Strangers keep up conversation on Tinder for three years until Tinder steps in

Tinder couple
You could call it fate, or the internet [Photo: Twitter/Michelle Arendas/Josh Avsec]

There’s usually one course of action to take after matching with someone on Tinder: you message them.

Then, after a bit of to-ing an fro-ing and establishing that neither of you are axe murderers, you’ll meet up.

But one 21 year old and one 22 year old didn’t seem to get the memo about that last part.

When Michelle Arendas matched with Josh Avsec in 2014, he sent her a message.

To which she didn’t reply to for two months, saying: “hey sorry my phone died,” before having a quick exchange and dipping out of contact again.

So two months later, Avsec sent her a rather tongue-in-cheek message to grab her attention once again, saying “hey sorry was in the shower”.

And Arendas responded another month later.

You can guess how this ‘relationship’ continued – for three years, these interactions carried on without them meeting one another.

Until Avsec shared a screenshot of their messages on Twitter.

Gathering more than 25,000 retweets and 83,000 likes, let’s just say the internet now really wants these two to become a thing.

And Arendas had a perfect come back prepared too:

Tinder has even stepped in, offering to send the two on holiday together.

To which Avsec replied: “After a long debate over your unbelievably generous offer, our dream first-date [sic] would be in Hawaii.

“Meet you in Maui??”

And it looks like the pair are off to the tropical state – as long as they pack quicker than how long it took to respond to one another.

And, understandably, the pair are psyched for their utterly-surreal trip.

We want to know absolutely everything, so we’ll have to follow the pair on Twitter to find out what happens next.

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