How to stop a summer cold in its tracks

Photo credit: Martin Leigh / Getty
Photo credit: Martin Leigh / Getty

From Prima

Nothing feels crueller than a summer cold. While your friends and family are making plans for beach trips and BBQs, you're sneezing and coughing in bed. But there are a few things that can help stop your unseasonal sniffles in their tracks. You'll be back in the pool in no time.

1.Eat well

Summer is the season of BBQs and cheap burgers topped with processed cheese. Where possible, opt for organic grass-fed meat. Not only can you be sure the animal has been reared to high animal welfare standards, but organic meat has been shown to have up to 47% higher levels of omega-3 essential fatty acids, which emerging research indicate could stimulate certain immune cells.

Serve your BBQ with an array of rainbow coloured salads, topped with nuts and seeds, to ensure you are getting a variety of immune supportive nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin E, zinc and selenium.

2.Up your intake of vitamin C

Vitamin C is also beneficial for immunity, and has been shown to shorten the duration of colds by up to 8%, as well as reducing the severity. Strawberries and other berries are a delicious source of vitamin C and luckily grow in abundance during the summer months.

Go berry picking for strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, gooseberries, elderberries and black currants to top up on this immune supporting anti-oxidant.

3.Pop a probiotic

Approximately 70% of the immune system resides in the gut, which acts as our first line of defence against harmful viruses, bacteria and other pathogens. Taking a good quality daily live bacteria supplement, such as Bio-Kult Advanced multi-strain formula (£7.75 from Amazon), is a great strategy to support healthy digestion and immune function.

Traditional fermented foods such as sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir, yogurt, tempeh and miso have also been used for centuries to help keep gut flora balanced, so try incorporating some of these into your diet on a daily basis to help avoid summer sniffles.

Photo credit: Getty
Photo credit: Getty

4.And breathe...

When we are stressed and overtired the immune system's ability to fight off germs, viruses and other pathogens is reduced, leaving us as risk of infections. Summer can be none stop with parties and other social engagements, but be careful not to burn the candle at both ends. Set aside down-time for yourself - dig out that hammock, lie back with a good book and soak up some vitamin D (another key nutrient for immunity).

5.Fly smart

How many times have you landed on holiday only to get ill a couple of days later? One study found that colds may be more than 100 times more likely to be transmitted on a plane than during normal daily life on the ground. Some preventative measures you can take when flying include staying well hydrated, going easy on the in-flight drinks (alcohol depresses our immune system), getting some sleep instead of staying awake to watch in-flight movies and wearing a face-mask.

You may also want to irrigate your nose with a saline solution to help wash out germs and keep your nose hydrated during the flight.

6.Prioritise hygiene

Washing your hands frequently can help prevent the spread of infection, however many commercial soaps and anti-bacterial products contain harsh chemicals. A more natural solution is to make your own hand sanitiser by adding a few drops of anti-microbial essential oils (such as clove, sage, rosemary cinnamon, lavender or orange) to aloe-vera gel.

Store the mixture in a little bottle that's easy to carry in your day bag at summer festivals and other times where you are at increased risk of picking up infections.

Hannah Braye is a nutritional therapist for Bio-Kult

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