantic partner isn’t fulfilling your genuine needs." However, "you could be looking for the resources to fund a passion project or aid one of your children, and it’s costing more than you’ve hoped for."

Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)


Virgo, your attention may be focused on your "home, family, or your domestic life" today. Thomas says, "as eager as you will be to tackle situations involving them, it appears there are some major hurdles facing you and you’re feeling quite opposed."

"For instance, a partner could be frustrated and putting their foot down about their perspective on a family situation," he says." "Or even stating that they’re irritated they seem to be pulling more of the weight."

Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)


Beware of your communication today, Libra. While you may feel "fired up" by your ideas, Thomas warns that you may "want to tread lightly."

"This is especially true if you’ve been assigned a communications-related project by your employer such as a proposal or contract," he adds. "It appears that your coworkers, work projects, and ideas are all not linking up as perfectly as you’d like. You may need to revise."

Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)


Watch your finances, especially today, Scorpio. Thomas says while you might feel compelled to spend money on a loved one or a passion project, today is definitely the day to "slow your roll."

"You could find that the resources aren’t there as much as you’d hoped," he says. "On a separate note, some of you could be frustrated with a sweetheart about how each of you spends and aren’t on the same page financially."

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)


Sagittarius, today's energy may feel more challenging for you than any other zodiac sign. Thomas says, "as much as you’ll be especially fired up to charge into battle, it appears there’s major tension pushing back against you."

Today, "rocky news or tough decisions surround home, family or your domestic life could be here" to disrupt your plans, especially since the Sun's energy will directly affect you.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)


Capricorn, there is a "major focus today on lying low and working in solitude" and "everything may truly work out better for you if you do." Thomas recommends you listen to your intuition especially "if you sense something is 'off' at this time [and] give it extra attention."

"You may have some significant decisions to make around something involving communications, like a proposal or a traveling situation," he continues. "Do your best to tread forward lightly and practice patience and things should work out for you in the end."

Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb. 18)


Aquarius, today won't be as joyous as you'd hoped, Thomas says "Your social life is buzzing quite a bit now and there could be a significant challenge with a friend about money. This wouldn’t be a time to lend, as it’s unlikely you’ll get it back."

He also says "you could be seeking to fund a major goal or aspiration and realize that it’s costing more or that finances are tighter than desired."

Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)


Pisces, you will feel like " holding your own and standing your ground" today. Thomas says "there’s a lot of attention on your ambitions, career, and public recognition and you could be clashing with people about how you’ve been aiming to rise higher."

"This could be a great moment to really refine your strategies and assess how you can move forward at the perfect moment rather than jumping ahead too quickly," he adds.

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