How to Spot the Early Signs of Skin Cancer

How to Spot the Early Signs of Skin Cancer

Radio presenter Chris Evans has revealed he's been diagnosed with skin cancer.

The 57-year-old has explained that he's currently battling a form of skin cancer called melanoma. Thankfully, the disease has been caught in the early stages, and treatment will begin in September.

‘We need to discuss what’s going on with this issue. It is a melanoma. There’s this phrase called a malignant melanoma – you know once you get something and you find out all about it – that is a redundant phrase because if it is a melanoma it is malignant,’ Evans said on his Virgin Radio show.

‘But it’s been caught so early, just so you know, that it should be completely treatable. Treatment will happen on the 14th of September.’

The reason Evans got himself checked out for skin cancer was because of worries he had about high UV levels. Since 2019, he's been going for a yearly check-up for the disease, but his concerns about sun damage aren't commonplace among men. Data from Melanoma Focus revealed that 40% of men rarely or never wear sun cream in the UK.

Our advice? Be more like Evans and take skin cancer and melanoma seriously. You can start by getting clued up on the early signs of skin cancer in this guide.

What is Melanoma?

Melanoma is a form of skin cancer that is caused by DNA damage to the melanocytes in the skin, says Dr Daniel Glass from The Dermatology Clinic London. Melanocytes produce melanin, the pigment in your skin – the one that’s responsible for your suntan – and they also form moles.

‘In a melanoma skin cancer, these pigment cells become malignant and grow at an abnormally fast rate,’ he explains. Malignant melanoma is the deadliest form of skin cancer, because it has the potential to spread to other organs.

There are also various types of melanomas. Though typically found on the skin, it can occasionally occur in the mouth, intestines, or eye, where melanocytes exist.

‘There are more than 15,000 new cases of melanoma diagnosed every year in the UK,’ says Dr Luke James, medical director at Bupa UK Insurance. ‘It’s the fifth most common cancer in the UK, with rates having more than doubled since the early 1990s.’

What Are the Causes of Melanoma?

It’s thought that around 90% of melanomas are caused by exposure to harmful UltraViolet (UV) rays, says Dr Sarah Allinson, a NWCR-funded skin cancer researcher based at Lancaster University.

‘They damage the DNA in skin cells, triggering abnormal growth,’ she explains. ‘This overexposure usually presents itself as sunburn. Getting sunburnt just once can double your chances of developing skin cancer.’

This includes artificial sources of UV light, such as sunbeds. In fact, many sunbeds give out greater doses of ultraviolet rays than the midday tropical sun, increasing the risk of developing skin cancer, warns Gillian Nuttall, CEO of charity Melanoma UK. ‘Those who are frequently exposed to UV rays before the age of 25 are at greater risk of developing skin cancer later in life,’ she says.

Some people are more likely to develop melanoma than others. If you were often sunburnt as a child, have fair skin, work outside, have lots of moles (particularly unusual-looking ones), or have history of skin cancer in your family, you need to take extra care.

What Are the Signs of Melanoma?

Melanoma can present itself in various ways – as part of an existing mole, or as a brand new one – and the symptoms tend to vary from person to person. The most important thing is to check for changes in your skin.

‘The most common sign is an ‘odd’ mole which looks or behaves differently to normal,’ says Dr Ross Perry from skin clinic Cosmedics. ‘It could have unusual coloration, shape or appearance. In terms of behaviour, it may be itchy, crusty, bleeding or oozing. Not all symptoms will be present. The key is to look out for something that looks suspicious and get it checked ASAP.’

melanoma and normal mole comparison, skin cancer warning signs, abcde rules poster malignant tumor melanocyte cells growing into skin layers oncology prevention medical flat vector illustration

Use the ABCDE checklist to remember what to look for. A is for asymmetry, i.e. one half of the mole looks different to the other. B stands for border: check the outline, are the edges uneven? C represents colour – the mole should be one colour rather than two or more shades. D is for diameter; the mole should be no bigger than 6mm across, while E stands for evolution: has it changed in size, shape, or colour?

That said, the damage caused by UV rays isn’t always visible, as the symptoms can sometimes take up to 20 years to appear, adds Nuttall. The earlier you’re diagnosed, the better your chances of survival.

‘A person with a thin melanoma less than 0.75mm thick can expect to have a 95% chance five-year survival,’ says Dr Susan Mayou, consultant dermatologist at the Cadogan Clinic, ‘but with a melanoma greater than 4mm thick, this falls to as low as 25%.’

Is Any Sun Exposure Safe?

We need the sun for vitamin D – but 15 minutes on our hands and face, in tandem with a healthy, balanced diet, is enough, recommends Nuttall. ‘Most people think a little sunburn is harmless, but the second your skin starts to turn pink, the damage is already done.’

If you’re heading outside for the day, cover up (tempting as it might be go shirtless), don some appropriate headwear, and crack out a decent pair of UV-protective sunglasses.

‘Similarly, try to avoid the sunshine or cover up between 11am and 3pm when the sunlight is most intense and can cause the most skin damage,’ advises Dr James.

Slather on sun cream with an SPF of at least 30 – and look for high UVA protection, at least 4 stars. ‘Getting sunburn just once every two years can triple the risk of melanoma,’ advises dermatologist, Dr Jennifer Crawley. ‘That’s why it’s so important to apply sun cream all year round, not just when it’s hot.

‘The sun might not always be as fierce as it is during the summer, but UV rays can still be damaging on cooler days. Pay special attention to lips, hands and feet, these are the places most exposed to the sun’s rays.’

Most importantly of all, avoid using sunbeds, recommends plastic surgeon Dr Rowan Pritchard-Jones. ‘Even using a sunbed just once before the age of 35 will increase your chances of contracting skin cancer by 75%,’ he says. You have been warned.

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