Strawberry Rhubarb Turnovers Recipe

turnovers with strawberry and rhubarb pieces around them
turnovers with strawberry and rhubarb pieces around them - Jessica Morone/Tasting Table

In spring fresh produce finally starts coming into season, and rhubarb is one of the most quintessential spring products, as it is only in season from around April to June. Because strawberries come into season around the same time they are a perfect pairing for rhubarb. This strawberry rhubarb turnover recipe from developer Jessica Morone combines these classic flavors in a flaky turnover for a fun spring treat. Morone notes that these flavors go so well together because "Rhubarb is tart, while strawberries are sweet and juicy. When combined, they create the best balance of flavors, with the tartness of the rhubarb cutting through the sweetness of the strawberries."

In addition to the combination of strawberry and rhubarb, you also get the flaky buttery pastry and the tangy cream cheese glaze in these turnovers, making it one delicious treat. Not only are the flavors delectable, but these turnovers also deliver a satisfying textural contrast, with tender fruit filling encased in crisp, golden pastry layers. Whether you enjoy these as a breakfast, afternoon snack, or dessert, these turnovers are the perfect spring pastry.

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Gather The Ingredients For Strawberry Rhubarb Turnovers

ingredients for strawberry rhubarb turnovers
ingredients for strawberry rhubarb turnovers - Jessica Morone/Tasting Table

For this recipe, you will make a fruit filling, pastry dough, an egg wash, and a cream cheese frosting. For the filling, you will need rhubarb, strawberries, sugar, lemon juice, cornstarch, and water. For the dough, you will need flour, salt, butter, and water. For the egg wash you will need an egg and some more water. And finally, for the glaze, you will need cream cheese, confectioners' sugar, vanilla extract, and milk. Morone advises, "Fresh rhubarb and strawberries are best, especially when in season, but you could also use frozen versions."

Step 1: Combine The Filling Ingredients

strawberry and rhubarb pieces in a pot
strawberry and rhubarb pieces in a pot - Jessica Morone/Tasting Table

In a medium-sized pot combine rhubarb, strawberries, sugar, lemon juice, cornstarch, and water.

Step 2: Cook The Filling

cooked strawberry rhubarb filling in a pot
cooked strawberry rhubarb filling in a pot - Jessica Morone/Tasting Table

Heat over medium-low heat for about 10-12 minutes, until the fruit has broken down and the mixture is thick. Remove from heat and cool to room temperature or refrigerate until ready to use.

Step 3: Combine The Flour And Salt

flour and salt whisked together in a bowl
flour and salt whisked together in a bowl - Jessica Morone/Tasting Table

In a large bowl whisk together the flour and salt.

Step 4: Add The Butter

butter mixed with flour and salt in a bowl
butter mixed with flour and salt in a bowl - Jessica Morone/Tasting Table

Add the grated butter to the bowl and use your hands to toss the flour and butter together. Then use your hands to rub the butter into the flour mixture until any large clumps are broken down.

Step 5: Make The Dough

turnover dough in a bowl
turnover dough in a bowl - Jessica Morone/Tasting Table

Add the ice water to the dough and use a fork to gently combine the mixture. Then use your hands to bring the dough together.

Step 6: Wrap And Chill The Dough

turnover dough in plastic wrap
turnover dough in plastic wrap - Jessica Morone/Tasting Table

Press the dough into a round and wrap it tightly in plastic wrap. Refrigerate the dough for at least 2 hours or up to 24 hours.

Step 7: Roll Out The Dough

rolled out turnover dough
rolled out turnover dough - Jessica Morone/Tasting Table

Take the dough out of the fridge and place it on a lightly floured surface. Roll it out to a 6-inch by 12-inch rectangle

Step 8: Fold And Re-Roll The Dough

folded turnover dough
folded turnover dough - Jessica Morone/Tasting Table

Fold the rectangle into thirds like you are folding up a letter. Turn the dough 90 degrees and roll it into another 6-inch x 12-inch rectangle. Repeat 3 times.

Step 9: Refrigerate The Dough Again

plastic wrapped folded turnover dough
plastic wrapped folded turnover dough - Jessica Morone/Tasting Table

Once the dough has been folded up like a letter for the final time, wrap it in plastic wrap and refrigerate it for at least 30 minutes or up to 24 hours.

Step 10: Roll The Dough Into A Square

turnover dough rolled in a square on a table
turnover dough rolled in a square on a table - Jessica Morone/Tasting Table

Roll the dough out on a lightly floured surface to a 12-inch square.

Step 11: Cut The Dough

a pizza slicer cutting up turnover dough
a pizza slicer cutting up turnover dough - Jessica Morone/Tasting Table

Cut the dough into 4-inch squares.

Steo 12: Add The Filling

strawberry rhubarb filling placed on turnover dough
strawberry rhubarb filling placed on turnover dough - Jessica Morone/Tasting Table

Spoon 1 tablespoon of filling into the center of each square.

Step 13: Fold The Turnover

folded turnover dough
folded turnover dough - Jessica Morone/Tasting Table

Fold one corner of the dough over the filling to make a triangle.

Step 14: Seal The Edges

a fork crimping the edges of a turnover
a fork crimping the edges of a turnover - Jessica Morone/Tasting Table

Use a fork to crimp the edges of the turnover to seal it. Place the turnovers on parchment paper-lined baking sheets. Refrigerate for 15 minutes.

Step 15: Preheat The Oven

oven tempature showing 400 degrees
oven tempature showing 400 degrees - Jessica Morone/Tasting Table

Preheat the oven to 400 F.

Step 16: Make An Egg Wash

whisked egg wash in a bowl
whisked egg wash in a bowl - Jessica Morone/Tasting Table

In a small bowl whisk together the egg and water until combined.

Step 17: Egg Wash The Turnovers

egg wash being brushed on turnover dough
egg wash being brushed on turnover dough - Jessica Morone/Tasting Table

Brush the egg wash over the turnovers.

Step 18: Cut Slits In The Turnovers

a knife cutting slits into turnover dough
a knife cutting slits into turnover dough - Jessica Morone/Tasting Table

Use a sharp knife to cut three slits in the top of each turnover.

Step 19: Bake The Turnovers

baked strawberry rhubarb turnovers
baked strawberry rhubarb turnovers - Jessica Morone/Tasting Table

Bake in the preheated oven for 20-22 minutes, until golden brown and puffed. Let cool while you make the glaze.

Step 20: Make The Glaze

Glaze being beaten in a bowl
Glaze being beaten in a bowl - Jessica Morone/Tasting Table

In a large bowl beat together the cream cheese, confectioners' sugar, vanilla extract, and milk until the mixture is smooth and reaches a drizzling consistency.

Step 21: Glaze The Turnovers

glaze being drizzled with a spoon onto baked turnovers
glaze being drizzled with a spoon onto baked turnovers - Jessica Morone/Tasting Table

Drizzle the glaze over the cooled turnovers.

Step 22: Serve The Turnovers

baked strawberry rhubarb turnovers on a cutting board
baked strawberry rhubarb turnovers on a cutting board - Jessica Morone/Tasting Table

Serve and enjoy.

Strawberry Rhubarb Turnovers Recipe

strawberry rhubarb turnovers
strawberry rhubarb turnovers - Jessica Morone/Tasting Table

What Is The Purpose Of The Egg Wash?

baked strawberry rhubarb turnovers
baked strawberry rhubarb turnovers - Jessica Morone/Tasting Table

Using an egg wash on turnovers serves a few purposes. The first is that it makes the pastry more visually appealing. Without it, the pastry will be pale and flat, but with the egg wash it will be golden brown and a bit shiny. Texturally, it helps make the pastry more crispy. But one of the most important reasons to use an egg wash for this recipe is because it helps to bind the pastry edges together, which helps keep the strawberry rhubarb filling inside these turnovers while they are baking.

This recipe uses a simple egg wash of just an egg and water, but there are a lot of different egg wash options. Morone notes that "using a whole egg in this egg wash will give you a nice golden brown color and ensure a crispy, flaky crust." You could also replace the water in the egg wash with milk for a slightly shinier pastry. If you don't have any eggs, you can brush the turnovers with whole milk, which will still give you a nice crispy pastry. For a little bit of extra sweetness and texture, you could also sprinkle some coarse sugar on the pastry crust after brushing on the egg wash and before popping these into the oven.

Why Does Turnover Dough Have To Be Rolled And Folded So Many Times?

cut open strawberry rhubarb turnovers
cut open strawberry rhubarb turnovers - Jessica Morone/Tasting Table

There are a lot of different types of pastry dough out there. This one uses a rough puff pastry, which is similar to puff pastry but requires a lot less folding and refrigeration. Though it needs to be worked less than traditional puff pastry, rough puff does still require some rolling and folding. Each time you fold the dough you make a layer, and while the pastry bakes in the oven the butter in the dough melts and the water in it releases steam. This causes the layers to separate and the pastry to rise and puff up.

"The trick to puff pastry is keeping it cold throughout the process of making it, if the dough seems to get too warm at any point while you are making it, just put it back in the fridge until it is cold again," Morone advises. If the pastry-making process just seems too daunting or you don't have time for it, you can always swap it out in this recipe with some store-bought puff pastry dough. It won't taste as good as the homemade version, but it will work in a pinch.

Read the original article on Tasting Table.