What the stars have in store for your sign this year

Photo credit: Pakin Songmor - Getty Images
Photo credit: Pakin Songmor - Getty Images

Wondering what the stars have in store for 2022? After two challenging years, Red's astrologer, Yasmin Boland, reveals that 2022 is not only looking easier, but it'll also allow us to finally move on...

Here, she runs through your yearly horoscope for 2022, across relationships, career and wellbeing...


21 March to 20 April

Clear your blocks

Relationships: Eclipses in your Self-Esteem Zone suggest you need to value yourself in relationships. Others will follow. With lucky Jupiter in your sign (May to October, and again in December), you’ll be more popular with everyone.

Career: Start the year by working through your fear of success. What holds you back? Maybe talk to a counsellor to clear any career blocks. Blast away past professional dramas and move on. A new career begins in May.

Wellness: The year 2022 is comparatively happier and easier; overall, despite all the razzamatazz coming your way, you are still in a healing cycle. Whether that is healing mentally, emotionally, physically or spiritually, make it a priority for the year ahead.


21 April to 21 May

Love & Chaos

Relationships: With rolling eclipses and chaos with planet Uranus, 2022 is a big year for you and all your relationships. If you’re single and looking, it’s a stand-out year to meet someone special. If you’re attached, tend to your relationship when it’s troubled. Don’t take anyone for granted.

Career: You have to put in some Saturnian hard yards to get to – or stay – at the top. Work through whatever is holding you back. Forgive whomever was involved in gestating this fear (including you) under a Full Moon.

Wellness: With so much wild energy in your chart, you must take extra care not to burn out. Meditation will soothe you and walking with bare feet on the earth (or using a grounding blanket) will ground you.


22 May to 22 June

In the friend zone

Relationships: Your social life is better than it’s been in at least 12 years. This isn’t just the post-lockdown effect; it’s because happy planet, Jupiter, being in your Friends Zone during 2022 puts you at the top of everyone’s invitation lists. Great friendships can boost your love life, too.

Career: Be careful all the after-hours fun doesn’t negatively impact your job! There is going to be a temptation to go wild, but you need a balance. A job that inspires you will reward you best in every way.

Wellness: Avoid too much fun, especially if you have a frail system. Your 2022 planetary alignments suggest you focus on your mental health. So chant, do yoga or whatever you enjoy, to get into a Zen head space

Photo credit: CSA Images - Getty Images
Photo credit: CSA Images - Getty Images


23 June to 23 July

An emotional purge

Relationships: It’s one more year with eruptive Pluto in your Love Zone. If you’ve been giving your loved ones a hard time, purge yourself emotionally. Respond instead of reacting. You can also make some super-powerful connections.

Career: Your career luck is at a 12-year peak. Think big and visualise what you want to achieve professionally. You will be flavour of the month at work, and there should be some fun chances to travel, too. Financially, the more you plan, the better.

Wellness: How do the eclipses in your Fun and Friendship Zones lead to better health? Happy mind, healthy body. It’s the law of attraction. The ruler of your Wellness Zone, Jupiter, is in good shape, so you should be, too.


24 July to 23 August

Focus on others

Relationships: Saturn lingers in your Love Zone throughout 2022. What you sow is what you reap in relationships. Do as you would be done by and you won’t go too far wrong. Be as selfless as you can be for one more year.

Career: How exciting do you want things to be professionally? The eclipses combined with change-making Uranus in your Career Zone mean you are poised for a total 2022 career turnaround.

Wellness: Detox planet Pluto is still in your Wellness Zone in 2022. The more you take the rubbish out of your life, the better. Declutter your home, and notice the positive impact on your mental health. Treat your body!


24 August to 23 September

Slow & Steady

Relationships: You have impressive love stars in 2022. Look for someone who lifts you up and inspires you. Give anyone you suspect is dodgy a very wide berth! If you’re long-term attached, go deeper with your partner.

Career: Slow and steady achieves your career goals in 2022. Show up every day and do what needs doing. Turn your work into service to others. All the enjoyment in your love life will take your mind off any drudgery.

Wellness: You have tedious, karmic planet Saturn in your Wellness Zone in 2022. Lucky you’re naturally drawn to a healthy lifestyle! More than ever, routines are your friend. Take that supplement and eat right to boost energy levels. Get enough sleep, too!


24 September to 23 October

Connect with the Numinous

Relationships: You have the best love stars in 2022, thanks to lucky Jupiter in your Love Zone. It could bring more romantic options, happiness about who you are with, or the confidence to leave an unhappy relationship.

Career: Quiet career sectors don’t necessarily mean a dull working life in 2022. Reframe it and decide to have a smooth-sailing year at work. The lack of drama is a chance to get important projects happening.

Wellness: With the planet Neptune still in your Wellness Zone throughout 2022, find peace and wellbeing through meditation. YouTube has many guided meditations. Connect with the numinous to feel super-good.

Photo credit: Little_Airplane - Getty Images
Photo credit: Little_Airplane - Getty Images


24 October to 22 November

All bets are off

Relationships: It’s an intense astrological year for your love life. With eclipses and the planet of chaos, Uranus, in your Love Zone, basically, all bets are off! Be careful what you wish for, though. Big changes are possible.

Career: Understand this: you are in a place astrologically where you have the chance to change your life 100%. This is not an overstatement. So if you want to change career in 2022, take steps towards making it happen.

Wellness: Jupiter’s move into your Wellness Zone – on and off – is great news for you if you feel exhausted after all this. Jupiter helps you to stay positive about life, and that’s half the battle, right? When we enjoy our days, our health tends to be better.


23 November to 21 December

Your time is now

Relationships: You have great romantic energy in your chart, especially between May and October. This is less about commitment and more about enjoying yourself in the moment, so embrace carefree opportunities.

Career: Your career is unlikely to be boring in 2022. Routines will be hard to stick to and you may never know what’s next, but if you work hard, this year could be an amazing one professionally.

Wellness: Focus on your health this year while everything is so up in the air. Because you can’t rely on routine, it could be very easy for you to slip into bad habits. Obviously, bad habits don’t lead to feeling good! So be wise; make time for self-care.


22 December to 20 December

Power & Passion

Relationships: 2022’s eclipses bring change to your friendship sector. Get out and have fun with your friends – especially if you are seeking romance. If you’re attached, tap into the good energy by socialising more as a couple.

Career: Passionate Pluto is in your sign all year (this changes in 2023), so your whole life is still up for transformation, including your career. Something to remember: maintain your professional integrity.

Wellness: There are no notable energies in your Wellness Zone this year. That said, one of the best ways for you to look after yourself healthwise in 2022 is to detox from whatever you know is no good for you in your diet. It might not be fun, but it will be worthwhile.

Photo credit: Anatartan - Getty Images
Photo credit: Anatartan - Getty Images


21 January to 19 February

Volatile energies

Relationships: The pressure from serious Saturn could leak into your relationships. Don’t be too heavy-handed with the people you love. Focus on how well or not you are communicating. Lighten things up for best results.

Career: The eclipses suggest a big career move for you. How ambitious are you? This is the year to go for it. If you fear that your current position is tenuous, you would do well to see what else is around as a Plan B.

Wellness: Saturn in your sign can bring you a lot of welcome discipline – to move your body daily, to do the exercises you know it will respond to, and to eat well and sleep enough. Be grown up when it comes to looking after yourself in 2022.


20 February to 20 March

Free yourself from fear

Relationships: You’ll feel more confident, which boosts important one-to-one relationships. You tend to be easygoing with people, but once you realise how fabulous you are, maybe you’ll draw stronger boundaries?

Career: Study and/or travel are both well starred for you in 2022, thanks to the eclipses. Colleagues, clients and bosses will love your open-minded perspective and agree that the sky really is the limit. Financially, 2022 looks promising.

Wellness: Fears don’t just hold us back in life; they eat away at us. Fear can even make us unwell. As Saturn goes through your Twelfth House, it’s the ideal time to look at what scares you, and why, and to deal with it.

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